Pokemon Universe MMORPG
Pokémon Discussion => Games => Topic started by: linkfan112 on March 23, 2011, 05:21:19 PM
Hola, before i go spending my money on another pokemon game i would like to know whats so different about these new ones, or are they just the same story as always?
yes and no
Black Version has more Rotation Battles, White has more Triple Battles
None of the games are the same.
In my opinion these are the second best, next to Emerald.
Emerald reigns above all other games! I hope they keep the gen 3 battle frontier in the remakes... if they don't I won't even get them...
Finally, someone else who thinks that.
I'm sure they will, but, I can already imagine the pretty battles, Rayquaza scene, Story, everything.
That's for another thread though.
I can just see Garchomp, Weavile, and Lucario killing the battle Frontier. They can out run most pokemon and are very strong.
None of the games are the same.
In my opinion these are the second best, next to Emerald.
I highly disagree.
Gameboy advance games were somewhat different, but the ds games are a whole other story. DS games are ALWAYS the same story line with different end game pokemon, theres no twists, theres no changes in storys, its always the same gym leaders,elites four, and always have the same rival, and the same champion whom is very easy to beat, also theres always the same eggs in the game , same secrets, same team rocket/galatic, etc, etc.
Pokemon Red was the best, emerald was lame.
I guess the one true difference is what you face in Black and White. The first gym depends on your starter. In fact, most of the game depends on the first Pokemon you choose. Second, towns in the game will vary depending on the version. You go to Black City in Black, and White Forest in White. Third, the last gym leader is different in both versions, but use the same Pokemon. I agree that most of the storyline is the same, but the great breakthrough is the graphics engine, the ability to connect outside a Pokemon center, and you can actually walk around in another person's game. If you still can't decide, check out psypokes.com as they try to figure out the game and give tips to other players. Gen 3 is still my favorite though.
None of the games are the same.
In my opinion these are the second best, next to Emerald.
I highly disagree.
Gameboy advance games were somewhat different, but the ds games are a whole other story. DS games are ALWAYS the same story line with different end game pokemon, theres no twists, theres no changes in storys, its always the same gym leaders,elites four, and always have the same rival, and the same champion whom is very easy to beat, also theres always the same eggs in the game , same secrets, same team rocket/galatic, etc, etc.
Pokemon Red was the best, emerald was lame.
I don't agree with your arguments either.
Always same storyline and no change in the stories? Same Team Rocket/Galactik How?
Team Galactik wanted to destroy the world and create another, better world; Team Plasma wanted to 'free pokemon from slavery'. New plot/post game story has been included.
Same gym leaders? You sure? Give examples to support what you said.
Last time I checked, DPPt had Rock-Grass-Fighting-Ghost-Water-Steel-Ice-Electric and BW has (varied)-Normal-Bug-Electric-Ground-Flying-Ice-Dragon.
Elite four are the same? Really? Same here, examples.
DPPt: Bug-Ground-Fire-Psychic
BW: Psychic-Ghost-Dark-Fighting
Same rival? Do you? That's not true.
DPPt: Barry/Dawn/Lucas
BW: Cheren/Bianca/Hilbert/Hilda
Same secrets!? What are you talking about? Elaborate please.
Same Champion? No.
DPPt: Cynthia
BW: prenatdex: N and Ghetsis and postnatdex: Alder
etc, etc? I would rather have the full list...
Lets face it the gameplay and story lines in all of the regular pokemon games (ex: red, gold, black) are similar. You start as a new trainer, go on a journey to collect the badges and challenge the elite 4. Then you get involved with some crazy organization and take them down. Though in the more recent titles the legendary pokemon become part of the story line (usually dealing with the random organization). Ex: Black/White, Team plasma, oooooooooooooooh nooooooooooooooo! Go zekrom/reshirim, beat N, save the day.
But, this doesn't mean they are exactly the same. The new pokemon, moves, gym leaders, regions, and npcs keep me interested from gen to gen. That's why I really liked Black, because you can't catch any of the old pokemon until after you "beat the game". Hell, I'd prefer if the old pokemon didn't even appear in the game at all and you had to trade to get them.
Lets face it the gameplay and story lines in all of the regular pokemon games (ex: red, gold, black) are similar. You start as a new trainer, go on a journey to collect the badges and challenge the elite 4. Then you get involved with some crazy organization and take them down. Though in the more recent titles the legendary pokemon become part of the story line (usually dealing with the random organization). Ex: Black/White, Team plasma, oooooooooooooooh nooooooooooooooo! Go zekrom/reshirim, beat N, save the day.
But, this doesn't mean they are exactly the same. The new pokemon, moves, gym leaders, regions, and npcs keep me interested from gen to gen. That's why I really liked Black, because you can't catch any of the old pokemon until after you "beat the game". Hell, I'd prefer if the old pokemon didn't even appear in the game at all and you had to trade to get them.
Well, if the part where you start as a rookie trainer, collect badges and face the Elite four change, what won't be 'traditional pokemon' anymore!!! That means you're looking for another game.
And that game might be... PU.
None of the games are the same.
In my opinion these are the second best, next to Emerald.
I highly disagree.
Gameboy advance games were somewhat different, but the ds games are a whole other story. DS games are ALWAYS the same story line with different end game pokemon, theres no twists, theres no changes in storys, its always the same gym leaders,elites four, and always have the same rival, and the same champion whom is very easy to beat, also theres always the same eggs in the game , same secrets, same team rocket/galatic, etc, etc.
Pokemon Red was the best, emerald was lame.
I don't agree with your arguments either.
Always same storyline and no change in the stories? Same Team Rocket/Galactik How?
Team Galactik wanted to destroy the world and create another, better world; Team Plasma wanted to 'free pokemon from slavery'. New plot/post game story has been included.
Same gym leaders? You sure? Give examples to support what you said.
Last time I checked, DPPt had Rock-Grass-Fighting-Ghost-Water-Steel-Ice-Electric and BW has (varied)-Normal-Bug-Electric-Ground-Flying-Ice-Dragon.
Elite four are the same? Really? Same here, examples.
DPPt: Bug-Ground-Fire-Psychic
BW: Psychic-Ghost-Dark-Fighting
Same rival? Do you? That's not true.
DPPt: Barry/Dawn/Lucas
BW: Cheren/Bianca/Hilbert/Hilda
Same secrets!? What are you talking about? Elaborate please.
Same Champion? No.
DPPt: Cynthia
BW: prenatdex: N and Ghetsis and postnatdex: Alder
etc, etc? I would rather have the full list...
i have to go very soon so illl try to make this quick,
when i said same story i mean its the same set up.
when i said same team galatic/rocket i ment by their always in the same place doing the same things.
when i said same secrets i ment by egg pockemon like getting lucario
the gym leaders have been the same pokemon type and people for awhile now,
same thing with the elite four.
when i said same rival he looks the same and never changes his role in anything.
thats all i have time for, see u next week
Well, if the part where you start as a rookie trainer, collect badges and face the Elite four change, what won't be 'traditional pokemon' anymore!!! That means you're looking for another game.
And that game might be... PU.
I don't have any problem with the formula, I was just staging the obvious.
Also It just might be the pokemon game I've been searching for.
None of the games are the same.
In my opinion these are the second best, next to Emerald.
I highly disagree.
Gameboy advance games were somewhat different, but the ds games are a whole other story. DS games are ALWAYS the same story line with different end game pokemon, theres no twists, theres no changes in storys, its always the same gym leaders,elites four, and always have the same rival, and the same champion whom is very easy to beat, also theres always the same eggs in the game , same secrets, same team rocket/galatic, etc, etc.
Pokemon Red was the best, emerald was lame.
I don't agree with your arguments either.
Always same storyline and no change in the stories? Same Team Rocket/Galactik How?
Team Galactik wanted to destroy the world and create another, better world; Team Plasma wanted to 'free pokemon from slavery'. New plot/post game story has been included.
Same gym leaders? You sure? Give examples to support what you said.
Last time I checked, DPPt had Rock-Grass-Fighting-Ghost-Water-Steel-Ice-Electric and BW has (varied)-Normal-Bug-Electric-Ground-Flying-Ice-Dragon.
Elite four are the same? Really? Same here, examples.
DPPt: Bug-Ground-Fire-Psychic
BW: Psychic-Ghost-Dark-Fighting
Same rival? Do you? That's not true.
DPPt: Barry/Dawn/Lucas
BW: Cheren/Bianca/Hilbert/Hilda
Same secrets!? What are you talking about? Elaborate please.
Same Champion? No.
DPPt: Cynthia
BW: prenatdex: N and Ghetsis and postnatdex: Alder
etc, etc? I would rather have the full list...
i have to go very soon so illl try to make this quick,
when i said same story i mean its the same set up.
when i said same team galatic/rocket i ment by their always in the same place doing the same things.
when i said same secrets i ment by egg pockemon like getting lucario
the gym leaders have been the same pokemon type and people for awhile now,
same thing with the elite four.
when i said same rival he looks the same and never changes his role in anything.
thats all i have time for, see u next week
Everything in bold isn't true or doesn't make sense.
1)Like Jerry said, team Galactic wanted to make the world a better place, and Team Rocket wanted to take over the world. Also, Team Plasma is trying to free pokemon because they believe that people are enslaving them. Team Aqua wanted to expand the sea, and Team Magma wanted to expand land.
2)I still don't understand the secrets thing, because you don't get a Riolu egg in every game.
3)The Gym leaders haven't been the same type. Some of them are the same type, but there are 17 types and 8 gyms. And then there's the elite four. So that's twelve types, so of course they'll have some of the same type for gyms.
4) The rivals don't look the same! They look completely different in each game!
5)I'll explain each rival's role. Blue is the guy who always tries to outdo you just so he can brag about it. Silver is a badass who steals a pokemon and believes that they're just tools. May/Brendan is the professor's daughter/son and is trying to complete the pokedex, and they try to help you along the way. Barry is your best friend and he wants to be as good as his dad is. I haven't played Black or White, so I don't know what N is like, so I can't tell you what's different about him.
None of the games are the same.
In my opinion these are the second best, next to Emerald.
I highly disagree.
Gameboy advance games were somewhat different, but the ds games are a whole other story. DS games are ALWAYS the same story line with different end game pokemon, theres no twists, theres no changes in storys, its always the same gym leaders,elites four, and always have the same rival, and the same champion whom is very easy to beat, also theres always the same eggs in the game , same secrets, same team rocket/galatic, etc, etc.
Pokemon Red was the best, emerald was lame.
I don't agree with your arguments either.
Always same storyline and no change in the stories? Same Team Rocket/Galactik How?
Team Galactik wanted to destroy the world and create another, better world; Team Plasma wanted to 'free pokemon from slavery'. New plot/post game story has been included.
Same gym leaders? You sure? Give examples to support what you said.
Last time I checked, DPPt had Rock-Grass-Fighting-Ghost-Water-Steel-Ice-Electric and BW has (varied)-Normal-Bug-Electric-Ground-Flying-Ice-Dragon.
Elite four are the same? Really? Same here, examples.
DPPt: Bug-Ground-Fire-Psychic
BW: Psychic-Ghost-Dark-Fighting
Same rival? Do you? That's not true.
DPPt: Barry/Dawn/Lucas
BW: Cheren/Bianca/Hilbert/Hilda
Same secrets!? What are you talking about? Elaborate please.
Same Champion? No.
DPPt: Cynthia
BW: prenatdex: N and Ghetsis and postnatdex: Alder
etc, etc? I would rather have the full list...
i have to go very soon so illl try to make this quick,
when i said same story i mean its the same set up.
when i said same team galatic/rocket i ment by their always in the same place doing the same things.
when i said same secrets i ment by egg pockemon like getting lucario
the gym leaders have been the same pokemon type and people for awhile now,
same thing with the elite four.
when i said same rival he looks the same and never changes his role in anything.
thats all i have time for, see u next week
Everything in bold isn't true or doesn't make sense.
1)Like Jerry said, team Galactic wanted to make the world a better place, and Team Rocket wanted to take over the world. Also, Team Plasma is trying to free pokemon because they believe that people are enslaving them. Team Aqua wanted to expand the sea, and Team Magma wanted to expand land.
2)I still don't understand the secrets thing, because you don't get a Riolu egg in every game.
3)The Gym leaders haven't been the same type. Some of them are the same type, but there are 17 types and 8 gyms. And then there's the elite four. So that's twelve types, so of course they'll have some of the same type for gyms.
4) The rivals don't look the same! They look completely different in each game!
5)I'll explain each rival's role. Blue is the guy who always tries to outdo you just so he can brag about it. Silver is a badass who steals a pokemon and believes that they're just tools. May/Brendan is the professor's daughter/son and is trying to complete the pokedex, and they try to help you along the way. Barry is your best friend and he wants to be as good as his dad is. I haven't played Black or White, so I don't know what N is like, so I can't tell you what's different about him.
N is my favorite, he wants to help Pokemon, he believes people take advantage of them. I can't say anymore or it will spoil. But I agree with TrainerX.
I think that's the longest post I've ever made.
Lol, thanks for laying down the points while I wasn't here :)
As for the 'same setup', I already addressed that point with Bing
Well, if the part where you start as a rookie trainer, collect badges and face the Elite four change, what won't be 'traditional pokemon' anymore!!! That means you're looking for another game.
And that game might be... PU.
I don't have any problem with the formula, I was just staging the obvious.
Also It just might be the pokemon game I've been searching for.
I just bought pokemon white this past week, and it has proved to be the best game by pokemon since pokemon red was out, also it has more of a challenge which i have missed.
lol this game had to least for me. But I still loved. It took me about 2 weeks to be, I OT and OE a lot though.