Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

New tiles feedback and suggestions

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I know what you mean about local chat, I'm not sure about text appearing on the map itself, it looks messy now and I'm not sure there is a good solution. It'd be nice if it were to look less messy. Local chat is relatively rare, most chat in MMOs happens via private messages or guild channels. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have the text appear above one's head.

As for fast chat, it doesn't happen that often that people are talking so fast you can't follow the conversation. If this does happen, you can expand the chat box to the height of the client window, and scroll up if need be.


--- Quote ---*Forest shadows may need to be larger
--- End quote ---

I'm unsure if this refers to below in that you're already aware of it. :\

Another thing I noticed was with the Christmas trees in the second picture. (In both actually, but it's more noticeable in the second)

If you look at the trees to the left of the Pokemon Center, you can clearly see vertical lines running in between them. I figured it was the shadows and squished branches that caused this. The branches towards the bottom look cutoff (or really, really close to it), but I think the easiest way to fix it is to just somehow complete the tree's shadows.

The vertical lines actually look much worse when there are more than two trees, and it's been fixed. The shadows may end up just being round for all the trees, I think it will look less fussy that way.

:P Yeah, it'd probably be easy on you as well. xD


--- Quote from: Alais on January 05, 2010, 11:59:44 PM ---The vertical lines actually look much worse when there are more than two trees, and it's been fixed. The shadows may end up just being round for all the trees, I think it will look less fussy that way.

--- End quote ---

I dont think the appearance of a group of trees is all that important. Im all for realism in a game but its called a game for a reason. I dont think anyone in the history of gaming spends any valuable time nit-picking over a tree.  I dont think anyone has ever quit a game because one rock didnt look exactly like a rock (more like a shoe). I think that something as simple as a tree can be fixed in a future patch or completely ignored. Not all trees in real life are perfect anyway.

 Id rather have a great gaming experience  catching, roaming, and having a good time with horrible terrain than a game with the greatest landscaping job of all time and looks amazing but runs like mi 3 legged dog.


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