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Creative Discussions => Fan Fiction & Writing => Topic started by: repo222 on March 31, 2011, 01:27:39 AM

Title: Crime pt1
Post by: repo222 on March 31, 2011, 01:27:39 AM
 The dark, redvelvet-like blooddrop splashed on the floor. In real life, it would only be a tap like sound, but I heard a drum beat. These were the signs of a murder.

 My name is Tommy Gustavo. Im a italian, self made money maker. Well, I do get a little help from my gang. Im a mafia member. The mafia, family owned business, is a top gang of New York. The mafia is owned by my uncle Frankie.
if u want to read the rest, please comment because i want to know how good i did. Tank you :)

Title: Re: Crime pt1
Post by: repo222 on March 31, 2011, 03:17:53 AM
Title: Re: Crime pt1
Post by: Mr. Fox on March 31, 2011, 04:53:14 AM
post the rest so I can read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Crime pt1
Post by: Declan_23 on March 31, 2011, 09:49:03 PM
Not bad, you may want to check your grammar and word order a little.
Here's an edited version:

The dark, red, velvet-like blood drop splashed on the floor. In real life, it would only sound like a tap, but I heard a drum beat. These were the signs of a murder.

 My name is Tommy Gustavo. Im an Italian, a self made money maker. Well, I do get a little help from my gang. Im a mafia member. The mafia, a family owned business, is one of the top gangs of New York. The mafia is owned by my uncle Frankie.

But all in all, I would love to hear more :)
Title: Re: Crime pt1
Post by: Frenchfry on March 31, 2011, 10:14:38 PM
Not bad, you may want to check your grammar and word order a little.
Here's an edited version:

The dark, red, velvet-like blood drop splashed on the floor. In real life, it would only sound like a tap, but I heard a drum beat. These were the signs of a murder.

 My name is Tommy Gustavo. I'm an Italian, a self made money maker. Well, I do get a little help from my gang. I am a mafia member. The mafia, a family owned business, is one of the top gangs of New York. The mafia is owned by my uncle Frankie.

Double fixed.
Title: Re: Crime pt1
Post by: repo222 on April 01, 2011, 12:50:42 AM
sure thing
Title: Re: Crime pt1
Post by: Frenchfry on April 01, 2011, 03:56:53 AM
Now get to work on the next installment. I like watching writers develop.