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Author Topic: Pokemon you HATE.  (Read 185014 times)

Offline Declan_23

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2010, 12:22:43 PM »
All worm pokemon after caterpi and weedle. (e.g. Wurmple) I mean after the first two why did they just copy them and change the colour??

Offline Alais

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2010, 08:34:55 PM »
ok before everyone in the forum starts saying that pokemon keep getting stupid looking with every gen just remember that origeneraly pokemon was made for 10 - 12 year olds after school and then other people of other ages started liking it or grew up with it like us. the designs are just becoming more realistic than they used to be so that kids can reconizes the pokemon for their basic structure. like infernape is soposed to be a monkey. torterra is a land tortois. totadile is a alligater/crocodile. and other examples thereof. opinions are well and dandy but pokemon is pokemon they all have good traits and they all have bad traits. I mean have any of you actually trained all 493 pokemon to lv. 100. sure some are extremely powerful but beating the strong one with a team of lv. 100 caterpies kakunas and others of the like is something that can be a good experience.

Ok. Firstly, Pokemon is definitely still made for the 6-14 age group. Those of us who are older than that either loved Pokemon as younger kids, or are here simply because Pokemon is so huge, that by probability there is going to be a large community of older fans (though still vastly outnumbered by young kids).

I'm not sure what you mean by "getting more realistic" with each generation. I took the liberty of counting the number of pokemon which appear to be closely based on an animal or plant:

Gen 1 - 93/151 62%
Gen 2 - 47/100 47%
Gen 3 - 66/135 49%
Gen 4 - 55/107 51%

The design of Pokemon is getting lazier, an example being the number with an oval for a head -

Plusle, Minun, Nuzleaf, Slakoth, Spinda, Aipom, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Buneary, Glameow, Purugly, Mime Jr., Croagunk, Lickylicky, Electivire, Lake spirits.

Notice I'm not even including those that should have round heads, like Pichu, Torchic, Mudkip, Surskit, Swablu etc.

There are also copies made, some of which are ok, and some which are just unnecessary:

Sentret/Furret and Zigzagoon/Linoone
Pichu, Plusle, Minun and Pachirisu
Wurmple/evolutions and Caterpie/Weedle/evolutions
Meowth/Persian and Skitty/Delcatty and Glameow/Purugly are all normal type housecats
Venomoth and Dustox and Mothim - do we really need three different moth pokemon?
Magnezone, Electivire, Magmortar and Rhyperior just look bad. They ruin four great lines of pokemon.

Also, Torterra is based on Aspidochelone, a legendary sea turtle with an island on its back.

There are many Pokemon with no redeeming features at all. I won't list them here, but explain to me the appeal of Dunsparce, for instance, or Volbeat and Illumise, strictly on an artistic level, because that is what this thread is about.

I don't see why I have to train every (or any!) Pokemon to 100 to hate a design.

It is difficult for the designers to constantly make new Pokemon, but that doesn't mean we can't have an opinion. Some of the designs are just plain bad.

All that being said, this topic was intended to be just for fun!
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Offline Sibone1

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2010, 12:51:36 AM »
ok before everyone in the forum starts saying that pokemon keep getting stupid looking with every gen just remember that origeneraly pokemon was made for 10 - 12 year olds after school and then other people of other ages started liking it or grew up with it like us. the designs are just becoming more realistic than they used to be so that kids can reconizes the pokemon for their basic structure. like infernape is soposed to be a monkey. torterra is a land tortois. totadile is a alligater/crocodile. and other examples thereof. opinions are well and dandy but pokemon is pokemon they all have good traits and they all have bad traits. I mean have any of you actually trained all 493 pokemon to lv. 100. sure some are extremely powerful but beating the strong one with a team of lv. 100 caterpies kakunas and others of the like is something that can be a good experience.

Ok. Firstly, Pokemon is definitely still made for the 6-14 age group. Those of us who are older than that either loved Pokemon as younger kids, or are here simply because Pokemon is so huge, that by probability there is going to be a large community of older fans (though still vastly outnumbered by young kids).

I'm not sure what you mean by "getting more realistic" with each generation. I took the liberty of counting the number of pokemon which appear to be closely based on an animal or plant:

Gen 1 - 93/151 62%
Gen 2 - 47/100 47%
Gen 3 - 66/135 49%
Gen 4 - 55/107 51%

The design of Pokemon is getting lazier, an example being the number with an oval for a head -

Plusle, Minun, Nuzleaf, Slakoth, Spinda, Aipom, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Buneary, Glameow, Purugly, Mime Jr., Croagunk, Lickylicky, Electivire, Lake spirits.

Notice I'm not even including those that should have round heads, like Pichu, Torchic, Mudkip, Surskit, Swablu etc.

There are also copies made, some of which are ok, and some which are just unnecessary:

Sentret/Furret and Zigzagoon/Linoone
Pichu, Plusle, Minun and Pachirisu
Wurmple/evolutions and Caterpie/Weedle/evolutions
Meowth/Persian and Skitty/Delcatty and Glameow/Purugly are all normal type housecats
Venomoth and Dustox and Mothim - do we really need three different moth pokemon?
Magnezone, Electivire, Magmortar and Rhyperior just look bad. They ruin four great lines of pokemon.

Also, Torterra is based on Aspidochelone, a legendary sea turtle with an island on its back.

There are many Pokemon with no redeeming features at all. I won't list them here, but explain to me the appeal of Dunsparce, for instance, or Volbeat and Illumise, strictly on an artistic level, because that is what this thread is about.

I don't see why I have to train every (or any!) Pokemon to 100 to hate a design.

It is difficult for the designers to constantly make new Pokemon, but that doesn't mean we can't have an opinion. Some of the designs are just plain bad.

All that being said, this topic was intended to be just for fun!

Exactly this! The thread wasnt intended for pokemon that are bad to train and play with in the game, its for pokemon we dislike.

You wouldnt buy a very expensive car because it performs well if its extremely ugly.

Offline Cool_Trainer_Rick

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2010, 06:32:28 AM »
Golduck. 'Cuz Psyduck shouldn't evolve!

Offline Cameronf15

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2010, 06:25:19 PM »
I think slopoke and slobro

Offline Kolea

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2010, 10:19:15 PM »
Zubat: In the original game it looked like it was wearing a diaper.
Tentacool/Bellsprout: Wrap Wrap Wrap
Rotom: We all know why...
Steelix: So you take an awesome and cool pokemon like onix. and you evovle it into a stronger but less cool pokemon. D:
Two things are infinite : the universe and human stupidity; I’m not sure about the universe.

Poliwr-wait no slowpo- wait no... Aha! Taurus pwns!

Offline joe198098

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2010, 12:30:04 PM »
i agree. the newest ones where epic failures. game freak should hire me to design pokemon  ;). also dont like regice cuz the legs are stupid. and zubat pissed me off becuase it always shows up in caves.

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #37 on: February 05, 2010, 12:05:13 AM »
Here. We. Go.
I'll be here for hours.

Gen I:

Gen II:
Octillery << I am really really scared of Octopi. Not really a design issue. Just me.
Togetic << Looks bad.

Gen III:
Sceptile << Looks crap, not remotely badass.
Combusken << Looks... again just awful. Also like a big penis.
Poochyena line << Okay idea (dark pokes early), just looks bad and has bad stats.
Zigzagoon line << Why would we need more?
Wurmple lines << Tries to be like Caterpie - Butterfree and Venomoth. Fails at holding a candle to both.
Lotad, Seedot lines << Just suck. Aren't Pokemon.
Taillow line << Awful design. Look awful.
Masquerain << I like the animals that Surskit is based off. Masq just sucks.
Slakoth line << Snorlax forever. Also, like, Sloth pokemon could be so much better.
Whismur line << Just f* it.
Makuhita line << Looks like a sack of crap.
Nosepass << Fffff
Skitty line << Make it like... Psychic type or something and maybe we'll talk. Just generic pokemon. Normal Psychic.
Electrike/Manectric << Their heads are like... messed up, if their manes were redesigned they'd be pretty okay.
Minun/Plusle << ...
Volbeat/Illumise << God damn it. Just awful in every way.
Roselia << Too cute looking. No personality.
Gulpin line << ...
Carvahna/Sharpedo << Just suck.
Wailmer line << Eh.
Numel line << Make them look better and they're okay.
Torkoal << Make him look better (his head is awful) and okay.
Spoink line << God damn it.
Cacnea line << ...
Solrock/Lunatone << GOD DAMN IT.
Barboach line << Useless.
Baltoy line << =/
Lileep line << =/
Feebas line << Magikarp #2 attempt. Hell no.
Castform << ... ('...' basically means "It sucks balls")
Chimecho << ...
Snorunt line << ...
Spheal line << Better art could make them passable.
Clampearl lines << Nope.
Relicanth << Eh... not too bad in design. Sucks though.
Lovedisk << Hate. So much hate.
Beldum line << ...
The Legendaries << All of them are terribly designed.

So, the salvageable ones are: Spheal line, Relicanth, Torkoal, Numel line, Electrike line, Sceptile, Combusken.

For Gen IV, I'll actually list the ones I like. As I hate them all cept for a few.  Generally because they are badly designed in terms of look (they look bad), they are moronic, or they're just a dumb rehash of previous pokemon.

I like:
Turtwig line << They still need to be redesigned - example, Torterra should have a proper face.
Chimchar line << They do a bit for the metagame, however, they need to be redesigned. The tatts just look bad.
Piplup line << Empoleon needs to look more organic, with more personality.
Starly line << Pidgey... but in the BL tier. I can respect that. Maybe better faces.
Shinx line << Better faces.... white tummies... look more like Pokemon
Buizel << Take off the ring and he'd look good. Floatzel sucks balls.
Ambipom << Aipom needed an evolution, but this one looks pretty bad. Fix his face, make the hands more like Airpom's tail hand, not like freaking... massive pimples on palms.
Mismagius << Hell yes.
Honchkrow << Maybe make him a little less stumpy and fat. A more full body would work.
Happiny << I can respect it.
Chatot << Looks like a Pokemon. I can deal with it.
Munchlax << Sure.
Lucario line << Look quite like Pokemon. Well done.
Weavile << Sure
Abomasnow << Well, he was a good concept (Grass/Ice). But he looks like crap. Totally redesign him.
Lickylicky << Redesign and he'll be okay.
Tangrowth << Maybe another redesign.
Yanmega << New, more colourful colour scheme.
Leafeon/Glaceon << Good. Actually look like Pokemon. Awesome.
Gliscor << Slight redesign
Dusknoir << Sure. I like the pre-evolutions.
Legendaries << Get f*d.

Okay... so that's all the ones I hate, and, the ones I can actually stand from 4th gen. Most of which still need to be redesigned haha.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 12:15:19 AM by Level5Pidgey »
Read my Game Design Blog!

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Offline Dellancher

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #38 on: February 05, 2010, 12:33:32 AM »
Rhyperior- Just looks awkward and disproportional.  It just kills such an awesome, basic looking Pokemon, Rhydon

Scizor- Deadly scythes turn into crab claws? Lame.

Zubat- Please leave me alone, I'm just trying to get to Cerulean.

Tentacool- The Zubat of the sea...

Plusle/Minun/Pachirisu- I'm sure Pikachu's just as pissed about these guys.

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Offline Gingimon

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #39 on: February 05, 2010, 12:42:19 AM »
Zubat: In the original game it looked like it was wearing a diaper.
Tentacool/Bellsprout: Wrap Wrap Wrap
Rotom: We all know why...
Steelix: So you take an awesome and cool pokemon like onix. and you evovle it into a stronger but less cool pokemon. D:

I agree with Rotom 100% haha, worst pokemon ever made
onto my list

Gen1-the zubats, tentacools, geodude always up your ass when your traveling
Gen2-What does Dunsprance think it's doing?
Gen3- this is when the designers started getting out of hand, wurmple wasnt a necessary addition
Gen4-No need for Gen4, Gliscor was cool, Rhyperior(I agree with Dellancher) and like Arceus just bust the balls of Mewtwo, I dont care what you say Mewtwo is always the best
Support PU!

Offline drpepper245

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #40 on: February 05, 2010, 02:49:01 AM »
I'm going to have to say..... a level 5 Pidgey.

But honestly, any Pokemon with the annoyingly high-pitched voices. Gives more goosebumps than nails on the chalkboard.
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Offline Phosphorous

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #41 on: February 05, 2010, 03:05:30 AM »
ok before everyone in the forum starts saying that pokemon keep getting stupid looking with every gen just remember that origeneraly pokemon was made for 10 - 12 year olds after school and then other people of other ages started liking it or grew up with it like us. the designs are just becoming more realistic than they used to be so that kids can reconizes the pokemon for their basic structure. like infernape is soposed to be a monkey. torterra is a land tortois. totadile is a alligater/crocodile. and other examples thereof. opinions are well and dandy but pokemon is pokemon they all have good traits and they all have bad traits. I mean have any of you actually trained all 493 pokemon to lv. 100. sure some are extremely powerful but beating the strong one with a team of lv. 100 caterpies kakunas and others of the like is something that can be a good experience.

Ok. Firstly, Pokemon is definitely still made for the 6-14 age group. Those of us who are older than that either loved Pokemon as younger kids, or are here simply because Pokemon is so huge, that by probability there is going to be a large community of older fans (though still vastly outnumbered by young kids).

I'm not sure what you mean by "getting more realistic" with each generation. I took the liberty of counting the number of pokemon which appear to be closely based on an animal or plant:

Gen 1 - 93/151 62%
Gen 2 - 47/100 47%
Gen 3 - 66/135 49%
Gen 4 - 55/107 51%

The design of Pokemon is getting lazier, an example being the number with an oval for a head -

Plusle, Minun, Nuzleaf, Slakoth, Spinda, Aipom, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Buneary, Glameow, Purugly, Mime Jr., Croagunk, Lickylicky, Electivire, Lake spirits.

Notice I'm not even including those that should have round heads, like Pichu, Torchic, Mudkip, Surskit, Swablu etc.

There are also copies made, some of which are ok, and some which are just unnecessary:

Sentret/Furret and Zigzagoon/Linoone
Pichu, Plusle, Minun and Pachirisu
Wurmple/evolutions and Caterpie/Weedle/evolutions
Meowth/Persian and Skitty/Delcatty and Glameow/Purugly are all normal type housecats
Venomoth and Dustox and Mothim - do we really need three different moth pokemon?
Magnezone, Electivire, Magmortar and Rhyperior just look bad. They ruin four great lines of pokemon.

Also, Torterra is based on Aspidochelone, a legendary sea turtle with an island on its back.

There are many Pokemon with no redeeming features at all. I won't list them here, but explain to me the appeal of Dunsparce, for instance, or Volbeat and Illumise, strictly on an artistic level, because that is what this thread is about.

I don't see why I have to train every (or any!) Pokemon to 100 to hate a design.

It is difficult for the designers to constantly make new Pokemon, but that doesn't mean we can't have an opinion. Some of the designs are just plain bad.

All that being said, this topic was intended to be just for fun!

Exactly this! The thread wasnt intended for pokemon that are bad to train and play with in the game, its for pokemon we dislike.

You wouldnt buy a very expensive car because it performs well if its extremely ugly.

Off Topic but-
I would actually buy performance over looks. If it'll make you some $$$ on the streets then u can buy urself something that looks nice later lol :P

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2010, 03:11:16 AM »
I hate

Shellos because it's basically another Slugma.

Spiritomb <--- Seriously... wtf is that ? When the newer pokemon where still unofficial i thought this piece of poop was fake. turns out it was real >:/

and then i hate all generation 4 legenderies. Why the hell so many ?
It just makes legenderies not as cool or rare.

Started of with just Mew, Mewtwo, and the 3 legendary birds.

then two new birds, and 3 dog type looking things. (and they where still bad ass looking)

but they just had to keep on adding and adding, and it just made me feel like a legendary wasn't so legendary at all.

BTW I do know them name of the "legendary birds and dogs", just said it like that cuz im feelin lazy right now lol

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2010, 04:22:33 PM »
bidoof the way it looks annoys me
people who live in the past never see whats right in front of them

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Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2010, 02:03:32 AM »
geodude ((were did i put that slingshot?) realy? a rock with arms?))
mewtwo ((what a clone? thats not a pokemon thats a genetic experiment!))
snorlax ((he eats... alot! good job, i think thats the most powerfull pokemon in the world! not! my dog could take him.))
ho-oh ((did someone just say hoho?! i love those... oh. thats disapointing.))
spread the word! rapidly growing arcade! loads of fun!