Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

New items

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I do like the idea of some berries being allowed in the game. If just for the story quests. Because some of us are forgetful and don't ever buy status healers.

Back on topic, there's really nothing a new item(In terms of battles) could do, that would be: a)useful, b)original, or c)added without destroying one or two of the basic rules of Pokemon.

That being said, I would love the Seals from Silver/Gold/Diamond/Pearl in PU. Maybe with some more options. ;)

Because presentation is everything. 8)

Hey, I like your idea of introducing the pokeball seals... perhaps adding some more too  :)


--- Quote from: Kuhns on January 15, 2010, 10:08:51 AM ---That being said, I would love the Seals from Silver/Gold/Diamond/Pearl in PU. Maybe with some more options. ;)

--- End quote ---

Explain please, for the people who never played those games (like me)

Seals have been introduced from the Sinnoh series. You can find them in the anime when Dawn gets to participate in her first contest.

In brief, seals are decorations on pokeballs. You need a seal case to be able to have pokeseals. From DPPt, you customise your pokeballs from your PC, once you get some pokeseals. You select the seal you want, put it on the pokeball using the stylus and you preview it. Some make puffs of smoke appear when the pokeball opens, others make hearts, etc all animated.

I hope you got it at least basically.

A much needed item would be items that extend the effects of gravity and trick room like a Damp Rock for Rain Dance.


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