Pokémon Discussion > Games

New Game (pokemon)/VGC's Dual Topic!

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well personally i love that they're still releasing new games, i love the fact that they are still making new Pokemon(even though they are going overboard with legendaries, even though i can see why they did it for d/p/pt) but yeah  i love the games i play them, beat them, play for a month or so, transfer my Pokemon to a main game, sell all my other games to my friends for $30(cant believe they would do that)


--- Quote from: spirit on April 10, 2010, 09:45:15 AM ---Obviously you have never heard my story.

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Tell me your story NOW!!!! I mean 'I would like to hear your story, pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassseee'


--- Quote from: Declan_23 on April 12, 2010, 05:09:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: spirit on April 10, 2010, 09:45:15 AM ---Obviously you have never heard my story.

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Tell me your story NOW!!!! I mean 'I would like to hear your story, pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassseee'

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Seeing as i grew up on the original, I WANNA HEAR YOUR STORY TOO!! TELL MEH!!!!!or die ;D jk...or am i ::)


I hope they aren't so many legendaries on this game.  I wish Team Rocket would make a reappearance.  They're the only truly evil syndicates in the Pokemon games.

Not guys trying to create more land and sea.  Not people trying to create a new world.  Just mafia styled gangsters.


--- Quote from: spirit on April 10, 2010, 09:45:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sephiroth on April 10, 2010, 08:13:00 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sch3rox on April 10, 2010, 03:55:52 AM ---
--- Quote from: NostawDNA on April 10, 2010, 03:39:07 AM ---will this be gen 5 pokemon?

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yes its the 5th Generation..i think its the last game of pokemon...in my opinion it should be the last game...FINAL END

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I agree with this, it's definitely starting to get out of hand. It's too difficult to keep up with all the generations, you just can't get to know that many pokemon as deeply as people learn their first 150 or so

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Obviously you have never heard my story. Believe me, the story I so desperately wish to tell to Nintendo should be the end of the series (or so, I, and those I have told it to believe); it would span about 3 seasons, and 3 movies, as well as being one game (or two or three, if you include versions). Fortunately, as story writer for PU, I am able to incorporate some of my idea's from that series. That doesn't mean that you will get the same story as I came up with years ago, but my rendition of PU has some inspiration from there.

I should probably add, that the story I am referring to (the one I want to tell Nintendo, not the one I am using for PU), is a little more mature than the rest of the series (so that it appeals more to the fans of the original, in other words, it's target market age, is for those who were young when the series was), but not so mature that new children couldn't enjoy it, and it still would have the original feel that we so dearly miss.

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NO! it sould never end, they just need to change it up a bit, give it a better multiplayer experence, and bring it to the XBox.
 And I dont care if its a nentendo game.


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