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Messages - nightshade06

Pages: 1 ... 68 69 [70] 71 72 ... 76
Quite content with the training progress....Looking around I spot a Timburr off in the distance attacking a Lillipup. A sharp gleem in my eye appears as anger builds of the sight...

Dashing over and doing a quick slash at the Timburr surprises him. Jumping back after the hit the Timburr sees me as his opponent and starts using focus energy, followed by a low kick directed at me. Smirking a bit I vanish from my speed and appear behind him furious at the Timburr....Using focus energy myself I repeatedly slash away at the Timburr until eventually he gives out a cry for help and as I let off on the attack he quickly runs off panicked.

Standing tall from the victory. Tall and proud!

"Scyther..Scy..Scyther!!" (You are ok now little pup.)

The Lillipup looked happy and then ran off to enjoy the rest of the day.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 08, 2012, 03:31:54 AM »
"I will get that lighthouse fixed if its the last thing I do"

Looking at Tanu and chuckles.

"Might get your shot soon enough."

Going outside on the roof I can hear the moaning of a few zombies off in the distance. Not being able to see them I don't pay attention to them and just lay down and relax on the roof for a bit.

"It's a good thing zombies suck at climbing."

Stunned in fear as the Treecko hits me hard with his pound attack. Rolling backwards from the blow I hurry and start throwing sand in all directions with a furious sand attack in attempts to blind him. A lot of it hits him in his eyes. Excited it hits him I quickly dash at him with a hard hitting tackle *critical* the Treecko goes flying back and slams into the rock.

"EEVEE eeveee EEVEE!!" (LEAVE me ALONE!)

Treecko barely able to get up from the hit in a panic runs off in fear.

With a joyous look on my face. I begin to look around seeing a soft patch of grass. Go lay down in it and rest for a bit to recover from the battle.

(PinWheel Forest)

Glancing at a nearby tree with many leaves and branches on it. Getting the idea good tree to train on..
Swiftly flying up aggressively at the first branch using quick attack as fast as I can go! Cutting the branch from the tree and as it falls using my speed to cut off each leaf on the branch and landing on the ground before the branch does.
As the leaves fall to me using my blades to try to cut them in half as the fall only a few where hit..


Mildly satisfied with the speed from that performance but at the same time my accuracy wasn't all that great for such a small target.
Looking at the rest of the branches I decide a different approach on it and use quick attack again but this time repeatedly to jump from one branch to the other as almost as if I was vanishing and showing back up at the next branch and at the very top quickly darting down to the ground trying to avoid the branches and hitting the leaves as I go down. This time quite a few was hit as the many leaves hit the ground all cut!

"Scyyyyther!!!" As I proclaim proudly of what I did!!

Playing around at route 36 in a grassy area. Scaring off Pidgey all over the place. Out of the corner of my eye I see a huge rock sitting off in the distance. Thinking about it for a moment...Deciding to try and break the rock..


As I start charging at it using my tackle as strong as I can.....Slamming into it not even a crack.....


Feeling disappointed that I am still no stronger than the day before. Looking up to the sky all I hear is a loud screetch...


Apparently the rock had a Treecko taking a nap ontop of it. And I woke it up...not intentionally....
Seeing the fury in his eyes I stand there stunned not knowing what to do....as he jumps into the air getting ready to use pound on me....

"EEVEE!" As I sit there not able to move!

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« on: May 07, 2012, 12:47:20 AM »

Character Name:Eevee
Character Gender:Male
Character Age:2 years
Short Backstory: When he was born a few months after.....the family was attacked by several ekans. Being lost from the rest afterwards one of the ekans finds him and attacks him and badly injures in tearing part of his ear and putting a bad cut on his head. Was saved by a random trainer and his Jolteon. The kind trainer decided to stitch up his wound and quickly after being scared Eevee quickly ran off from him...now 2 Years later he still remembers that one day and with high hopes. Wanting to become the strongest Jolteon anyone has ever seen...But first must find a trainer that is strong enough to train him right and hopefully allow him to turn into a Jolteon with the Thunderstone, but at the same time prefer to be a Jolteon, But wouldn't mind one of the other ones either as long as the trainer can make him strong.
Location: Route 36

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Random Zombie RP
« on: May 05, 2012, 12:24:41 PM »
Nightshade he never said anything about a burned out bulb, he thought it. ;)

Oh oops Ill fix it.

Hopefully that is better lol....tell me if I need to fix anything else about it XD

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 05, 2012, 05:03:35 AM »
"How about we just get some rest for tonight. You're free to stay here. If any of you need some maintenance on your weapons, just bring them into the workshop downstairs."

"Thanks Al. I don't know what we would do if you wasn't here..."
"Also what do you think happened to the lighthouse? Think the bulb might be burnt? Is there any store around here that might carry some for it?"
"Just in case that is the problem if we find a way to get over there that is..."
"If so I wouldn't mind going to get a few once I get my weapons fixed."

Looking over at everyone rather beat up...

"Not sure when you are going to want to fix it."

General Chat / Re: What's the best looking pokemon EVER!
« on: May 05, 2012, 12:56:09 AM »
IDC about legendaries they are all over rated scyther baby!!!!! looks bad ass!!

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: May 04, 2012, 01:20:19 AM »
yea exactly and PO Isn't completely accurate IMO seeing how you can put all the points into 1 stat or w/e I thought all that was added automatically or something? or am I just talking nonsense idk lol XD

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 04, 2012, 12:19:48 AM »
As I am walking down to put my weapons on his table so they can be maintained..I hear Tanu.

"Al you have any idea how we're gonna fix the lighthouse since we can't even get to it?"

I just couldn't help myself with this....

"How about we use the launcher and just launch random stuff at it." "Maybe we will hit the light switch haha!"

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: May 03, 2012, 03:54:02 AM »
I am decent at Pokemon battles. Not the best but I do win from time to time. Lol with scyther always being in my arsenal. :D

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 03, 2012, 03:51:25 AM »
Walking inside seeing several people in  the shop...

"Eh I will wait my turn I guess I mainly just need my sword sharpened and if possible some kind of padding for my glove inside."

Looking around seeing Zack there all cut up and bleeding.

"Hey Zack man I must say you need to wash those cuts out or get something to put on them so they don't get infected."

I take out the pack of Pop Tarts I had been saving and my last bottle of water. Going to sit in a corner to relax for a bit and watch the chaos of everyone trying to talk to Al.

"Heh, this should be entertaining." 

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: May 02, 2012, 10:34:33 PM »
I want a Godzilla O.O

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Random Zombie RP
« on: May 02, 2012, 01:25:12 PM »
no clue I see them on from time to time but they don't post in here XD

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