Pokémon Universe > Game Features


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--- Quote from: ghandor on February 10, 2010, 05:13:53 PM ---but both those servers will be not normal time for ppl who play from the other side of the world, such as australia :) so timing tournaments at different times might still be something to consider.

also i think tournaments should be totally item free. between tournament rounds you can heal your pokes or swap out some of your pokes.  but during battles its just how you use your pokes, otherwise it can be the person with the most potions etc that wins rather than the better team. maybe a program can be developed that blocks item use.

it might also be good to have type tournaments too, such as bug type tourneys, water tourneys, flying tourneys etc. again a program could be developed that checks validity of team.

--- End quote ---

Look, I don't mean to offend but both these ideas have been talked about already. Next time, try using the search bar...

not offended and did use the search bar :) i may just need to expand search parameters next time...will have another search, but this seemed the most appropriate of those i read through.

Let's continue in this thread:



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