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Author Topic: Monologue Subtext. (Good for a laugh.)  (Read 6311 times)

Offline Shiranui

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Monologue Subtext. (Good for a laugh.)
« on: March 23, 2010, 11:45:08 PM »
Okay see in Drama, for our Nine Weeks Test. My teacher told us to do a Monologue, that needs to include a Character Sheet, Subtext, and a Set Design. Well a Subtext is during the Monologue what is the character really thinking? My Monologue is B.E.N. From Treasure Planet. Released only in America, I think.

Well since this is a Cartoon and I have no idea what B.E.N. was really thinking I made up what he was thinking and I say it's pretty Hilarious.

Ben:Aah! Oh, this is fantastic!A carbon-based life formcome to rescue me at last! l just want to hug you and squeeze you... and hold you close to me.
(Could this really be happening? Has somebody finally come to bring me my Nachos?)
Ben:Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. lt's just l've been marooned for so long.l mean, solitude's fine. Don't get me wrong. For heaven's sakes, after a hundred years. you go a little nuts! Ha ha ha! l'm sorry. Am l... l am, um... My name is, uh... B.E.N.! Of course, l'm B.E.N. Bioelectronic Navigator. Oops. And you are?
(Have you come to keep my company; and then give me my Nachos?)
Ben:Oh, what a pleasure to meet you, Jimmy.
(You must be Jimmy the Postman, how pleasant. Now where are my Nachos?)
Ben: Anyway...
(Please give my my Nachos.)
Ben: Oh, pirates! Don't get me started on pirates! l don't like them. l remember Captain Flint. This guy had such a temper.
(SO THE PIRATES HAVE MY NACHOS?! I'll talk their ear off till they give them to me.)
Ben: l think he suffered from mood swings, personally. l'm not a therapist, and anyway... But l--you let me know when l'm rambling.
(Yes I knew him, until I killed him because he stole my nachos from me.)
(I thought you were here to give my my Nachos, not look for some old dusty treasure.)
Ben: lt's--well, it's... it's all a little-- little--little fuzzy. Wait. l--l r-r-remember. l do. l--treasure! Lots of treasure buried in the centroid-- centroid--centroid of the mechanism. And there was this big door opening and closing... and opening and closing... and Captain Flint wanted to make sure... nobody could ever get to his treasure... so l helped him. Aah! Data inaccessible! Reboot!
(Oh No, here I go again, brain Malfunction. Give me my Nachos before I kill you.)
Ben: Reboot! Aah! And you are?
(If I play it cool, he won't know I'm gonna kill him.)
Ben: l want to say Larry.
(Gotta Change the subject quick before we catches on.)
Ben: l'm sorry. My memory isn't what it used to be. l've lost my mind. Ha ha! l've lost my mind. You haven't found it, have you? Uh, my missing piece? My primary memory circuit?
(HAHA!!! Now it's Time to die Larry the Cable Guy!! You should have given me my Nachos.)
Kilik: Dragon By Birth, Alchemist by Nature.