Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

following pokemon

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Maybe it is just me. But is'nt 3 sprites per direction needed?

(3*4)*493 = 5916


--- Quote from: Kamaran on December 27, 2009, 01:56:46 PM ---Maybe it is just me. But is'nt 3 sprites per direction needed?

(3*4)*493 = 5916

--- End quote ---

Oeh that's true, I blame the Christmas alcohol  :-X


Please stay on topic and make another topic about this subject.

Counter Bug:
Why do you need 3 pics for the steps? Do you give your sprites three legs?  ;D

Well, but I understand its too much work and you need the time for other stuff.


--- Quote from: SmogKinK on December 28, 2009, 11:54:04 AM ---Why do you need 3 pics for the steps? Do you give your sprites three legs?  ;D

Well, but I understand its too much work and you need the time for other stuff.

--- End quote ---

If you don't use 3 sprites (minimal) for walking it'll look like they're hovering behind you and that's just cheap.


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