Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest-medium] Cleaning Up.

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well your in this town.[PU Picks] and you see this girl walking around. she ask's you if you can find the bandits that ruined her restaurant. you say yes. and she give's you hint to where they are. you and you catch them. and then you bring them to her she brings them to the police office and then she ask's you if you can clean her restaurant. so she send you on erins to get.

Water from. [PU Pick's]
Soap from. [PU Pick's]
Sponge from. [PU Pick's]
Broom from. [PU Pick's]
Paint and Paint brush form. [PU Pick's]

and then she cleans it up. and then you can go inside and get soda's.

and the reward is.

1,000 Pokedollars.
Cool black sun glasses.
Cool black pants.
cool black shirt.
Gold nugget.

thats my Quest.

So what do you think?

Does any one like my idea.


Either no one likes it, or you check your own subjects too much.

i think it's too simple. Too easy. Add more to it, make it longer, etc.


--- Quote from: Darien on February 25, 2010, 08:02:23 PM ---So what do you think?

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Darien on February 25, 2010, 09:36:37 PM ---Does any one like my idea.

--- End quote ---

Settle down Darien, I don't sit at the home page waiting for new posts to appear all day.
But be great full, because now you get a reply from the almighty Story Writer.

And let me start off by saying, this is why I'm called the "story" writer, not the "quest" writer. In other words, this is just a quest, nothing more, it lacks story. While story isn't always necessary for a game like this, I think it's important to still think more about back story than you have. All you have established is that a girl had her restaurant ransacked.

You haven't even described anything further than telling us we would have to go find them and bring them back.

Here, let me give you a piece of advice, and hopefully other people wanting to make their own suggestions will read this too.
If you want people to like your idea's, you have to portray them in a way that makes them appealing to people. Take a look at some of my topics, I could have just said (for Restaurant Recovery) "you go and find a restaurant where a chef says that all his stuff is being stolen by meowths, you go and get him his stuff back, and he rewards you. then if you take one of his meals to one of his customers they will give you a key card, you take the key card to a base, and fight a bunch of dogs, until you reach the top, and fight a boss."

Do you see how less appealing that is?
I will say this though, you don't have a bad idea, it just needs to be presented better, then I might take more notice of it.

analogy: would you rather come down to a christmas tree on christmas day, with lots of presents wrapped up, and pretty lights, and decorations, or would you rather just see the toys already out of their boxes and played with?


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