Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Pokémon Discussion => Games => Topic started by: LeoReborn on July 04, 2010, 10:28:31 PM

Title: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on July 04, 2010, 10:28:31 PM
Ok, How would you get out of this one?

Double Battle: My side(Darkrai/Glaceon) VS. You

Assuming the following:
1: Darkrai is fastest,
2: Glaceon is slowest
3: Dark Void makes you sleep for 3 turns
4: All are Lv. 100
5: Neither side has items (You can use hold items)
6: You can have any pokemon, any ability, any moveset, any item
7: My first two moves: Dark Void/Nightmare by Darkrai, Blizzard twice from Glaceon
Edit~~ Any moveset within Tm/Hm Movepool range. Same Ability wise.
Can you beat me?
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: Jerry on July 05, 2010, 05:46:20 PM
I would use:

Lucario @ Lum Berry
Aura Sphere

Swampert @ Expert Belt
Sleep Talk
Focus Punch
Aqua Tail

Swampert might get to sleep, but I use Sleep Talk anyway, so, Darkrai may get the Focus Punch (boosted with Expert Belt), or the Aqua Tail (stabbed), or the Earthquake (stabbed too), but for the latter, Lucario will also receive damage (and may not survive the hit).
Lucario is faster than Swampert and will not stay asleep. It may pawn Glaceon with a stabbed Aura Sphere, depending on how you trained it to be.

Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on July 05, 2010, 07:02:12 PM
Smart kid.... Nice Job, Jerry.

Jerry: 1 Point.

Since you beat it, you make the next one.

*(I posted this here rather than Forum Games, for the simple reason that you have to think. It makes you think about the strategies usable in a game.)*
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: Jerry on July 05, 2010, 07:10:42 PM
Well, there are many 'may's there :-[

Which means that it may also not work out XD

Anyway, random...

Rhyperior with Toxic Orb (lighting rod)
Stone Edge

Gyarados with Life Orb
Aqua Tail
Giga Impact
Dragon Dance

One of the things I got mad at the battle tower of FR/LG :P. I just edited the moves and replaced Rhydon by Rhyperior
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on July 05, 2010, 07:28:48 PM

Item: Nevermelt Ice
Ice Beam
Aqua Tail

Lanturn (Volt Absorb)
Item: Kings Rock
Hydro Pump

This way, Either one can take out Rhypherior, Then Lanturn is free to attack Gyrados.

Lanturn absorbs Elc-type moves, Whiscash is a Wtr/Grd-type, So Thunderpunch wont work.

Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: Jerry on July 05, 2010, 07:43:40 PM
Well, Gyarados is your prime concern here, with a Life Orb and stabbed Aquatail and dangereous Attack Stats. On the first turn itself, an offensive Whishcash can faint against an offensive Gyarados.

But it was good :)

Does that mean you get 1 point?
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on July 05, 2010, 08:37:46 PM
Guess So.......

(My Pt name) Kai: 1
Jerry: 1
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on July 05, 2010, 10:43:11 PM
Name 3 Types that beat Ice.
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: Jerry on July 06, 2010, 04:21:52 PM
Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel

Wait... I posted 4 :-[
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on July 06, 2010, 09:11:20 PM
Thats good, Jerry. That means you know your types.

Jerry: 2
Kai: 1
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: DivineX on July 12, 2010, 01:33:22 PM
Charizard spamming flamethrower on Glaceon and Machamp spamming earthquake..

PS. I'm no pokemon trainer master :O
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on July 15, 2010, 06:27:50 PM
Charizard spamming flamethrower on Glaceon and Machamp spamming earthquake..

PS. I'm no pokemon trainer master :O

Um......Your guys would both be asleep. Dark Void puts both opposing pokemon asleep, and Darkrai is fastest. Read Jerry's answer.
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: DivineX on July 16, 2010, 09:35:40 AM
Oh.. lolz.
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: TrainerX on July 31, 2010, 01:18:15 AM
   Focus Blast
   hold item: Chesto Berry   


   hold item: Chesto Berry

   The Chesto Berry keeps Typhlosion and Umbreon from falling asleep
   Typhlosion uses Eruption and deals damage to Darkrai and Glaceon
   Poliwrath uses submission on Darkrai, and makes it faint
   Typhlosion and Poliwrath make Glaceon faint on the next turn. I win;D
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on August 01, 2010, 08:04:21 PM
   Focus Blast
   hold item: Chesto Berry   


   hold item: Chesto Berry

   The Chesto Berry keeps Typhlosion and Umbreon from falling asleep
   Typhlosion uses Eruption and deals damage to Darkrai and Glaceon
   Poliwrath uses submission on Darkrai, and makes it faint
   Typhlosion and Poliwrath make Glaceon faint on the next turn. I win;D

Nice job, but Please read Every post.  ^^^^
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: boyben10 on August 02, 2010, 01:18:24 PM
   Focus Blast
   hold item: Chesto Berry   


   hold item: Chesto Berry

   The Chesto Berry keeps Typhlosion and Umbreon from falling asleep
   Typhlosion uses Eruption and deals damage to Darkrai and Glaceon
   Poliwrath uses submission on Darkrai, and makes it faint
   Typhlosion and Poliwrath make Glaceon faint on the next turn. I win;D

Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on August 02, 2010, 01:23:12 PM
   Focus Blast
   hold item: Chesto Berry   


   hold item: Chesto Berry

   The Chesto Berry keeps Typhlosion and Umbreon from falling asleep
   Typhlosion uses Eruption and deals damage to Darkrai and Glaceon
   Poliwrath uses submission on Darkrai, and makes it faint
   Typhlosion and Poliwrath make Glaceon faint on the next turn. I win;D

This Puzzle was Over long Ago, Why Are you Quoting This, Its Spamming.
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: Jerry on August 03, 2010, 03:06:19 PM
Perhaps the actual message got deleted by mistake? ???
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: LeoReborn on August 05, 2010, 06:02:34 PM
I would use:

Lucario @ Lum Berry
Aura Sphere

Swampert @ Expert Belt
Sleep Talk
Focus Punch
Aqua Tail

Swampert might get to sleep, but I use Sleep Talk anyway, so, Darkrai may get the Focus Punch (boosted with Expert Belt), or the Aqua Tail (stabbed), or the Earthquake (stabbed too), but for the latter, Lucario will also receive damage (and may not survive the hit).
Lucario is faster than Swampert and will not stay asleep. It may pawn Glaceon with a stabbed Aura Sphere, depending on how you trained it to be.

No.... Its still here Jerry...
Title: Re: Battle Puzzler
Post by: Jerry on August 05, 2010, 10:02:23 PM
No, I was referring to boyben's post. Maybe he typed the message, then pressed the quote button. The latter erases any typed message in the post box, so that's what might have happened.