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Messages - Redthebeast

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 10
Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Fairy Tail
« on: July 12, 2012, 03:50:26 AM »
So are we supposed to be watching the series or is it just reccommended? lol :P

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 12, 2012, 03:46:59 AM »
While Milo was talking two other girls had walked up and said something to the guy with bandages on his face. After he had finished one of the girls had suggested that they could show him around, so he gladly took the offer. He said bye to everyone else he had just met and walked over to the girl who had offered the tour and asked:

Milo: So where are we off to first?

Luke decided this was no time to be uncooperative so he listened to what Warren had to say and after which he said:

Luke: Well, look I know we don't have to hold out for very long because were right off the shore and the police are on there way, but I'll grab Silene and take her to the hospital and come back as soon as possible.

Luke assumed that Silene was the girl from earlier and believed he was right because Warren didn't say any different so he grabbed her and took her out onto the deck. He stood thinking of a way he could get her to shore safely, he finally realized that he had some rope in his pack from when he first left Viridian. He quickly tied her onto Pidgeot making sure he could still fly, then Luke took out a receipt that he had gotten from buying the TM's and a pen from his bag. He wrote on the back of the receipt:

"This girl has been put to sleep by a large amount of sleeping powder, please take care of her, there will be many more like this later.."

He rolled up the receipt and told Pidgeot to take it in one of his talons, after which he also told him to fly to the hospital and give them the receipt. As soon as they had taken the girl off of him, Luke told him to come back. He ran back in and told Warren what he had done and said he could help, but that he would be a pokemon short.

Luke saw that in the short time he was gone, other pokemon had been sent out and they were looking a bit outnumbered, also he saw Timmy's oddly colored vulpix. He walked over to Warren and let him know that the police now know what is going on and asked if he still didn't need any help....

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 12, 2012, 03:04:53 AM »
(whew sorry haven't been on all day lol :P)

Milo was confused because the group grew very fast and everyone was talking and there was the fighting in the background, etc. But he managed to take in what everyone had said and after the last person to talk had asked if anyone wanted to help on his mission he answered with a bit of a tone change in his voice:

Milo: Well, I would help you, but I think I need to just get to know this place first and have a look around at least before I take any jobs or whatever. But if you need help tomorrow i'll be willing to help. As for showing me around, I don't know who's gonna do that.

Luke was sorta aggravated at what the guy had said....

Luke: Well sorry were not all perfectly prepared with gas masks just sittin' in our back pockets like you. I'll be right back, I guess since you got this or whatever.

Luke ran out onto the deck and sent out Pidgeot and withdrew Nidoking. He hopped on Pidgeot's back and flew to shore, luckily they weren't very far. He asked somebody where the local police station was. After he found out he headed there and told them what was happening on the boat. He then flew back to the boat to the boat and headed back into the ballroom thinking of someway he could help.....

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 11, 2012, 08:23:58 AM »
*scratches back of head awkwardly*

Milo: Alright, hehe, I'm Milo. I definately don't want any nightmares so I won't ask.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 11, 2012, 04:40:03 AM »
Milo was still waiting for the other boy to answer when Pyro asked what kind of magic he used said the other boy's name for him....

Milo: I'm an Air Caster Wizard, and I'm guessing you're a fire caster?

Suddenly a guy comes flying out of the crowd of fighting wizards, looking a bit roughed up....

Milo: You okay?

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 11, 2012, 03:22:09 AM »
(Sorry, been afk for a while.)

Milo was surprised there was no initiation of something like that but didn't care, because he was in! After the man disappeared another boy walked up and asked who he was as did the girl after realizing she didn't already ask, then she said her name was Siren but preferred Pyro...

Milo, my name's Milo, nice to meet you Pyro, hehe, and what's your name? *looking at the other boy*

Luke was just leaning against the wall when out of nowhere the lights go out and spotlights appear and about 9 grunts throw out 2 butterfree each and use sleep powder. Luke was glad he had stopped to get TM's because it came in handy.. Luke threw out Nidoking and stood extremely close to him.

Luke: Nidoking, use Protect.

Luke saw that he wasn't the only one who had withstood the sleep powder because there were other people in the ballroom still awake as he was. He headed over towards the others. By the time he had gotten there the powder had cleared and that one kid from before was standing with his pokemon fighting a bunch of Buttefree, as was some other kid who he didn't know. But There was no point in helping because, honestly, its just a bunch of Butterfree. Luke knew there was no way those 2 people would lose to a bunch of Butterfree. So, he decided to watch and see what was gonna happen next.....

(Sorry I've been afk for a while, but tell me if there's anything to change.)

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:53:29 PM »
Milo noticed that two other people had walked up and the girl had finally gotten off his back and said sorry...

Milo: It's alright, I just didn't expect it is all, hehe....

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 08, 2012, 10:58:34 PM »
Out of nowhere some random girl jumps on Milo's back telling him to join the guild and shouting about how fun it will be to show him around....

Milo: Er, it's not really up to me whether or not I can join, I belive its his decision. *points to the Guildmaster, still wondering why this girl was on his back...*

*Awaits response from guildmaster...*

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 08, 2012, 08:43:09 PM »
A man appeared in front of Milo and asked him why he was there. So Millo told him:

Milo: I'm here to join, I'm an air caster wizard. Is there something I need to fill out like an application or something?

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« on: July 08, 2012, 12:41:53 AM »
Milo had arrived in Magnolia and began searching for the Fairy Tail guild. He was given a map by his father, but it was a little outdated. He began to just walk up and ask people for directions, and finally made his way up to a unique looking building and opened the door looking for someone of importance.....

Luke stared out among all the trainers and out of the corner of his eye he caught that one guy who he had fought before he left the ship for a while he saw that she was dancing with the girl he had been so very mad with earllier. He was curious as to how he even got over that, but he decided to not worry about that because he was more focused on the gas mask hanging out of his back pocket, this raised Luke's suspicions as to what he would be doing with something like that........

(Hey blades if I need to mod that thing about the mask just PM me, but I just thought it would make it more interesting, idk.)

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