Pokémon Universe > Game Features

Community Contests/Lotteries


I was thinking about some of the small luck based things in pokemon, such as that lady that draws random numbers and if one matches your pokemon's ID you get a master ball...

Anyway I thought there could be a monthly/weekly lottery of some kind that people could participate in to get a chance to win a prize, such as a rare pokemon, or maybe an item.

They could also be leaderboard based contests. Whoever caught the most pokemon in a certain amount of time, or whoever completed some kind of mini-game fast enough...

Then whenever an event ends, there will be a notification that says who won and what they got. that would also be an opportunity to encourage others to participate in the next one.

Sigh, you mean kinda like this? This has already been discussed.


--- Quote from: Kuhns on March 26, 2010, 01:16:40 AM ---Sigh, you mean kinda like this? This has already been discussed.

--- End quote ---

QFT, Locked.


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