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Messages - Kuhns

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 15
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Honey pokemon
« on: February 06, 2010, 05:48:11 AM »
It could be like you can put honey on the tree but only you can fight the Pokemon so people don't steal your kill.

Ah, great use of words there. As for the honey Pokemon thing, and I'll be honest...I thought it was a really stupid idea in-game. Instead of cutting and pasting, how about coming up with some alternative ways to make Honey Pokemon fun? As is, it doesn't even really add a new dimension to the game.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
« on: February 06, 2010, 03:37:06 AM »
Yeah, nobody is really suppose to know the town even still exists--the people there too stubborn to let it die. Its also a natural noob-free zone.

Quests & Plots / [Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
« on: February 06, 2010, 03:00:16 AM »
This is a questastic idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a couple days...so since I have nothing better to do I decided to show yah'll.


Any Pokemon > than level 35. (I was also thinking about a trainer level too, but knowing almost nothing about what the PU Team is doing about that, I'll just leave that part blank. ;)

The quest really begins around an area of mountains, further still, a specific, huge mountain called the Red Mountain for, you guessed it, being a rusted red color.... ...The mountain is also an medium-active volcano.

So anyways, the player starts the quest by running around next to the entrance (made unavailable before the quest by a very dutiful guard) and is then stopped by a dialogue box, saying something like: You hear a loud scream somewhere around you...Watch Out!

Which begins a random encounter with some kind of Fire Pokemon. The Fire Pokemon is not only a tad stronger for its level, but its also enraged, lowering the effectiveness of Water-Type attacks. You can defeat it, run from it, or try to catch it. Catching it will always fail, running from it will lower the chance of the [Quest Item] to drop, and defeating it will cause it to limp away so the player can 'find'...a small steel key.

The key opens the previously closed off Red Mountain Cave entrance, and when the player enters the first chamber they find the 'guard' lying on the ground. Leaving the guard behind, the player then begins their journey through a series of red-rocked caves, gooey lava pools and pissed off Fire Pokemon. At the end of the cave system is one final chamber, an exit on the other side, but the player has one 'last' challenge to face: the bigger-than-average, angry, Magmortar.


I lied, the player actually has to either run away from the battle or lose by design. They 'black out' a moment later and wake up safe outside the cave. There are several scruffy looking people around the cave entrance, all with water type Pokemon. When the player wakes up, all of the guards just grunt and point towards the village. This starts the bulk of the MRM Quest.

Pahoen is the name of the town. I'm not going to reveal all of the history, that would ruin the mystery. But I will tell some important things interesting to the story in paragraph format below.

Pahoen: Is a forgotten little village hidden in the mass of the Red Mountain. History says the town was settled several hundred years after a large volcanic explosion blew out a crater sized hole in the back side. (That explains the trees, and the water and the plants, and the humans living there. :P) The town is near one of the most inactive parts of the volcano, and as such is safe from any...explosions that might happen.

But why would people settle in such a town?

Two words: Fire Stones. The mountain is rich with minerals, irons, and Pokemon, but none more so then Fire Stones. In fact the town use to be a prime tourist location too, drawing people and trainers alike from the farthest sides of the lands. All things come with a price though.... The rich minerals and the Fire Stones especially drew the attention of the Dark Drilling Mining Company. They came with promises and the townspeople agreed. Soon the mines that once filled with pickaxes and other Pokemon-friendly tools were replaced with high powered thermal drills and explosives. The mines grew without direction, burrowing further and further into the Red Mountain...and then six years after the DDMC came, something strange happened. Something that caused the tourists and trainers, the DDMC and the (non-Fire Pokemon) to flee. And since then, Paheon has lay forgotten and lost, scarred in the flames of the angry Fire Pokemon who dwell deep in the mountain....

Until the player comes along to get in the way save the day.

I'm not going to go further into the smaller quest arcs only in that they include: rescues, exploration, investigation, people skills, and...other stuff. (If you guys want to ask about any of these I guess I can go into more detail, but this post is getting pretty long right now.)

Oh yeah, if the player is carrying a Fire Pokemon, they might as well send it somewhere else. Until the player finishes the quest, Fire Pokemon wont listen, and might even run away.

The player will face off against that Magmortar again, but they'll be equip with the tools (and the key to the mystery) strong enough to take it down. The player will then have the access to a town others who haven't played the quest wont, a unique place to look for Fire Pokemon, and discounts of Fire Stones in the local market.  ::)

Expand or question, tell me what yah'll think. Or do you want to hear more about the in-between?

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Support Skills
« on: February 06, 2010, 01:14:09 AM »
What about having a benched Grass or Electric Pokemon? Does that active Water Pokemon get an...un-support percentage. ;P

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PvP battles, please make them fun....
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:29:05 AM »
In any Game of pokemon there are certain things that just make tournaments gay, and any PvP for that matter.
I know i asked about this in chat 1 day but im gonna make a bigger deal about this.
In a PvP battle(we aren't talking about NPC's so chill questers) you should not be allowed to use potions, full heals, any battle items, nothing. It is how the game is made if you ever battled a friend on gen1, (I think for 2-4 too) and it will be gay, tedious, and just not very poke-ish to let this occur. so im extremely pleased that there are no legendaries because for obvious reasons, but there also should be no items(hold items are allowed) in PvP. ;D

Loved how you used the word gay to describe something you didn't like.  ::)

I think there shouldn't be a limit on the amount of items allowed to be used in a PvP battle. It happens all the time in battles against NPCs, of course it's not being used against the player so its not considered 'not fun.'

Besides, when the opponent uses a item or something (that isn't held by the Pokemon) the other trainer is usually given two turns to attack before the item-user can.

If something limiting items is implemented in PvP battles (any battle in fact), it should be based on level and not on number of items used. An 'item' stat for the player, giving a skill number to item uses, which gives the chance that the item used will fail.

So if a level 13 (something low) player uses a Full Restore (instead of something for lower leveled players like...a Potion) there's a--high--chance that it'll fail. Or, despite the fact that the player is a high level with a good item stat, the more times the item(s) are used, the higher the chance for the item to fail rises.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: ...to show stackable attacks
« on: February 04, 2010, 07:59:59 PM »
Hm this is a really cool idea, but it brings up the question of:

What happens when an Antidote/Burn Heal/whatever is used? Does it knock only one of the stacks out, or all of them?

General Chat / Re: Scizor>Scyther
« on: February 04, 2010, 02:10:16 AM »
Scizor has better colors (The Red/Dark color scheme is much better then the Green color scheme), but the claws I think look cooler on Scizor than the blades on Scyther. Agreeing with Dellancher, Scyther has a better cry. This post was not made to show that Scyther is a "better" pokemon based on who I would use in a game, it is to show who I think is a "better" as in more favorable pokemon. Scizor in the anime is broadcasted as a much cooler pokemon than Scyther. They always show Scyther in the anime as such a mean, scary pokemon. Scizor is simply better based on appearance. Kuhns, I never said I was making a logical argument based on stats, this is simply an opinion of why I like Scizor more so stop getting SO devistated.

...Uh, deviastated? I think you should go look that one up before using it again.

I was merely stating that an argument would be pointless in comparing the two, since it is a matter of opinion, and not of something with more reasonable grounds. As such you did state that:

Most people believe Scyther is better then Scizor because he betters stats, moves, etc

followed up by:

But Scizor is better than Scyther because of one reason, he looks cooler.

So yes, I do understand that you believe that Scizor is a better Pokemon because you think it looks better than Scyther.  8)

In saying that, I stand firm on my opinion that Scyther is a better Pokemon than Scizor.

Other Games / Re: Sandbox Discussion
« on: February 03, 2010, 05:08:28 PM »
Oblivion was an awesome game, but not as big or epic (feeling) as Morrowind. Morrowind had so many quests/people/monster/places to explore/ history. However, Oblivion was a bit 'smaller' but the graphics/level system/fight system/loot system/storyline were all better. ;)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Releasing Pokemon
« on: February 03, 2010, 05:36:47 AM »
It'd be a neat idea if you could catch Pokemon that had been previously released...whether they originally belonged to you or not.  :P

"Oh look, you just caught [insert name here]'s old Charmander!"

Although I don't really understand why players would release their Pokemon with so much space on those computers to begin with.

Shouldn't this go under the General Chat instead?

General Chat / Re: Scizor>Scyther
« on: February 03, 2010, 05:15:48 AM »
Most people believe Scyther is better then Scizor because he betters stats, moves, etc. But Scizor is better than Scyther because of one reason, he looks cooler. I think it would take a heck of an argument to prove Scizor isn't the coolest looking pokemon out there. Scizor rules!!!

Arguments (at least the intelligent ones) are based on the laws of logic.

As such, logic would dictate that if Scyther has better 'stats, moves, etc,' then Scyther would be the 'better' Pokemon.

'Coolness' is a matter of opinion and therefor doesn't exist in the realms of logic. Just because you think something is better because it 'looks cooler' doesn't automatically make it so.

So, to sum things up, you believe that Scizor would totally get its butt kicked by Scyther, but'll look good during so.  ;)


Scyther came first, Scyther saw first, Scyther kicked butt first. Scyther>Scizor

Other Games / Re: Bioshock II
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:35:37 PM »
That's true it does have to have some good graphics to catch my eye, but a lot of games these days have amazing graphics, also games with original ideas. But def stories, like bio and assassins creed, they're smart clever and sooo addicting

That's more or less what I mean. Nowadays some people think if it looks good, its automatically better than everything else.  ::)

Assassin's Creed's storyline knocked itself at the top of my favorite games list. ;D

But Bioshock II. -3- I hope it can out due it's predecessor.

Other Games / Re: Bioshock II
« on: February 02, 2010, 08:44:49 PM »
is anyone else excited for this game?!? ive been waiting for it for along long long long time! and i was a huge fan of the first. i tend to love games that have great storylines! 7 days till its release!

BIOSHOCK II here I come!  :D

What? As if anything with a gewd storyline can be as great as something that looks pretty. :B

Kidding, I loved the first as well, strangely enough I didn't play it myself but watched my brother play it. I know this though: If that had been me in Rapture, I'd have died three minutes in. :P

Other Entertainment / Re: Seriously Overrated Stuff
« on: February 02, 2010, 04:31:41 AM »
Even if he is, theres no choice. I'm taking Civics so I know my government stuff. The only reason why Obama is sending in more troops is because he's already stuck there from Bush Jr. Some people support him for that. Some hate him for that. There isn't much of a choice for him. He would lose support from the people if he keeps continuing the war. but if he "ends" the war, he would lose support of most influential people.

I believe thats the case.

Meh, I dislike him because he's an overrated liar who made promises her couldn't and wouldn't keep.

On another topic, it's not Bush's (I or II) or any other president's complete fault that the country is in such a slump. It's all those idiots who lived by the credit card, bought new cars with borrowed money, instead of paying for their bills, and the constant shifts in the world markets.

On another note: Talking about politics--so overrated. ;P

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: My ideas
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:20:14 PM »
Sounds like someone didn't do their homework and use the search bar before posting.  ::)

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