Pokemon Universe MMORPG
Pokémon Discussion => Games => Topic started by: LeoReborn on July 05, 2010, 10:35:21 AM
Here, you can Post some of the things your Pokemon has Done in HG/SS when You talk to it.
I was talking to my Glaceon, and it started Poking me in The stomach....XD, my reaction: It can't tell im fat, right?
Oh, and its funny when theyre holding something, if you say, take it, your Pokemon has a Temper Tamtrum for a bit after.
Honestly, I try to be Friendly to my Pokemon, and they know it.
It bugs me if my Pokemon won't like me, I feel sad.
The cutest thing was probably when it said "Your Pokemon is cuddling with you" or something to that effect.
One of my favourite pokemon hated me so I released him >:(
What Pokemon was that? oh by the way, I never welcomed you, welcome to PU!
It was a shroomish. And thanks by the way :D
Well at least it wasn't rare, your welcome! :)
Chaos, you mean it hugged you?
No, it seriously said "Cuddled"
i was talking to my sudowoodo on route 39 and it said sudowoodo is poking your bag scold it?
and you said....?
Funniest thing... would definatly be "Alakazam started barking". ??? Umm, what? I cannot see that Pokemon barking...
wow. I had Dialga barking..... but that makes sense.
Though it was looking for "something" But since its a Temporal Pokemon, should it really be that hard? I was on Mt Silver too.... why would anything up there?