Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

New items

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--- Quote from: mightygamer2 on December 31, 2009, 08:41:41 PM ---personally, i don't like the ideas of having either gems or the amulet to make your pokemon automatically revive. i mean, that kinda defeats the purpose of the game. for the gem idea, i think it's kinda stupid, no offense. i mean, if you can't beat the pokemon, then why battle the trainer. and for the amulet idea, it's your fault to getting into that predicament in the first place. you should have enough potions and revives to replenish your pokemon's health, not depending on something like in zelda where you die and automatically come back to life (not putting zelda down, just making my point)

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the point of it is you can only use them once and there in really diffcult places to get to and anyone who reads this is think im stubborn think what you want

the point of it is you can only use them once and there in really diffcult places to get to and anyone who reads this is think im stubborn think what you want

but still, i don't like the point of this. i mean, there're already enough things in the pokemon world that fully heals a pokemon's health...i think it's way too unnecessary

yeah, they seem to have as much use as the old gateu in diamon and pearl, which is exactly like the full restore except more rare.


--- Quote from: Mr_Dark on December 28, 2009, 11:53:19 PM ---New attack will not be added to the game. Ever.

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Even if during the game (say next year or the next), a 5th generation of pokemon shows up with some new moves? ::)

Well, I'm not too keen with introducing new items either. There is the Focus Sash and Focus Band which can prevent pokemon from fainting concerning the 'revival gem'. Leftovers and other held 'HP regeneration' item are there to prolonge the time that a pokemon stays on the battlefield, and those are already doing a great job!

The only items I would like to have are the rare berries. Nobody can get them from DPPt, or HGSS as far as I know. And their effect are pretty good! ;) Hence, my question, would those berries be available? (like leichi and up to enigma berry)

Counter Bug:
I wouldn't use other item than Leftovers, Life Orb, Choice items, and Black Sludge. Focus Band is hax item (for nabs) and Focus Sash is only good for starter.


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