Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Lul wut?

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This is true, it is his suggestion and its under the suggestions. Just because they are not the best ideas doesn't really mean he disrespect them. Everyone makes a bad suggestion sometime in their life. But a few times people make genius suggestions which is why people need to keep suggesting things, because who knows it may make an impact in the game.



--- Quote from: Taze on March 16, 2010, 12:56:57 AM ---I've been lurking for like a day now and it doesn't seem like there is a thread about bugs or anything (what the beta testers are suppose to be filling out).  I don't know how it works cause obviously im not a beta tester or i just haven't lurked enough.

--- End quote ---
It exists, but it's in the part of the forum that only pre-beta testers can see :D


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