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Messages - WhatThePumpkin

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 137
News & Announcements / Re: Happy Birthday Kamaran!
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:31:11 AM »
Sorry I'm late, but happy birthday!~

Art Work / Re: 9Nexalas6's Random Webcomics!
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:30:18 AM »
Why do I always miss the good stuff? Lol.

I'm just going to leave it at this: Me and Ayara are probably the reason the IQ went down so low, and I apologize for that, lol. The good news is, there's still hope for us yet. Well, for me, anyway.

And now, to follow Simulacrum's example, and go back to lurking.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:25:56 AM »
I'm lost. Not like I'm not usually, but still...
WTP's word of the month, [redacted]. It translates to one who [redacted].
That is all.

Art Work / Re: 9Nexalas6's Random Webcomics!
« on: February 26, 2013, 01:08:48 AM »
Hey! YOU've seen me at like, 4 am, high on various sources of sugar and stupid jokes, so NO COMMENTS FROM YOU! Especially when I'M not the one who's been put in a straight jacket before!

Yeah, but I'm not the one who goes batsh*t crazy for random pairings, lol. Even without the sugar. You're more pompous than intelligent, lol.

And straight jackets are more comfortable than they seem. The only annoying thing is that I don't like the feeling of my arms pressed together or out of use, and I get itchy, lol.

Art Work / Re: 9Nexalas6's Random Webcomics!
« on: February 26, 2013, 12:29:46 AM »
Lol. I think I'm still being portrayed as an insane fangirl in most of these...And, before you make some snide comment, When I'm NOT fangirling, I'm pretty calm and intelligent, I'll have you know! That just usually doesn't happen when I'm online, cuz I'm typically reading or something.

Whatever floats your boat, crazy.

I can say that the way I'm portrayed is at least half accurate, given the situations that he made the comics from. However, if you compare comic self to me nowadays, you'll see that we're totally different. Still funny and amazing, though.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: February 22, 2013, 09:35:47 PM »
Just saw the newest comic and newest doodles. You gotta hand it to nexa, he's improving quickly.
Cheered me up. Thanks dude.

Now, if you excuse me, my family's about to collapse, so ON HIATUS again.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: February 10, 2013, 11:25:08 PM »

Guess who's back.
That's right,
Father Weavile.

Miss you guys, going on longer hiatus.

Other Games / Re: [3DS/PSP] Uncahined Blades
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:39:36 PM »
hey, any game that allows me to recruit strong enemies is automatically on my "To Get" list. :D

It seems pretty interesting. Once Again, though, I don't have either system. My uncle has the PSP, though...

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 12, 2013, 04:39:52 AM »
I would probably be an adventurer, to be honest. o3o I think that would suit me pretty well.

I bet you can come up with some hilarious/scary stories to some of the random people that come across you. If I were an adventurer, I'd have to have a coat of Phoenix Down for my PKMN or something. X3

Efi, SJDFK Stawp. I will call the Turrets on you >:C

EDIT; A friend of mine just preformed a pkmn glitch, one of the MissingNo ones. The highlight of his newest video is "tm55 wants to learn john!"
How do you learn john? Anyone? Can anyone answer that for me? Please? I'm so done.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 11, 2013, 09:30:11 PM »
Hold up. Pause on the server idea for a second. We all know why this thread has gotten spammy. Since the game hasn't released beta, there is really nothing we can do. But, rest assured, once the game is at least up in beta, the conversations will start to get guild related. Also, the server script for the balance server is coded differently. The only possible way I can see this happening is to use PO v2, but that means giving up the balanced pokes, and going back to boring the original game territory, which will make some of the pokemon the battle knights are using unable to hold their own against over used pokes (OU Tier). It will be easier to just open a knights channel. Roloc does not care about what happens in our guild, in fact, the guy could care less. And we're not a competative guild, so it really doesn't matter how secretive we get, no one will be able to use what they get to gain the upper hand. So, I'm going to reintroduce what we plan to do for the game:

-We will do our best to aid trainers any way we can. This includes joining a player party, providing help on quests, or simply sparring to help the person test a strategy/ new pokemon. That last one does not mean we have to lose on purpose, by all means give the battle your all.

-We will not participate in flaming of other players, in fact, we will give praise where it is due. Players who troll can rightfully be ignored, as they are not worth our time.

-We will explore as much as we can, for the more we know, the better we can help other players. We are the community guild, and must do our best to help the community.

Yes, I understand, as a writer for the game, I have a lot of insider stuff, but I'm going to concentrate on battles and sparring, and not so much the other things, since that would be providing many spoilers, and I really don't want to ruin a game that has taken a few years to get done for everyone. Which is why I proposed the whole sub groups thing. I think they went like this:

Fighters- Knights who work on battle strategies, and help other players perfect their strategies. These knights understand competitive battling, and can apply it to help new players who want to get into the battle scene.

Adventurers- Knights who like to go on quests, and explore new parts of the regions. These knights offer free services to join parties, or simply start a party to go on a raid/quest. They have a love of exploring, and can be great assets to players around the game.

Scribes- Knights who want knowledge, and can provide helpful hints to other players. They actively document what they found on their travels, and will answer any question a player may have about the game, or a specific place in the region.

So, that is my rant/reassurance. Don't be sad that the thread has a ton of spam. Once the beta starts, I'm going to re-open a new clean thread, and have it centered around guild related things. So, by all means, get your fill now.

I call Scribe. Either that, or Advent-
Nope, let's go with Scribe. We all know that I'll die faster than the newbies. XD I'm okay with the guild being filled with spam and stuff. It seems like the spam (on the entire site) actually increased once I joined and possibly befriended people, so I blame myself for that, lol. I'll be fine with a new one, as long as this one will remain on the site for future reference.

Roloc does not care about what happens in our guild, in fact, the guy could care less.

True story.

Granted I am in all the channels, but I don't talk in them. I just keep an eye on things to make sure people aren't arguing and what not. But as soon as shadowfred is back, he can give admin powers to cortex and I won't need to be in all the channels anyway.
You can even ask blades/meowth/WTP. I never disrupt their RP talks.

Yeah, Roloc's not all that bad. He'll talk to us from time to time in our RP related chat (But not our actual RP), and when he does, it's pretty cool ;L he just chills and banhammers Blades and Meowth for the fun of it ;P

Yes, BS is hilarious. And, Havoc, they could have Vic and Tatum both come. Or Travis. Or Colleen. Or anyone, really. It depends on the schedules.
P.EXE is back? Like, the one I'm thinking of? I gotta go find my notes page....

Lol, Ayara, where the hell would we share notes anyway, if you even still had them? XD We barely talk anymore ;L

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 11, 2013, 03:07:49 AM »
That game was hilarious. Tomer kept calling BS on almost every freaking card, and got most of them right. XD Actually, I think every one of my cards except for like, one, was BS. XDDX
On a random note, I just HAVE to say it: VIC MIGNOGNA IS COMING TO OTAKON, OMIFREAKINGGODS!!!! *precedes to fangirl and eventually faint*
And, I guess so, Fenror. I'm not on PO a lot, so I'm not quite sure if my opinion should really count.
Well, darn. I was hoping for an episode of the Flame and the Fullmetal. or another chance to meet whatshisface because he plays Sebastian and another one of my favorite characters (although I want to kick him in the shin because he ruined their voice).

I think that could save us a lot of spam and make it look like we're a more serious guild, but then again, it would be hard for the knights unable to use PO to get involved.

Arctus, I'm 100% sure we're talking about the same thing. It was hilarious today. Gonna bet money on the game tomorrow.

And, for anyone who knows what this means, P.EXE is back in action, lol.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:25:24 AM »
I thought we have one O.o
What exactly would we do there? I think we should have tiers or each person be given a type title or something, lol. I'm not really making much sense right now, I kinda accidentally drugged myself.
That is badass. Totally. Havoc, if you wouldn't hit me for it, I'd hug you for that. But you'd probably hit me. So I won't.
Close enough. i'd actually slit your throat and hide what's left of you in a locker, but that's not important, lol. That game of BS today was hilarious. Especially because we kept BSing everyone. Trolling at it's best.

General Chat / Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:28:39 AM »

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you pokemon fans who don't want new pokemon games.

I agree that the starters are a little lackluster, and not all that appealing at all, but the legendaries are beautiful and I'm really excited to play this game.

Edit: Also, I just realized something. The X and Y made me think of a 2D graphing plane. Well, X, the deer-looking one, is a pokemon that walks on the ground, like the X plane being horizontal. The Y pokemon, the bird-thing, can fly, similar to how the Y plane is vertical. So there's my lame little easter egg for you all.
hah, right on the nose, Darkstar ;P I think 5th Gen was enough. But to be honest, I'm starting to gain interest in this new one. I won't buy it though. I'll probably just watch one of my (non-existant) friends play. Remember, I suck at Pokemon, and I'm poor ;P I like the flying Legendary that was presented, but not the Deer-looking one. XC I've had enough of Deer and Space Goat nonsense.

Oh. That Easter egg ._. I get it now ._. That's actually kinda clever. But it's math XC

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 10, 2013, 12:26:31 AM »
I don't think we want to know how mine has gone XD

I started wearing my glasses, though XD
Did you make any? Or are you one of the smart ones...?

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 09, 2013, 09:12:46 PM »
XD You guys make sure you tell me how the game is when you get it.

makes me sad to realize that my game systems are all obsolete :C

PS: just did this a few seconds ago. ASJDF DONE.

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