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[Serious] Autism allies

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Hey, Duotent, you may remember me? I used to be called Eragon, but I changed my name, crazy things have happened since I last posted here, I'm working on setting up my own company in the video field which I am passionate about, and My mentor is increasing  my training in Magick so I can be prepared for my official Initiation into the coven, but I'm still the aspie I was back then, A girl I once knew asked me if there was a cure for aspergers would I want it? and I said No.  I've lived with it for SO long It has become a part of me and if that part were to go, I wouldn't be me anymore. I like having aspergers and if it means I'll have people teasing me about it So mote it BE!

my half-brother has autism but he is progressing well. starting to learn to use the toilet(hes 6 in december) and is obsessed with cars, especially ones that look wierd like scions. he can tell you the make and model of almost any newer car . my bro is also in love with the tv. he watches a lot of pbs sprout and disney movies. don't get to see him as much as i would like to though. we live over 6 hours away from eachother(driving time). where do you live duotent? if its near sandiego my mom volunteers for an organization. i will get the name for you.


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