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Messages - Aquashin

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 111
"Hey there is an open spot for ya here!"

Lyn looks a thte one caling for her and shakes head

"Have your battle... i will wait...arround..."

she looks arround and sees the way to the benches, going there and sitting down.

Lyn kept walking throught he Oreburgh City, as she goes in the Gym, she looks arround trying to look for something, her face still somehow in shock.

"Hello... anyone here?"

she says in a faint voice, Ralts and Shinx on her arms were worried sick about her.

Lyn sighs at all the happenings and looks arround at others

"The only way its to take the other way up the cicling road and to Eterna City, then Eterna Florest, and thats where you all should go..."

She starts leaving oposite of the Cave into the Oreburgh city, all the current happenins were being too much for her.

Lyn sees Fenror launching his fist at him as she grabs his wrist quickly stoping him

"i know how you feel, and violence is not the answer"

She keeps looking at the man with the face of wanting to slap him hard but holding herself back to do it

"Your going to pay for your crimes in prison, the officers in this town should be arriving and they will put you behind bars, basterd..."

Lyn looks around and then she sees the man sitting next to the entrace, as she goes to him

"Excuse me, did you see who did this horrible thing?"

She looks at the man, as Ralts and Shinx glared at him

Lyn suddently hears the explosion and sees from where the sound came

"What the... a explosion?... I came from the direction of the cave, come on guys."

She stands up and starts running to the direction of the cave that everyone came from to come to Oreburgh. As she finishes climbing the stairs with Ralts and Shinx on her arms, and Psyduck beside her, she looks at the cave in.

"Oh my.... what...or who did this horrible thing?..."

She stood in shock looking at it.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] "End of the World" Pokemon RP
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:07:19 AM »

Lyn smiles and goes to the Pokemon Center , after healing her pokemon she goes to a open area and places Shinx on the ground and makes the Psyduck come out of the pokeball.

"Allright guys, let's have a practice battle, so that you get some practice before the gym battle, allright?"

Shinx nods as Psyduck was a bit not knowing anything.

"Allright, Shinx to a side, Psyduck to another."

Both do as she says

"Allright, both of you start free battling, i will say Enough if i want you two to stop"

Both nod as they start battling each other, after 10 minutes Shinx and Psyduck are allready tired as were battling for some time now

"Allright, good training, now, concentrate, and if you need to use something new, don't be afraid to use it, just go ahead"

Both nod they concentrate and suddently, Psyduck bends a bit back and opens its beck to launch Water Gun at Shinx which starts gathering electric energy with Charge, raising its special defense, taking the Water gun but not moving, like enduring it.

"Nice job guys, you both did well, now come on lets get something for you to eat"

she smiles as she gets a container from her pack and gets some cups with food for them, as she sits on the ground with Psyduck, Ralts and Shinx in front of her.

"thats it guys, you all did good"

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] "End of the World" Pokemon RP
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:59:01 AM »
same here and Golduck its awsome^^

btw, who will i team up with if i cant do solo battle?

Well, I assumed you were going to challenge the gym...

She nods

"Well i am but a Double Battle can be 1 vs 1 with two pokemon on field, doesn't mean  that it needs to be 2 challengers versus the gym leader"

She smiles looking at him and notices the girl coming behind him

"Why don't you go with your friend, don't need to worry about me"


She looks back at Jack and smiles waving a bit with her hand as he gets to her.

Did you know that the gym here is a double battle?

She looks at him and tilts her head.

"Realy? sounds good to test our pokemon and our sence of battle, but why did you come here so fast just to tell me?"

She looks at him wondering.

Lyn just comes out of the Oreburgh cave and puts her hand in front of her eyes to stop the sun as it was shining

"Well its a clear day allright, lets get some rest at the Pokemon Center will you?"

Ralts and Shinx both nod as they cuddle on her arms

"You both are so cute!"

She smiles petting them gently on the head as she goes into Oreburgh and looks arround

"now lets see... where is the pokemon center..."

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] "End of the World" Pokemon RP
« on: August 11, 2012, 04:35:44 PM »
im waiting for lubbies and fenror to post

Lyn smiles looking at the Psyduck that releassed from the pokeball and smiles

"Tough one arent ya? well, Shinx Tackle again"

Shinx lunges quickly and tackles psyduck hard, as it stays down

"Allright then another go"

Lyn tosses the pokeball again and hits Psyduck that does inside the pokeball, it starts shaking alot then after a bit it stops, being caught

"Good job Shinx, you did good"

Shins nods and smiles happy as Ralts uses its confusion to pick up the pokeball and bring it to Lyn

"Thanks Ralts, now to go to the city"

She smiles as she picks up Shinx on her arms with Ralts and starts heading to the exit of the cave

Lyn goes inside the cave in route 203, she looks arround, knowing that Oreburgh City would be aftet the cave

"mmm... I guess its time to search for another pokemon...mmm... lets see...."

She keeps looking arround the suddently a yellow head pops out behind a rock, checking better its Psyduck just minding its business, she smiles and nods

"Its gonna be you"

She picks up her pokeball and tosses it, making Shinx come out

"Okay Shinx, Tackle that Psyduck"

The small Shinx nods and starts running getting to the Psyduck and tackling it, as the Psyduck gets the hit but seems unresponsive then Psyduck out of nowhere lunges at Shinx using Scratch at a realy fast speed, making shinx gets knocked back a bit.

"Wow,That is strong, Shinx Leer"

Shinx starts leering at the Psyduck to impose fear to lower its defenses as Psyduck starts shooting water up, soaking up in water, using Water Sport.

"Use Tackle again"

Shins rushes to Psyduck and tackles it hard, making Psyduck fall backwards

"Allright its time now, go"

She picks up a pokeball and tosses it at the Psyduck, making the psyduck go inside the pokeball, as it starts to shake

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