Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Pokémon Discussion => Games => Topic started by: LeoReborn on July 01, 2010, 02:24:08 AM

Title: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: LeoReborn on July 01, 2010, 02:24:08 AM
This Forum Post is a place where you can show off your Choice Team in any of the games.

~Format~ I will show you how, by posting mine.

SoulSilver 6:
Darkrai Lv.76  (Ability)Bad Dreams
Item: Wide Lens
Dark Void, Nightmare, Faint Attack, Ominous Wind

Ho-oh Lv. 71 Pressure
Item: Expert Belt
Sacred Fire, Fly, Recover, Shock Wave

Lugia Lv. 53 Pressure
Item: Wave Incense
Extrasensory, Waterfall, Charge Beam, Aeroblast.

Infernape Lv. 89 Blaze
Item: Expert Belt
Heat Wave, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot

*Glaceon Lv. 77 Snow Cloak
Item: Icicle Plate
Hail, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Blizzard

Dialga Lv. 100 Pressure
Item: Adamant Orb
Roar of Time, Flash Cannon, Aura Sphere, Draco Meteor.

~Platinum 6~

Heatran Lv. 100 Flash Fire
Item: Metal Coat
Rock Climb, Lava Plume, Magma Storm, Iron Head.

Palkia Lv. 100 Pressure
Item: Lustrous Orb
Spacial Rend, Aerial Ace, Surf, Dragon Claw

Rotom(Mow Form) Lv. 68 Levitate
Item: Scope Lens
Charge, Discharge, Ominous Wind, Leaf Storm,

Blastoise Lv. 72 Torrent
Item: Splash Plate
Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Rock Climb, Blizzard

*Lucario Lv. 70 Inner Focus
Item: Fist Plate
Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Psychic, Metal Claw

Giratina Lv. 74 Levitate
Item: Griseous Orb
Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Shadow Force, Fly


*= Favorite, 1 per team
Yes, i traded
You can post other data, Nature, Stats, Nickname, etc.

Please comment on teams posted by quoting, see if you can help them to get a better team, and be a better trainer.

Remember, Forum guidelines always apply, you are trying to help others succeed, not insult their hard work.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: sliux109 on July 01, 2010, 02:28:45 AM
dark void
mean look
sheer cold

forgot the rest
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: LeoReborn on July 01, 2010, 02:34:21 AM
dark void
mean look
sheer cold

forgot the rest

1: look at your game while typing,

2: I thought Dark Void was exclusive to Darkrai.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: boyben10 on July 01, 2010, 11:58:05 AM
dark void
mean look
sheer cold

forgot the rest

1: look at your game while typing,

2: I thought Dark Void was exclusive to Darkrai.

Smeargle is capable of having any move with it's own signature move, Sketch, which copies the last move the foe used.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: LeoReborn on July 01, 2010, 02:56:41 PM
True, but Sketch works like Mimic, Its a Temporary copy.

I said look at your game while typing. That way, its accurate.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: Raktoner on July 01, 2010, 03:51:26 PM
Sketch isn't temporary, it's permanent. That's why he learns it multiple times (once every 10 levels).
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: LeoReborn on July 01, 2010, 04:02:09 PM

Now. Lets actually get a FULL pokemon team up here, beside mine.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: LeoReborn on July 01, 2010, 09:04:12 PM

Its not that hard, can someone at least suggest tips for me?

I know there are posts like this.
But Ive given ALL of the Data, so ppl can do the same.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: DarK_SouL on July 01, 2010, 09:33:20 PM
I put my teams on the last four games I played:
Pokemon SoulSilver:

Typhlosion Lv.57
Blast Burn, Eruption, Earthquake, Focus Punch

Dragonite Lv.56
Thunder, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower

Metagross Lv.53 (still training)
Strength, Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Hammer Arm

Snorlax Lv.56
Surf, Psychic, Crunch, Fire Blast

Exploud Lv.56
Shadow Ball, Water Pulse, Avalanche, Hyper Beam

Crobat Lv.56
Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Fly, Cross Poison
Sceptile lv.57
Leaf Blade, Iron Tail, X-Scissor, Dig
Pokemon I have used in my team but replaced on SS:

Pidgeot lv.56
Mirror Move, Fly, Hyper Beam, Roost

Togekiss Lv.56
Extrasensory, Fly, Aura Sphere, ExtremeSpeed
Pokemon HeartGold (Have not started yet just got my team together on SS)

Riolu, Gible, Feebas, Eevee, Deoxys or Jirachi, Torchic.
Pokemon Emerald

Shroomish Lv.22
Meda Drain, Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, Headbutt

Marshtomp Lv. 21
Mud Shot, Water Gun, Tackle, Bide

Aron Lv.21
Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Mud Slap, Headbutt

Bored so will edit with Platnium laterz

Title: I need to battle Somebody
Post by: LeoReborn on July 02, 2010, 08:20:12 PM
I am bored, so lets do some Wifi battling, Im providing my data

SoulSilver 6:
Darkrai Lv.76  (Ability)Bad Dreams
Item: Wide Lens
Dark Void, Nightmare, Faint Attack, Ominous Wind

Ho-oh Lv. 71 Pressure
Item: Expert Belt
Sacred Fire, Fly, Recover, Shock Wave

Lugia Lv. 53 Pressure
Item: Wave Incense
Extrasensory, Waterfall, Charge Beam, Aeroblast.

Infernape Lv. 89 Blaze
Item: Expert Belt
Heat Wave, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot

*Glaceon Lv. 77 Snow Cloak
Item: Icicle Plate
Hail, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Blizzard

Dialga Lv. 100 Pressure
Item: Adamant Orb
Roar of Time, Flash Cannon, Aura Sphere, Draco Meteor.

~Platinum 6~

Heatran Lv. 100 Flash Fire
Item: Metal Coat
Rock Climb, Lava Plume, Magma Storm, Iron Head.

Palkia Lv. 100 Pressure
Item: Lustrous Orb
Spacial Rend, Aerial Ace, Surf, Dragon Claw

Rotom(Mow Form) Lv. 68 Levitate
Item: Scope Lens
Charge, Discharge, Ominous Wind, Leaf Storm,

Blastoise Lv. 72 Torrent
Item: Splash Plate
Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Rock Climb, Blizzard

*Lucario Lv. 70 Inner Focus
Item: Fist Plate
Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Psychic, Metal Claw

Giratina Lv. 74 Levitate
Item: Griseous Orb
Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Shadow Force, Fly

My Platinum Game: Kai 0346 2238 3291
My SoulSilver Game: Xithix 4641 3146 6802

*= Favorite
Yes, i traded

Free battle ONLY
Post your Friend Code and name

They Can battle as long as its DS. Ex. HG v. P=it works
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: boyben10 on July 20, 2010, 12:37:26 PM
I'd battle you, provided you didn't use any ubers, heatran is okay, but I would do a match that makes all pokemon automatically one level, so either Lv 100 all or Lv 50 all, it doesn't make much difference.
In free battle, a large majority of my pokemon are Lv. 80+ so that wouldn't be very fair.

My friendcode is my platinum one, its in the major Wi-Fi thread.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: LeoReborn on July 20, 2010, 12:57:26 PM
I'd battle you, provided you didn't use any ubers, heatran is okay, but I would do a match that makes all pokemon automatically one level, so either Lv 100 all or Lv 50 all, it doesn't make much difference.
In free battle, a large majority of my pokemon are Lv. 80+ so that wouldn't be very fair.

My friendcode is my platinum one, its in the major Wi-Fi thread.
Which Game do you want me to use? SS/Pt?
Both FCs are in the Wifi thread
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: boyben10 on July 20, 2010, 10:18:54 PM
You can use either one, but i'll register both so you can use either, so long as you don't use any ubers as defined on this list (http://www.smogon.com/dp/tiers/uber), I suppose you could use salamence and garchomp, though, mainly because my slowking knows ice beam.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: LeoReborn on July 20, 2010, 10:21:58 PM
Wobby's an Uber? O_o
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: boyben10 on July 20, 2010, 10:29:41 PM
yeah, his really high health, shadow tag, and moveset enable him to force pokemon either to attack him and get killed, or swithc with baton pass or u-turn, unless they are using a mixed set in which case they can be tricky and try to use physical moves when woboffet uses the special counter, or use special moves when wobboffet uses normal counter, which can easily kill any pokemon.
Title: Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
Post by: Gunnerfails on July 25, 2010, 06:10:11 PM