Pokémon Universe > Game Features

Cooking Idea

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I love the cooking idea. It worked well in Harvest Moon. I can see you renting an apartment in one of the cities and purchasing a kitchen to cook in. The pokemart could perhaps double as a supermarket to pick up berries, vegetables, and other ingredients.


--- Quote from: Mr_Dark on March 10, 2010, 12:28:15 AM ---Interesting idea which has crossed my mind a couple of times. Think we'll implement it somewhere along the line.

--- End quote ---

Awesome that would give many people another aspect in the game to take part in. Somehow there should be different aspects, like people would want to be trainers, breeders, collectors, whatever really but there should be something about training and breeding and all that to make it so if your goal is to be a breeder then there is something about breeding that takes time to do or work on only being a breeder. I do not know exactly what but it'll come if we keep our minds together on it lol.


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