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Messages - Raikt

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Other Games / Re: Oblivion IV: Elder Scrolls
« on: October 27, 2010, 03:23:24 PM »
I only know of two ways to get access to the thieves guild (there may be more), so I can only tell you what I know. Seeing as I can't just peer into your game. The first is through talking with the guards, random people, posters, etc. until you get the option to ask about 'Gray Fox' in conversation.

Go talk to a beggar somewhere in the city. The poor people. They should tell you exactly where to go in order to join. If that's not available, you can always just go wait down by the Waterfront. At midnight every night the initiator shows up. He's in the.... Garden of Doleroth, iirc. I could never quite get the name right. The guys name is Armand, or something. He'll be your first Doyen, or lieutenant.

Other Games / Re: Oblivion IV: Elder Scrolls
« on: October 27, 2010, 08:46:58 AM »
My uncle just recently got this game, and I think it's pretty good. Does anyone else play this game? On mine I'm an Imperial, with a custom class. I've been put in jail a lot, mostly for punching people in the face when they annoyed me. I've also stolen some things, but I only got caught for that twice. Does anyone know where to find the Gray Fox? I'm looking for him, but I can't find him... I go to where the note tells me to at midnight, but it doesn't give a specific location.

The Gray Fox specifically, or the entrance exam to the Thieves Guild? If you're trying to join the Thieves Guild, you'll find a man with a torch in the Waterfront District. I can't remember the exact spot off the top of my head and with no reference, but it's in the portion with a bunch of shacks. You'll find him behind a house with a stone wall surrounding the yard.

Also, yes. I play. I have three different characters of varying levels and skills. I have an Archer, a Mage, and an Assassin, all three being custom classes. So far? I can't remember if I've ever been to prison. Maybe once or twice between all my characters. If I do something, I don't get caught. So taught to me by the Dark Brotherhood.

In-Forum Games / Re: The "in my pants" Game
« on: October 26, 2010, 12:30:05 AM »
Vivaldi - Four Seasons (Winter) in my pants...

I'd rock so hard at this game if I weren't listening to classical music right now.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Trainer Styles: Favorites over Best
« on: October 21, 2010, 06:36:29 AM »
When it comes to Charizard, the removal of Stealth Rock has made him stronger than ever.
You will not be disappointed!

And as Stephen said, we're working on making every Pokemon at least somewhat viable in the end game, this way, people won't be forced to use Pokemon they dislike to win - they just have to make balanced, well-thought-out teams.

Woa woa woa, yall took out stealth rock?

Dam that messes up my team. Gotta replace Forettress now

Spikes and Toxic Spikes are still in the game.

General Chat / Re: Hmmm...A Pokemon Guild, Huh?
« on: October 21, 2010, 02:24:01 AM »
I shall make a guild and it shall be the greatest guild to beheld in all of time and Pokedom.

It will be called "" and doesn't afraid of nothing.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: IDea ^^ Ranked
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:14:01 PM »
There will be trainer levels. There will also be tournaments.

I, and I'm sure other in the staff, will most likely hold regular tournaments in the game. (Try monthly or something, don't expect it very often when the game is first released.) As for an 'Official Ranking System', that wouldn't be hard to add at all once balance is reasonably satisfied with where the Pokemon stand at.

General Chat / Re: Dragon Pokemon ..Need Help
« on: October 18, 2010, 07:01:36 AM »
Dragonite has good Extremespeed sets.

Can't forget Super Power; one of the reasons I've always preferred Dragonite to 'mence anyway, obvious aesthetic reasons aside.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Wild encounter: go <pokemon>!
« on: October 17, 2010, 11:25:33 AM »
You can do this. Switch who the lead Pokemon on your team is.

That may not be the answer people want, but implementing something like this would be for pure laziness on some peoples parts. Not to mention the ramifications in a PvP setting. Just switch and if you're at a disadvantage, switch some more.

General Chat / Re: Dragon Pokemon ..Need Help
« on: October 15, 2010, 08:01:51 PM »
328 Atk vs 190 Def & 303 HP (100 Base Power): 372 - 440 (122.77% - 145.21%)

It's a guaranteed OHKO, even if Flygon hits the bottom portion of the RNG and deals as little damage as possible.

General Chat / Re: Dragon Pokemon ..Need Help
« on: October 14, 2010, 10:10:26 PM »
Did it ever occur to you that he has high speed and can learn fire type moves such as fire blast, heat wave, etc. or moves like stone edge and such.
and ur making the mistake of comparing flygon to ice types i mean ur right he can destroy most ice types if u ask me but another type of pokemon with an ice type move is what i would fear if i were u like a nidoking ... i don't care what attack flygon does he is not going to ko nidoking in one hit...so then an ice puch or ice beam and flygon is history. and nidoking is just one of many examples

Nidoking is part Poison and weak to Ground Attacks. Flygon is faster than Nidoking. He can easily OHKO Nidoking with an Earthquake.

General Chat / Re: Salamence banned from OU
« on: October 12, 2010, 11:05:13 PM »
omg lucario yes ban him from OU lol.

Hey any1 still play shoddy battle? if ya do hit me up on PokemonGTS, thats where i normally battle. My name is Jadorel there

Once we get a Shoddy Server up and running with the planned changed for PU, you can just hit us up there, and test out the changes with us.

Other Games / Re: Ps3 Or 360?
« on: October 12, 2010, 03:26:29 AM »
Still, i love the little bleep bloop sound when an achievement is unlocked.


Sadly, this is my favorite aspect of my new slim.

LOTRO / Re: [PC] Lord of the Rings Online
« on: October 12, 2010, 03:24:25 AM »
Hrolfming - Dwarf Hunter

Other Chat / Re: Status = Respect, Don't Abuse it.
« on: October 12, 2010, 12:36:34 AM »
Normally however, it is better to take what I have said as a joke

If anything I write looks like an insult, it's probably sarcasm. Or good natured ribbing. It takes a lot to get under my skin.

But, if anyone on the forum doesn't like how I handle something, or something I said, they can always feel free to PM me about it. It's not like, "I'm a mod. Do what I say or else." Mods are actually people too. (Except me, I'm a cyborg ninja pirate.)

Other Games / Re: Ps3 Or 360?
« on: October 11, 2010, 05:35:19 AM »
I think this is productive enough to count as revival.

Anyway, I like the Playstation in general just because of the exclusive games. Disgaea, as far as I know, has been faithful to Playstation, save for AoD on the DS. Metal Gears 1 and 3 are PS and PS2 exclusive, and MGS3 was 100% wincest. Littlebigplanet, undebatably, is awesome. Halo and Gears of War are nice, but they can't compare to MGS, LBP, Disgaea, and the upcoming Journey.

Aside from that, Xbox looks like a Wii that forgot to diet, and has a huge lack of Blu-Ray. PS3 is not only a Blu-Ray player, but it is the BEST Blu-Ray DVD player in the world, and thus, the best DVD player. In fact, the slogan of the PS3, "It only does Everything", is completely true. Hell,  bet they're gonna come out with downloadable content that allows your PS3 to turn into an Autobot in a year or two.

I have both. So, my opinion is about as unbiased as it gets.

PS3: What is not to say? I loved my PS2. I owned more games for it, and the PS1, than I still do for most of my other consoles. (Lately, I must say that I really only play my PS3 for those older titles.) Now, pro's have been listed left and right. You even gave a few FrenchFry, so I think I will just go and list some of the con's for both systems.

- Horrible online experience. (May be an exaggeration, but it is comparitively bad. This is also intended for non-plus service.) Mind you: this is not intended for online play or games. It is for PSNetwork as a whole and service. So put your complaints about 'Killzune 2 multplaya rawks!' on the back burner.

For online use, I much prefer the Xbox 360. It's quick, efficient, easy to get into. (There slogan should have been, 'It can't do everything, but a four year old can figure it out.') I can find most things in a few seconds of looking for it, it has no known issues preventing it from being accessed and used to the fullest, and has a huge selection to work from. In short, you get what you pay for. It may be a case of P2P, but you are definitely not left wanting afterwards.

I wish I could say the same for the PS3. Network is ok, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not fun to just browse around the 'market place' like one can do on the 360. It's actually a lot slower than I expected. (Download wise) It seems to take far, far longer to download anything on the PS3 than it does on the 360. Other than a weird interface, I can not say they are doing much wrong. It's about as average as it can get, without a comparison. But, as I said, if you compare it's running with that of the 360's, it gets worse.

- Game Selection: a lot of people say that this is a non issue. (Both consoles have a lot of exclusives!) Well, it's a tie here for me. PS3 has very, very few games I enjoy playing. Mostly RPG's, Ratchet and Clank, and things such as Killzone 2. Outside of that, I really don't enjoy much of what comes out for it.

Countering that, the Xbox 360 has a veritable slew of crappy games. Most of them are odd hybrids for what could pass for Wii games or just not fun at all. But, it also has more 'fun' titles for me than what I find on the PS3. (Non-exclusives. If I have the choice, I usually go for the 360 version of a title.) Titles such as Too Human, Lost Odyssey, Forza.

But, I digress. Like I said in the beginning, I own both. I enjoy both. Neither is better than the other. They have their pro's and con's and it really comes down to which one you feel more comfortable playing.

(As a bonus, PS3 gets MGS. So, hugemassiveoverinflated brownie points of +4 death.)

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