Pokémon Universe > Game Features
Obey/Disobey feature
Following the thread made eariler in the Ideas and Suggestions about what the game shouldn't have, I was wondering if there will be the 'obey/disobey' feature in pokemon that are too high in level for the current trainer level.
All players (presumably) are allowed to trade with anyone, and hence can get a high level pokemon in the process. If that pokemon turns out to be disobeying, this trading would be discouraged.
So, PU team?
I'm not following you, are you saying you're for noobs running around with high-level Pokemon that they didn't train/earn?
Because I far as I know, noobs won't be allowed to use high level Pokemon.
--- Quote from: Kuhns on March 14, 2010, 05:35:39 AM ---I'm not following you, are you saying you're for noobs running around with high-level Pokemon that they didn't train/earn?
Because I far as I know, noobs won't be allowed to use high level Pokemon.
--- End quote ---
He said if the trade where to happen, and your a noob with a lvl 57 w/e, then the pokemon would not obey you in battle.
Anyways I feel like the player should be a certain level for him to even be able to trade for strong pokemon. If you trained it yourself then I guess it should listen to you. But this might also encourage people to get badges IF high lvl pokemon don't listen to you :]
maybe just make it so depending on how old the charcter is thats how high a level pokemon like if they just started playing they can trade only for level 5-10 pokemon
The DEVS should make it so you need to meet a certain requirement to be able to trade at all. this keeps new players from getting high lvl pokemon.
If it is made so high lvl ones don't obey you and a new person gets one, they could just keep it in their pc until it does obey if anyone can do trades.
And if a Pokemon doesn't obey you past a certain lvl there might not be many people that trade for high lvls if they can't use them. Most trading would probably end up being done by trainers with at least 8 badges and lvl 50-100 Pokemon.
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