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Author Topic: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!  (Read 57830 times)

Offline sliux109

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Re: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!
« Reply #75 on: July 01, 2010, 02:13:19 AM »
facts of why Ho-oH is awsomer

Sacred Fire v Aero Blast
Aero Blast just has a little bit of crit chance
sacred fir is stronger
it can thaw out of frozen
it is physical

ho oh has 130 phys attack matching its sacred fir phys
ho oh has brave bird while lugia has dragon rush and brave bird is better by far
lugia is a defensicve pokemon and does not have much good attacks (for the "lugia is super strong guy")

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!
« Reply #76 on: July 01, 2010, 01:38:18 PM »
facts of why Ho-oH is awsomer

Sacred Fire v Aero Blast
Aero Blast just has a little bit of crit chance
sacred fir is stronger
it can thaw out of frozen
it is physical

ho oh has 130 phys attack matching its sacred fir phys
ho oh has brave bird while lugia has dragon rush and brave bird is better by far
lugia is a defensicve pokemon and does not have much good attacks (for the "lugia is super strong guy")

Sacred Fire is the same as Aeroblast, if not worse. Sacred fire is physical, but you are more likely to encounter high defense Pokemon rather than high Spec. Defense Pokemon. I don't know how it being physical is a reason its better.. Okay, yes, it can thaw out frozen, I'll give you that. But that's not a good thing! If an enemy Pokemon is frozen, wouldn't you want it to stay that way?

Ok, Ho-oh has 130 attack, but Lugia has 130 defense. Being a defensive Pokemon is not bad. All it means is that you can take more hits, and survive longer. If it can't last one round, an offensive Pokemon is useless, whereas a defensive Pokemon can take the hit and get a move off. Lugia is also faster than Ho-oh, and gives it yet another advantage.

You also said that Brave Bird is better than Dragon Rush. Yes it has higher power, but Dragon Rush is close behind. Brave Bird also deals heavy damage to the Pokemon who uses it, making it easy to take out after it is used. It also depends on what Pokemon you are fighting. In competitive matches, you are likely to come accross Dragon types such as Salemence, rather than grass, bug, or fighting. Flying attacks are also resisted by much more than Dragon attacks. If you attack with a Dragon move, it will most likely deal normal damage. Flying moves, however, are resisted by more and so you are probably going to end up using a different type of move instead of Brave Bird.

All of this (And some other stuff) Makes Lugia the better of the two.


Offline LeoReborn

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Re: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!
« Reply #77 on: July 01, 2010, 03:20:28 PM »
Here, I will post my moveset for Ho-oh and Lugia

Lugia Type Psy/Fly
Charge Beam, Aeroblast, Waterfall, Extrasensory

Ho-oh Type Fire/Fly
Sacred Fire, Shock Wave,
Fly, Recover

Advantage: Lugia
Why: Lugia has Charge Beam, and it ups your Sp.Atk 1 level per use, all of Lugia's attacks are Special moves, except Waterfall. This means you can use Charge Beam, and if you need a type advantage, The move will be stronger anyway. It also provides matching flexibility, for more types of moves, it means more super Effective hits.

And of course, Ho-oh is just going to keep using Recover.

Thats where Charge Beam is used by Lugia again, a type advantage, increasing its strength with every shot, eventually, it will bring down Ho-oh.
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Offline xhizor8201

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Re: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!
« Reply #78 on: October 02, 2010, 02:14:07 AM »
Lugia, no doubt about it. I especially like that it seems like a water type and learns hydro pump, but it isnt. Oh, and lugia can learn earthquake which puts it at a huge advantage against certain pokemon.

Offline JohnnyXtreme

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Re: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!
« Reply #79 on: October 02, 2010, 08:19:49 PM »
facts of why Ho-oH is awsomer

Sacred Fire v Aero Blast
Aero Blast just has a little bit of crit chance
sacred fir is stronger
it can thaw out of frozen
it is physical

ho oh has 130 phys attack matching its sacred fir phys
ho oh has brave bird while lugia has dragon rush and brave bird is better by far
lugia is a defensicve pokemon and does not have much good attacks (for the "lugia is super strong guy")

Sacred Fire is the same as Aeroblast, if not worse. Sacred fire is physical, but you are more likely to encounter high defense Pokemon rather than high Spec. Defense Pokemon. I don't know how it being physical is a reason its better.. Okay, yes, it can thaw out frozen, I'll give you that. But that's not a good thing! If an enemy Pokemon is frozen, wouldn't you want it to stay that way?

Ok, Ho-oh has 130 attack, but Lugia has 130 defense. Being a defensive Pokemon is not bad. All it means is that you can take more hits, and survive longer. If it can't last one round, an offensive Pokemon is useless, whereas a defensive Pokemon can take the hit and get a move off. Lugia is also faster than Ho-oh, and gives it yet another advantage.

You also said that Brave Bird is better than Dragon Rush. Yes it has higher power, but Dragon Rush is close behind. Brave Bird also deals heavy damage to the Pokemon who uses it, making it easy to take out after it is used. It also depends on what Pokemon you are fighting. In competitive matches, you are likely to come accross Dragon types such as Salemence, rather than grass, bug, or fighting. Flying attacks are also resisted by much more than Dragon attacks. If you attack with a Dragon move, it will most likely deal normal damage. Flying moves, however, are resisted by more and so you are probably going to end up using a different type of move instead of Brave Bird.

All of this (And some other stuff) Makes Lugia the better of the two.


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Re: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!
« Reply #80 on: October 02, 2010, 08:42:36 PM »
Id still pick Lugia ;)

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Re: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!
« Reply #81 on: October 03, 2010, 02:16:59 AM »
This thread already exists, but I say Lugia.

They both have immunity to ground, but Ho-oh has a double weakness to rock, making it take 50% damage upon switching into sealth rock. Ho-oh is weak to very common attacks, such as thunder, waterfall, and surf.

He's stronger, but is way slower and has a lower defense/special defense than Lugia.

So he's slower, less defensive and has common weaknesses. Seems like a simple choice

Lugia also looks cooler
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