Pokemon Universe MMORPG
Pokémon Discussion => Games => Topic started by: LeoReborn on March 12, 2011, 02:32:05 AM
Dragon Types
Bug Types
Rock Types
Certain Items...
I just didn't use them, and now I see them as an annoyance....
Most of the pokemon. There are hundreds of them, and I think of the majority as nothing but Filler.
I will only disagree with Bug pokemon for one reason.
Heracross. My first level 100 <3
The PokeDex. Seriously, who actually used that thing?
I do. When i beat the game I spend hours reading and rereading the entries. That is after I get checked into the Lunny Bin...
The PokeDex. Seriously, who actually used that thing?
*Sticks his hands in his pockets, eyes the floor and whistles idly.
I often used the Pokedex to get the location and time that pokemon are available, especially for the rarer ones.
And then, when I have some time, I'll take a look at the sprites and their cries sometimes. Some of them are really similar!
I haven't played the games for a while. Occasionally, I will use the PokeDex to find out where specific Pokemon are. But I don't think they really needed to spend all that time writing entries, making pawprints, etc.
i used the pokedex a lout i found out that on fire red rhyhorn and charizard sound the same
Bug Contest
Completing "Dex"
Jokin' 'bout Charizard. But i did stop using Zubat on It's own.
useless moves (40-60% of all)
pokemon other than the starter and legend
useless moves (40-60% of all)
F**king starter route Pokemon such as: Rattata, Sentret, Zigzagoon, Bidoof, and Patrat.
All useless.
Some are good HM slaves.
And, lillipup gets Nice Bulk and overall stats in it's later evolutions
I always forget that the easiest way to beat the game is to get one high-power starter and just powerlevel that poop.
I always end the game with a nice team of 4-5, all 5 levels under the elite 4, and then I have to grind it.
Except for in the case of Black and White - it was actually perfectly balanced for a team of 6 and where they would be at that point <3
I quit power levelling the starter recently, so I guess that counts...