Pokémon Universe > Game Features
Your Own Customizable Home
What I find not so good about the villa is that you cannot move things around, or add things of your own choice to it.
hehe sharing houses ^_^ how fun
this will be cool, :) everything should be pretty expensive though because owning a house in a certain area should be a great accomplishment, or even house in different town are differnt prices and some would be nicer than others
I'm not really that into the whole roleplaying thing, I'd just like to play the game competivily.. So the house thing, do they have any practical aplicance? For example, does your pokemon get an extra boost of somekind for resting in a homely enviroment? Or maybe your own character? Rested xp has already been denied, so that's out of the picture.. so is the houses only for apperance?? it just seems a bit boring to me.. I don't see why you'd want to spend money on them unless they generate some kind of an advantage.. unless you're a roleplaying person that is.. Do you have anything in mind here? :s
i really hope legendries are catchable
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