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Messages - Mr. Fox

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 333
Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:34:46 PM »
Hurry up and break the guy. I want to start posting.

And fox, question, that book, is it "The book," or just a random book with some stuff about necromancy.
I'm not quite getting your question...

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:26:19 PM »
He can also store a puppet in a bag, and it pops out with freakin scythes for hands.

well if anything you can just change it to where you have a back pack you store some bones in that you use for defensive emergencies or something of that sort. :P
Nah, I'm just going to piss some souls off and get them to attack the guys...

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:19:27 PM »
I'm learning that quickly, but I've got a better idea for my post anyways now.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:11:13 PM »
I think that post was a little OP. You can randomly summon a skeleton from beneath a tavern at will? No gathering parts to build a minion, no finding a dead body to resurrect, just automatically summon two skeletons? Have you played any game with a necromancer that can do that?
Want me to fix it? and I'm running off of Wikipedia for my necromancer info. >_<

"No, but I have a feeling that you feel the need to inform me." I grab the glass that my drink is in and take a long drink, wonderfully delicious. "This is a wonderful beverage here, and your healers are quite skilled." As I finished speaking the healer finished their work, I inspected it; a very through job, I don't think this will scar at all.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:59:47 PM »
Huge post is huge...

As I sat in a local tavern in on of the smaller towns outlying Kai Sung, a few thugs began to sit around me; one to my left, two to my right, and a moment later at least one behind me. The one behind me put a hand on my shoulder, it was rough and callused from either many years working a farm, or many years of wielding a weapon, he massaged it for a second before he began to speak. "Your new in town aren't you?"

I brushed his hand from my shoulder then turned so I could face him, he was just as big and muscular as I had expected. He had a scar running the length of his face, perhaps twenty or so years old; then I took note of the ax he had on his back, quite large and clearly it had seen quite a few battles; the blade had numerous chips in it, but other then that it look as though it could still easily remove a limb with no effort. "Yes, but I am simply passing through; I should be on my way by morning."

"In that case I'm going to be nice to you, but you've still got to pay a toll." He seemed genuine in his message, but something was off in his voice.

"Very well, how much do I owe in order to pass though your town?"
"I like that book of yours, looks pretty valuable." And it was reviled, he wanted my book; the only material possession I had.
"I fear you are mistaken, this book is simply a journal that I keep as I travel from town to town. It's only value is in it's worth as kindling." He wasn't buying my story, he must have a necromancer in his family some where.
"I'm sorry buddy, but if you don't pay you don't live..."
"Very well." I stood up and walked towards the door, "It's best if we keep our quarling out of this establishment."

I left and waited for them to emerge, which they did very quickly. They quickly surrounded me and each drew their weapons in sync. For a brief moment we all stood still, just sizing each other up; then it was broken when one of them began to rush me from behind. Quickly I side stepped his clumsily attack, then opened the book in one motion. I quickly shifted through the pages until I found the one I wanted. I began to use it when I was forced to dodge yet another attack, this one landed, slicing my arm open, it wasn't bad enough to render is useless; but it caused a great deal of pain. Finally I managed to finish the spell "Tormented souls, I call you to this world again!" Knowing this one required an empty vessel to do correctly it wouldn't work perfectly, but the souls would be enraged and attack everything they could find; at least until they were driven out.

One of the thugs screamed and ran off trying to get away from my attack, the others stood their ground, but were still shaken by the screaming souls. Two of them started swinging their swords madly around, trying to stop the screaming, but it was to no avail, in their madness they drove their own weapons through their skulls. The ax wielder was on his knees clenching his head in his hands. I walked up to him then drove the spirits off "Your job here is done, go torment another person." I helped him to his feet then walked back towards the tavern.

Then the pain from my wound kicked in, I needed to be a little more careful from now on. I returned to the tavern and requested a healer, I dropped the amount it would cost to patch my arm up then ordered a stout drink; what a night...

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:09:47 PM »
Cool, then I will start around that area.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:57:57 PM »
hey, so where is everyone?

Archie grabbed both of them by their scruffs, then asked them if they had learned anything. At first they just hissed at him, but soon they were overcome by laughter; making it clear they had gained nothing from Archie's demonstration.

"You've got to be poopting me! You Challenged them to a duel to the death, and you volunteered me for this!" Every vein in her neck and face was bulging from her body like snakes trying to escape, it was clear she was angry; but for our sake I hoped she could keep her cool in this situation.
"Imp Challenge best way earn trust. Defeat champion, prove strength, finish mission." She shook her head, she knew the rebels needed all the allies they could find, but she was still pissed at me.

She walked to the middle of the arena and waited. A few moments later an Imp of about the same stature emerged from the other side of the arena. They walked towards the center of the battle field; and as was custom shook hands. As soon as they released each other's hand, they both had their weapons drawn.  The Champion was fast and deadly with his duel daggers, using his abities to avoid Salreth's Swords. Thirty seconds into the duel Salreth went on the counter attack, she let her napalm  run along the length of her blades then struck at him; to dodge it he had to retreat, giving her the space to use her signature move.

She summoned all of her napalm into a large ball in front of her as she had done with me; then began to fire it at him. He managed to dodge the first few ones, but it was clear he was struggling to keep up the pace at witch they were being fired at him; then he got hit in the leg. He fell to the ground and grasped his leg to make sure it was still there, it was; but now Salreth used her Napalm to surround him. She entered the fire ring and raised her swords to deliver the killing blow, but as she brought her blades down she sheathed them and recalled all of her napalm. "I don't kill allies." She held her hand out to the fallen Imp and helped him back on his feet. Hopefully this act of mercy would go well with the community, all we needed to do now was talk to their chief.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:01:24 PM »
I still have to read through the 16 pages of posts to figure where everyone stands... I hate weekends.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:26:06 AM »
I wake up a little bit later to find the fire station empty. I yawn and stretch, that was some good sleep. I look around for a second, yup, no one's home. I pick up my sac and ax and leave the station; there are new zombie bodies strewn all over the place, I slept through a mob...not good I think to myself. For some strange reason I decide to head back up to Al's place, guess I like having people to talk to after being alone for so long. With that though in mind I start walking towards his shop.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rebellion
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:58:37 AM »
well I'm lost...where can I come in?

(sorry for being gone so long... )
Archie wasn't moving, at all. Jacob and Issac stopped laughing and looked at each other, had they just killed Archie? In their panic they didn't think it might be a counter joke so they rushed up to check to see if he was still alive...

Twenty feet from the gate to the colony a large group of Imps met us. It was obvious it was a fighter unit. The biggest one walked up to me and started to talk.

"What you want Imp? You not smart coming out here."
"I Uallgarg, that Salreth," I pointed to Salreth who now had her hands on her swords. "we come for peace, make alliance."
He looked at us, sizing us up. "We have no need fight war. Safe here, go." They all started to turn around and walk away, thoughts raced through my head, then it hit me...

"Uallgarg make Imp Challenge..." They stopped in their tracks, turned towards me, their faces were stone cold.
"You not dare!"
"Uallgarg dare, you decide where, Uallgarg decide win/lose conditions."
He scratched his head, then grunted, it was on...

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day
« on: June 02, 2012, 03:53:36 AM »
"You ungrateful little rat! I told you to come back inside and you flat out refused! Get over your insecurity and grow the hell up! Now where is a good place to sleep?" I looked around and found an empty area. I set my sack down, I took my hat and gauntlet off. I put my gauntlet under my hat then using my hat as a pillow I laid down and quickly fell asleep...

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