Pokemon Universe MMORPG
Pokémon Discussion => Games => Topic started by: LeoReborn on March 12, 2011, 01:20:27 AM
I know, this is an "old" game.
but.. I'm Starting a new game, so I can make a PU Interactive Lets Play, of SS.
It won't be for a while, but soon I'll post my Friend Code, and you guys can do NFC stuff with me.
Without any more babbling:
Name: Leo_Ketz
Theme: Touhou/Eeveelutions
may i ask, what is this "game" about?
here's a Hint: My starter is Cyndaquil "Pyros"
Oh, excuse my dual post...
Not having Running Shoes makes me feel like Yuka...
Running Shoes.... I feel much better now.
I hope it's ok with everyone that I'm posting like this...
Cop: Did you get his name?
Me: Jk, Idk.
Cop: So his name was Jk, Idk?
Me: *Facepalm*
I swear, Lyra is a stalker, she is always right behind me.
On the Topic of 'Stalks' I hate being forced to do Sprout Tower.
ElderLi... Is that supposed to be funny?
what is this i don't even
Monzta, What are you getting at?
what is this
I'm doing a playthrough of SoulSilver... Was I not clear in the OP?
Oh no... Not this Crap again...
Meowth, that's right! It's Team Rocket, AGAIN.
Catch a zubat during this play through or else.
For your sake, I will.
I have an Eevee, a Ditto, and Unlimited Day Care Access.
I will post my final team soon.
Fry, I caught a Lv 4 Zubat.
So is this you really playing through and updating or just you, posting as if playing?
Its a REAL Playthrough.
I have a Pal Pad, When my team is completed, Ill post my FC
Lyra, I appriciate the effort, but STOP CALLING ME!
You call every 5 minutes to tell me your Marill needs baths more often.... SHUT UP!!!!
*sobs in the distance*
I'm screwed now... her Dad's gonna kill me. DX
This one's for you, Amphi.
That zubat should totally be in your final team.
No.... It won't work.
And you could name it Frenchfry, and give it the most annoying attacks it can learn.
Leech Life
Confuse Ray
Poison Fang
Something else
Everything works with Zubat, hes watching, even without eyes.
Oh and The Game. Just letting you guys know.
My final team is listed in the Themed Team thread.
It's not OK to disclude Zubat from your team.
I was jk, anyway.
All I see is a troll, and a Lucario.
*Goes and cries in corner with Lyra* jk.
Anyway, I stop trolling your thread, unless you were talking about Frenchfry, which I would still leave this thread, because apparently I look like Lucario. Sheesh.
Dude, I'm kidding, (Your avi IS a Lucario....)
Me too, mebbe.
Exactly, it is a Lucario.
(I'm tired OK, I probably won't remember this later. Lol.)
So what happens when you finish SS? This thread is forever alone?
No, I will still host Battles..
Speaking of...
Final Team is not yet finished, but I'm willing to put battles on for now.
5 Pokemon
All Lv 100.
FC: not available yet, wait 1 week.
You aren't on that often anymore are you?
I miss the days when it was you, me jerry, and fry.
PS: I think I'm the only one here that's getting these touhou references.
I try to get on
Its not that I don't like you guys
You guys are my buds.
I have been unable to get on as much because of traveling and extracurriculars.
Silver and Frenchfry fall on the Trollface side of the scale. Jerry and Leo are quite a long distance from us.
I wouldn't call myself a troll, I'm just brutally honest. If I call you stupid, you probably are. If I think your idea is dumb, it probably is. Now, on the other hand, if someone makes a "Legendaries should be harder to catch hurr durr" yeah I'm gonna start saying offensive things.
brutally honest.
And that's all it takes to be a troll when you're in a world of people that are stupid.
...An Silver hates the world a little moar....
And I'm just the guy who has a Slappy-chu as his avatar.
I thought you were a girl...
Silver and Frenchfry fall on the Trollface side of the scale. Jerry and Leo are quite a long distance from us.
It's not my type to steal people's job ;)
Uh.. that post was meant to be me.. Firefox saves the last person who logs in :P
Smooth. Back on topic now.
All 8 Badges
League Demolished.
Soon, my team will be complete.
I start accepting challenges Thursday 4:00 PM Eastern
I'm in a bit of a bind.
I lost Platinum, and I was wondering if you guys could help.
Im asking to send an Eevee over, and get a Leafeon back, I want it to be the same one.
In other words, I loan you my Eevee, so you can evolve it into a Leafeon. Then Ill ask for its return.
Can anyone help?
FC: 4083 5287 9077
My wifi is not working or I could help you...
Yeah i can help you out, if you can trade with pokemon black.
My fc is 3353 3435 4249
Trading is One-way from Soulsilver to Black, So you cannot trade.
Again, This requires D/P/Pt.
I will send it over, so it may become Leafeon, then I want it back.
This is not a Trade, but rather, think of it as an assignment.
Once I get wi-fi again I can evolve it for you.