Pokemon Universe MMORPG
Pokémon Discussion => Games => Topic started by: meedeeleemee on January 24, 2011, 06:42:19 PM
please vote honestly since some people actually want to know. well i want to know at least.
Blue anyday. Blastoise is a true lad
I like the Blue. Seems to be a more streamlined story line and some of the best Pokemons out are in the Blue as of now.
I voted Red because it was my first pokemon game, Charizard is awesome, and it seems like more people have blue version
Sadly, I had to vote neither. Have not had the opportunity to play those as of yet. I'll wait until more people vote then see which one I should go for!
I'm Glad that you people like them! this is Great! and for anyone else who sees this and is like "i didn't play them ill see what one makes the best them play that one". the fact is that they are almost the same game. if you actually have it for the Game Boy and not the ROM (since Roms can differ on occasions, i have had it happen)the only real difference that you see is that the main colors are blue in Pokemon blue and red in Pokemon red. there are a few Pokemon that are in one and not the other. But that can be solved with a trade. and for anyone who was wondering, i'm not positive about this but i think that Pokemon Blue(at least in North America) is the most common one that was bought/still exists. Possibly since it is and was in the 90's a lot of people's favorite Color.
I still have red version. Once in a while I pop it in the old GBA and do the missingNo glitch just for the hell of it.
I still have red version. Once in a while I pop it in the old GBA and do the missingNo glitch just for the hell of it.
True commitment. *Salutes*
i had pokemon yellow, why isnt pokemon yellow in that list? yellow would own red and blue because yellow had a ownage intro and a pikachu walkin behind u (wich u could interact with).
red a blue had red and blue screens :S no pokemon walkin behind u and a noob fighting intro.
yellow had a surfing and a flying pikachu ffs *hearteyes* also yellow had much cooler theme songs (l). this was a noob enquete cant put red and blue there without yellow bruhh bruhh u just cant!!
and on yellow u could get all 3 starter pokemons when u advance trough the game, whilst on red and blue u could only get a pikachu in the 1st forest.
Agree dissagree idc -.-
I liked blue because i like the version exclusive pokemon better, i used to use sandslash as my ground type.