Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
New tiles feedback and suggestions
...but the people who are responsible for coding are not the same as the people who are artists. So it's not like the artists can spend their time "making the game run better". People do care a lot about tiny errors in the graphics. The first time we posted a showcase on PokeCommunity, we got zero positive praise, because people didn't like our tiles and said something along the lines of "people won't play unless the graphics are perfect". Even now, there are people womaning about this and that. Check the new thread for yourself, lol.
Btw replies on that thread are always welcome :P if it isn't on the top half of the first page, most people won't even see it.
Edit: If you reply to the PokeCommunity thread, please keep your posts constructive and insult-free. It's our official showcase thread and I want to keep the tone professional. If someone says something bad about PU, the best way to answer is with a well-reasoned counter-argument. Thanks!
Counter Bug:
--- Quote from: DavidTheFat ---Work on your grass tiles
--- End quote ---
haha, what a prick. The grass tile is great. As his arguments were not good, he wants to make your game look bad. Ignore this idiot =/
Yes, he is an idiot in my opinion, but if you reply, please keep your posts constructive and insult-free. His own grass tiles are not exactly perfect:
The rock/bush shadows in the first picture. They indicate that the sun is hitting them at an angle, but the other trees indicate that the sun is hitting them from directly above. (It's a small gripe, but it might help overall.) ;)
The light source is from the top and slightly left of the screen, but for trees, you can't extend the shadow because they are constrained to fit on the tiles. I will just make the shadows darker and more round and hopefully no one will care :D
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