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Messages - Level5Pidgey

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 32
Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: World War Z: X pt1
« on: September 12, 2011, 10:45:49 AM »
Make it into an RP.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Levelled List
« on: September 11, 2011, 04:32:02 PM »
Leaving this to some algorithm could lead to problems down the track which we may want to retain control over.

Perhaps players could activate some sort of "Expert (Brutal?) Mode" once they beat the Brutal 5 (or something) which they can flick on to make all the Pokemon higher level in the zones?

I dunno, it's just I would be a bit worried about making an oversight on a feature like this and making the game too easy/hard or unplayable - when it would be better to manually control it.

If it's something that the players can control - I wouldn't mind so much.
Giving players control means that there will never be a situation where a trainer wants lower level Pokemon (while retaining the higher level pokes in his team) and they cannot get it for whatever reason.

Base line - if we were to implement this, I would recommend implementing it on a switch that players control.
Should erase 99% of concerns.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Pokemon Universe Guild Tournament
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:58:43 PM »
Yeah, Ponge or Kam I suppose.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Pokemon Universe Guild Tournament
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:20:00 PM »
I really am only putting species clause in because people can and will try to use a full team of Slamence or something crazy. Also normally in pokemon mmos, when someone creates a tounrey they themselves will enforce species clause.

Yeah, Species clause is defs needed in this tourney.
Salamence... >.>

Trainers Lounge / Re: Cheap Pokemon
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:18:44 PM »
2 random things about this statement.

1. Infernape isn't OU anymore
2. You don't see too many banded Scizors anymore because his bulkier swords dance set is much more viable in gen 5.

Yeah, I'm kinda still used to Gen IV. Especially when it's OU - as I left V OU pretty quick.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Pokemon Universe Guild Tournament
« on: September 11, 2011, 12:30:16 PM »
Just quickly, note that in PU, Species Clause may not be in effect.

I'm not 100% sure, I'll work it out.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Cheap Pokemon
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:09:49 AM »
It isn't really like that, we're just making every pokémon viable through giving them a buff or a nerf in stats, abilities, movesets... Let's say my mono-fighting team won't be swept by a single Alakazam ;)

That sorta implies that we've changed type matchups or something XP Or weakened SE damage.

Basically - the balance effort means every fully evolved Pokemon will be usable in a skilled battle setting.
So, if we hold a tournament for all the best trainers, rather than only seeing the OU tier (Blissey, TTar, Scizor, Infernape) - you'll be seeing a huge mix of all Pokemon (like Braviary, Blastoise, Slowbro, and Clefable too)

We are also attempting to make every Pokemon both
- Fun to use
- Fun to fight against.

As we've covered in this topic, some Pokemon are not fun at all to fight against - Blissey for example is well known for undoing several turns of work in just 2 turns, so she got nerfed to be a little riskier.

An example of a Pokemon who wasn't fun to use was Scizor - most carried Choice Bands and sat around just Bullet Punching and U-Turning all day.
We nerfed his attack a little - making the strategy less useful, but then buffed several of his attacks.
No when he runs a Choice Band, he has more options to choose from - making him more fun to play - and in many ways, more dangerous, even with his lost Attack.

Games / Re: Blaze Blaziken vs Speed Boost Blaziken
« on: September 11, 2011, 02:38:51 AM »
Blaziken is frail so he gets OHKOd by most hits anyway. Blaze isn't *that* useful.


Anyway, the "strong vs. creative" argument is an interesting one.

A lot of people like to make more creative teams because it requires more strategy and thinking - they wish to give themselves a bit of a handicap to make the game more surprising. Also, the element of surprise can help a tad - it's not like a lot of people carry dedicated counters to Dustox, right?
Honestly I don't mind having a weaker team if it makes the battle less mind-numbingly stale.

Similarly people get annoyed when others use cookie-cutter teams, as, again - it makes the battle boring as hell. I stopped playing OU because I was annoyed at just seeing Blissey, Scizor, TTar, Infernape every single damn battle.
There's a reason why RU is currently many battler's favourite tier in Gen V - there's just so much variety, and with a number of new moves, dream world abilities  and items - the tier actually has some awesome threats. Also UU is currently messed up.

This is partially why we're balancing in PU - not just so people can use their favourites, but so the game has some variety during tournaments.
Not much use in holding tournaments if every player has the same cookie cutter team.
It also gives players incentive to train more Pokemon rather than just the usual OUs - to discover each Pokemon's new potential.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Levelled List
« on: September 11, 2011, 12:04:17 AM »
We could put a lower cap on zones - so, Pokemon can only get harder.

But what happens when you wanna train your level 5 Pidgey? You can't until it's extremely high level because you have all the badges so even the starting zones are high level...


This idea is a more trouble than it's worth I think.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Battle options
« on: September 05, 2011, 02:34:08 AM »
I think we should be able to fly helicorpterrzzzz

Game Features / Re: A balance for weather abilities
« on: September 02, 2011, 02:24:32 PM »
I am really lazy.

Anyway, yeah - duration is limited.
Have trouble waiting out the turns? Carry Protect or something.

If it becomes a problem, we will at least make the rocks useless on Drizzle/Drought/SS/SW users.

All weather Speed abilities have been nerfed to only give a 1.5x boost.
Solar Power only gives 30% I believe.

So, generally weather teams are far less dangerous. Also there are going to be more Cloud Nine users. Golduck especially counters the vast majority of weather teams hands down.

So that's sorta what we're doing.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: EXP modification
« on: September 02, 2011, 02:20:11 PM »
The problem with this idea is usefulness.

What will be achieved through implementation?
How will the gameplay improve?

If we make the bonus exp high, it means that people will grind particular pokes and the game will be a grind-fest.
If we make the bonus low, it will have no presence, making it pointless to implement anyway.

Will it improve the gameplay?
Not really.

Still a cool idea though I guess?

Trainers Lounge / Re: Infringement
« on: September 01, 2011, 02:39:22 PM »
I wasn't aware that this game had any infringement.

Pokemon is OC right?

Other Chat / Re: Please stop freaking out.
« on: August 31, 2011, 12:08:18 PM »
Who was even yelling?

Do we yell here?

General Chat / Re: Let's Merge our Resources
« on: August 29, 2011, 01:41:16 AM »
How about a "Veteran's Area" for users that the staff feel have been very influential and/or A big part, in regards to Development

We have that, it's called the "Pre-Beta Tester" forum.

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