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Author Topic: Stefan's rare-hunt  (Read 3384 times)

Offline Frenchfry

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Stefan's rare-hunt
« on: April 02, 2010, 11:46:42 PM »
I got bored, so I decided to try my hand at roleplaying. The stars of this story - which I will continue if people like it - are Stefan Bashkir, a rare pokemon hunter, and his partner Sunset, a Lucario. Some of you might have seen my quest idea, and this is, in fact, the very same Stefan, though in the past, a little before he became famous. So without further ado, my story.

In the deep, dark, unforgiving forest called Tiny Woods, a caterpie was cacooning itself in preperation for evolution. Approximately halfway through its covering itself with web, the caterpie was stamped into the ground by a Grovyle moving lightning-fast through the woods. Dazed, but unharmed alive, the caterpie pulled itself out of the hole it had made in the ground, only to be kicked an easy eight feet away by a man dressed like Van Helsing pursuing the Grovyle.

Stefan cursed under his breath. That Grovyle was a touch faster than him, and the mask over his mouth was beginning to make simple breathing a challenge; his clothing was hardly suited for dodging through a forest like this. He reached a hand to his belt, and grabbed a throwing knife out of it. He lifted it by the blade, took aim, and threw- and the knife whizzed past the grovyle's head.
This, however, was intentional. The knife dug a few inches into a tree, and a failing branch, shaken by the impact, gave in and fell- catching the grovyle by the foot. The branch did not stop the Grovyle, but it did trip it up, making it stumble and slam headfirst into a tree. The grovyle fell backwards, unconscious.
Irritaded, Stefan called out, "Gee wiz, thanks for the help, Sunset. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule of watching paint dry to give me a hand with this chase."
the leaves of a nearby tree rustled, and a Lucario landed softly on the ground in front of him.
"You did fine on your own, didn't you?" Sunset rolled out his shoulder nonchalantly.
"Oh, yes, I did fine. If you count ten minutes of chasing a single pokemon - which, mind you, is twice as agile and slightly faster than I am - through an unfamiliar forest while it hurtles through a deathtrap made of wood at fifty miles an hour as 'doing fine'."
"Meh. It hardly matters. We can still get out, and nothing else was affected in the forest, so what's the problem?"
Stefan still appeared irritated, though he said nothing more. Instead, he tossed a Pokeball at the grovyle, which put up very little resistance due to its recent head injury.

Later, at a pokemon center, Stefan passed the time waiting for his Grovyle to recover by reading the newspaper to see what his next target would be. Psyduck sighted near littleroot? He has twenty of them from his first year of being a trainer. Rattas loose in oldale? Don't make me laugh, you can't walk ten feet without stepping on one of them. Ralts in kanto? that caught his eye. Why would that appear in a Hoenn newspaper? He read more of the article. Apparently this particular ralts has a habit of attacking everything it sees. Just about the exact opposite of normal behavior. The species might not be rare, but that would certainly be a one-of-a-kind catch. Hell, it might even be a male. Gallades were one of those species that Stefan never could get a hold of.
Sunset looked up at him. "I know that look. You found our next target?"
Stefan spun a pokeball on the tip of his finger, one of his alternatives to actually twiddling his thumbs. "Oh, I found are target all right. Before that, though, we have to enter a tournament of some sort."
"And why is that?"
"Because I'm broke."

Quick note here: If anyone was planning on telling me that Sunset is a pokemon and shouldn't be able to talk, he's a Lucario. Lucario, Mewtwo, and Lugia can talk, according to the anime movies.