Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Pokémon Discussion => Games => Topic started by: SUBPLANAR on July 31, 2010, 06:19:03 AM

Title: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: SUBPLANAR on July 31, 2010, 06:19:03 AM
Here lately I've been playing pkmn again and noticed that I've been playing the games a lot differently than I did ten years ago. Back in the day, whenever Pokemon was just getting popular, I was 9, and therefore just plowed through the game with the same team. I'd build my char-volutions to annihilate (because I always pick charmander in the beginning!) and not give much thought to the other Pokemon in the game. I'd also glitch my rare candies and masterballs by using our favorite #000

But now I've grown up. I'll spend two days (real world days nontheless) in between towns training, swapping out pokemon from the pc and just hunting. It's weird how a single cartridge can evolve with your age and go from a simple game to a complex, statistic counting, mathematical puzzle.

Who else has grown up with this game and realized that it's a completely different game then when you started?
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: DarK_SouL on July 31, 2010, 08:00:14 AM
Here lately I've been playing pkmn again and noticed that I've been playing the games a lot differently than I did ten years ago. Back in the day, whenever Pokemon was just getting popular, I was 9, and therefore just plowed through the game with the same team. I'd build my char-volutions to annihilate (because I always pick charmander in the beginning!) and not give much thought to the other Pokemon in the game. I'd also glitch my rare candies and masterballs by using our favorite #000

But now I've grown up. I'll spend two days (real world days nontheless) in between towns training, swapping out pokemon from the pc and just hunting. It's weird how a single cartridge can evolve with your age and go from a simple game to a complex, statistic counting, mathematical puzzle.

Who else has grown up with this game and realized that it's a completely different game then when you started?

I'm probably one of the coolest and Smartest kids ever and so I already noticed that, at about 10 or so. Also kind of Stereotypical.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mr Pokemon on July 31, 2010, 12:39:06 PM
I've noticed. I played Pokemon when I was about 4 or so, and it helped me learn to read. But I normally just overtrained one Pokemon and beat everything with it. Now that I know about EVs, IVs, Natures, and so much more, Pokemon is one of the most complicated games out there.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: SUBPLANAR on July 31, 2010, 04:56:11 PM
I may have done this wrong, but I actually joined the IRC first. I was looking for pokemon chat when
I stumbled onto PU in a directory last night. I joined the forum because I liked the atmosphere there (even though it was only LucarioX and Monzta in there at the time) and one can't be registered to too many online forums. The MMO is really only an after thought for me, so don't worry about me asking too many questions  :P

And I guess we weren't all boy geniuses, LucarioX. I don't get the stereotypical part either :/
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mikey on July 31, 2010, 11:08:01 PM
I never really thought of pokemon as mathematical and complex. I like to enjoy the game and try not to over think it.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mr Pokemon on August 01, 2010, 12:07:35 AM
http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-rs/ev.shtml (http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-rs/ev.shtml)
Read this Mikey. You will begin to overthink Pokemon. Also, you will become better.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: SUBPLANAR on August 01, 2010, 01:43:26 AM
I never really thought of pokemon as mathematical and complex. I like to enjoy the game and try not to over think it.

That's exactly what I'm talking about! Pokemon is a game that molds itself to the player. You can level up your pokemon with rare candies and be completely fine, but if you do things the hard way, by training and dedication, your Pokemon will be so much stronger.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mikey on August 02, 2010, 05:49:05 PM
http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-rs/ev.shtml (http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-rs/ev.shtml)
Read this Mikey. You will begin to overthink Pokemon. Also, you will become better.

Wow, i never had any idea about that kinda stuff. Is EV on red, blue and yellow version's too?
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Jerry on August 03, 2010, 04:39:07 PM
Yes, but at that time, people didn't really care about EVs (now called EPs) and IVs because the game wasn't really competitive but more restrained into the game itself. It is after the fact that the game encouraged multiplayer that people really started looking at the mechanics.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mikey on August 05, 2010, 12:07:39 AM
that's awesome, ill never train the same way again
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: xhizor8201 on August 11, 2010, 01:03:27 AM
Lol, yeah, i used to train like 2 or 3 pokemon and just give them really strong moves. I would win most of the time. I think i irst played pokemon games was when i was 8. But now its changed so much. I now understand almost everything about it, type matchups, stats, powerful moves arent all you need, strategy, etc. I know how to use my masterball wisely because I used to just use it on a legendary(zapdos, moltres, or articuno). But now im really good at it and its thanks to the advance in pokemon games.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: partyprash on September 30, 2010, 01:39:05 AM
I still remember back when i rushed out the get Pokemon Blue the day it came out :)

even tho i was in love with charizard i Picked squirtle for some reason...
but i remember, I trained that blastoise to lvl 100 and all my other pokemon were weak on average lvl 30.. so yea, i used to do that, so i found rival battles hard and he'd have a grass type...

but now i always keep all my pokemon at roughly the same lvl, so if my pokemon are all lvl 40 and one becomes lvl 41, i train all the others to be lvl 41, and so on...
I also always have these types in my party at all times : Water, Fire, Grass, Ghost, Flying, ( and a random one )
so now whatever pokemon type is used against me i PWN, and being at low lvls the battles still put up a decent challenge :) and keeps the game more fun rather than using one pokemon the whole game :)
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: JohnnyXtreme on September 30, 2010, 02:26:55 AM
I remember playing Sapphire when I was about 9 just plowing through everyone with my Sceptile. I never, ever used non damgaging moves because I never understood what they did.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: DeathSDelano on October 04, 2010, 05:39:05 PM
Ya i didn't even know Evs existed until Pt XD(and i've been with pokemon since day 1). And i use to use only damage moves as well. Now i am starting to use some non-damage moves but only ones like Swords Dance and DD. though i do like using thunder wave to help out my slow pokes.

Though the way i've started playing since Gen 2 is Have 3 trial runs with each of the starters. Figure out which starter i liked best than go for the main run(4th run) with the starter i liked and pokemon i have not used(in E4) in the last runs
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: TheGr8 on December 22, 2010, 02:16:15 AM
I remember when I was 7 or 8 and I had pokemon blue to start. Just playing and playing and then it got me to get all of the other games as well red,yellow and so on. My play style has changed because I actually think about a strategy or even my team in general to build because I am older and I just think that way.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Roko on January 04, 2011, 05:51:58 PM
I tended to catch Pokémon I liked, then carry on with them.
I believe my FireRed team was:

Mr Mime

But since then I've learned why stats and moves are important, and thus have started thinking strategically. The team in my signature is the PVP team I plan on using in PU, and I have a moveset thought out already for each of them. However, for the gym leaders, I will just use starters and Pokémon I catch early in the game.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: zylonnick on January 08, 2011, 03:54:28 PM
I tended to catch Pokémon I liked, then carry on with them.
But since then I've learned why stats and moves are important, and thus have started thinking strategically. The team in my signature is the PVP team I plan on using in PU, and I have a moveset thought out already for each of them.

You can still use your favourites if you plan a good moveset and strategy. I've remade my dream team's moveset because of that. So I might be able to use them in battle.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mr. Fox on January 09, 2011, 10:35:42 AM
my fav pokes are too "weak" to make a team out of... they share too many double weakness, i like the team in my sig... works very well...
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Roko on January 09, 2011, 02:15:17 PM
Agreed with Darkness. My favourite Pokémon just aren't the best for competetive gaming.
My ideal team of favourite Pokémon would probably be:


Dragonite's in my team, obviously... but the rest just aren't good enough for competative battling.
I suppose I could breed the perfect Def. Wall Steelix... but I'm lazy, and Skarmory will serve just as well, if not better.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: zylonnick on January 09, 2011, 07:55:58 PM
My favourites:

the team I made out of it (with a kingdra, for making it more competitive):

I just like these pokémon alot!!! With the right moveset, they can work.
I agree that some of your favourites are jest not good enough, but I try to use them as much as possible, with the right pokémon to support them.
an example: you can give steelix this set (when your team has a trick room user) earthquake, curse, gyro bal, explosion. This is great late-game!!!
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mr. Fox on January 10, 2011, 12:10:06 AM
when i look at your team i only see that you have 3 pokemon weak to ground... that is how i think. I don't like having too many pokes that share a weakness, to easy to lose to some one who is pakning that type... that is how i see it. i use pokemon who work well together, like a hippowdon and the new mole pokemon...
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: zylonnick on January 10, 2011, 06:58:16 PM
but when I switch metagross for togekiss (I like him, but he isn't in my top 10), I have only a 2 time weakness. Then I still got 4 favourites in my team.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mr. Fox on January 10, 2011, 10:00:11 PM
true, but then you give me a reason to add a pokemon with either ice punch or ice shard...
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: zylonnick on January 11, 2011, 07:01:37 PM
but I'm not the only one with that weakness. Your pokémon white team has that weakness too.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Mr. Fox on January 12, 2011, 10:52:31 PM
yes i know, but like you said with the right move set you can counter your weakness, the faster half of my team has moves that ko ice types, the other half can 2hko them with their bulk. my mole is the fastest pokemon i have at over 500 speed, he WILL hit first and he usually kills... but i get your point, my other team has a few overlapping weakness, but not as severe as this one...
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Juno on January 31, 2011, 01:54:15 AM
New here... Moving on What I like to do is just make sure that I have to counter that specific Poke's weakness/s' so that way it is a bit less worrisome.
Title: Re: Playing styles over the years...
Post by: Gigalith on January 31, 2011, 12:22:11 PM

i started playing pokemon at pokemon yellow and even got poke mon green red blue silver gold ruby sapphire and some illegal pokemon black (bought in turkey).
at first i didnt understand a thing and started to make tactics with friends, that i went to giovanni then trade all my pokes and the masterball (did that like 100 times), then found out about massingo, i was about 8 then. did the massingo thing for days. raised a ghastly from 12 to 100 without rare candys (became a beast gengar). i played very aggresive never had 1 non combat move because then i would get another pokemon and raise it another way. but nowdays i know that non combat mover can really help u out at some times, i havent found out about EV and IV's till 4 months ago (16 now ). i got pokemon black and those pokemons are frauds lmao U need non combat moves to win. well thats me over the years (Y) pce