Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
[Quest] Settling Down, Up Springs A Town!
I guess a way that it can be implemented if only like the top three players could access this quest, then there won't be thousands of towns being created. This quest could have a special reward and i think it will encourage the players to train harder. It can be open maybe like after a tournament or something.
In the nicest possible way, I really don't think this is plausible, it would be a great amount of hassle to the programmers. Also the idea of an MMORPG is that you play along with other people, this kind of goes against that aspect. But 10/10 for trying...
Right, Thanks for all the feedback guys! ;D
--- Quote from: Kuixta on March 05, 2010, 04:51:14 PM ---I guess a way that it can be implemented if only like the top three players could access this quest, then there won't be thousands of towns being created. This quest could have a special reward and i think it will encourage the players to train harder. It can be open maybe like after a tournament or something.
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Yes, I have figured out how to make it only one town, After you finish the first quest, the entire town
is finished, but you won't be able to enter all the buildings until you meet certain conditions. ex- having badges or player level etc. ;)
--- Quote from: Declan_23 on March 05, 2010, 07:01:46 PM ---In the nicest possible way, I really don't think this is plausible, it would be a great amount of hassle to the programmers. Also the idea of an MMORPG is that you play along with other people, this kind of goes against that aspect. But 10/10 for trying...
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Thanks, Please see the above quote as I also thought about this, and have come up with multiple ideas to make the town accessible by everyone :)
--- Quote from: Interested Listener on March 05, 2010, 04:37:53 AM ---You know we should vote for what quests we think are the best. Like a poll at least, just to see. I think it would show overall what we would like to see in the game, this is one I would like to see in the game.
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As much as I encourage forum members to submit their own idea's and suggestion's (and believe me, myself, and the rest of the team, do listen), not everything can/will be incorporated just because a few people like the idea; for instance, this particular quest is way too complicated, and as stated, is designed more for a single player game, rather than a multiplayer one.
--- Quote from: stephenkill2 on March 05, 2010, 02:42:46 AM ---
Edit 2: If you don't like the instanced town idea individual to each player, when you finish the quest, the entire town will be finished, but you will only be able to enter buildings once certain criteria have been reached, and then you will still have to do a quest to access the services of whomever's house/business it was. That way, all players will be visible in the same town, and would be able to enter all the houses together if they meet the criteria.
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This makes the quest about a thousand times more possible. It's too bad you can't each have your individual town, but there are several reasons (complexity, and logic when looking at this from a world perspective, not a solo one). Also, the meadow event should not exist at all, this too just makes things needlessly complicated.
If (and I say IF for a reason) this style of quest were to be implemented, it would make much more sense for the town to already exist in its entirety, and already be fully established, as well as accessible to ALL trainers. The quest itself, would then become more along the lines of (again, thinking Animal Crossing...I like that game), donating funds, and services to help the town prosper. The rewards would be something like, item's to show you the town's appreciation, access to special events (tournaments, etc.), or discounts, acceptance from the gym leader to welcome you into the gym, etc.
The donations you could make would have to be on a constant, that way, you could keep coming back to helping the town, and your total would be calculated accordingly, with greater and greater rewards all the time.
Donations would not have to be limited to money either. You could offer to assist in the construction of the town, and be granted permission to enter a side street that takes you to an undeveloped district where construction is always going on. Naturally, the game would not actually show progress in this way, but at least you could go and see fellow trainers that have offered their services to the town, as well as find construction worker NPC's who might want to battle you, or send you on a branching quest.
There are a ton of idea's that you could use in this fashion, but when you get right down to it, they are all the same, just with a different name, and a different back drop.
So, to sum up, I don't know if it will be implemented, and I am not saying I like, or dislike this idea, but it is technically feasible, if you know how to tweak it as such.
Interested Listener:
Yeah I would agree with it being a little too complicated, but it seems well thought out. Hopefully we can simplify the quest even more so it can be brought into the game.
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