So this kid in my class got angry and punched a concrete wall in school a few weeks ago and broke his hand in multiple places. He was hoping to get his cast off in two weeks or so but instead he had to get his bones realigned and I'm pretty sure he needed metal robs in his hand too to help keep the bones from shifting again. Eventually he became sick of waiting and today he decided to take the cast off himself.
The first time he tried to get it off he used a hammer. Needless to say all that did was rattle his hand around a bit.
The second time he used an electric cutter grinder [It's kind of like the electric grinders they use to get casts off, but is much more large and is designed to cut metal, not a person's cast]. This was a horrible idea considering that he only had one good hand to control it, and he could have easily slipped and chopped his fingers off.
The third time he tried to cut it open with a pair of tin snips... And succeeded! The smell of his unwashed hand was so horrible, and I couldn't help but noticed that the hand with the cast on it had grown so much dark hair! It looked like he had a single chimp hand. We made those perverted "hairy palm" jokes all day :]
Anyways, surprise - His hand wasn't fully healed and he had to get another cast!
Anyone else have any random idiot stories?