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Messages - GrizzlyEatsKids

Pages: 1 ... 106 107 [108] 109 110 ... 117
Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] "End of the World" Pokemon RP
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:34:47 AM »
Yes, I'm sure he will, but I guess will find out tomorrow!

Japanese Entertainment / Re: Your favorite Anime/Manga quotes
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:26:52 AM »
"Mages of Fairy Tale... specialize in property damage!" ~ Natsu from Fairy Tail

"When you die, the one who'll write your name down in a notebook will be me." ~Ryuk from Death Note

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] "End of the World" Pokemon RP
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:09:59 AM »
I'll be fairly busy tomorrow as well, but should probably be able to check in every once in a while. Especially later in the day (4-8 Central US Time Zone). After that I should be pretty good to go.

Japanese Entertainment / Re: Your favorite Anime/Manga quotes
« on: August 07, 2012, 05:08:15 AM »
Favorite scene his still hard. I'll try to name a FEW good ones. First of all, I liked Natsu's battle with Gazille. As Ayara said, though, all of Natsu's battle, heck, all of Fairy Tail is awesome. I also really like ****SPOLIER**** the end of Death Note when Light died, as it brought back what you would think to be a joke from the first Volume, but ended up being the end of the series.****END OF SPOILER**** Naruto's battle with Neji in the Chunin Exams was awesome, just like most major battles in the series. Also, the ring battles in Katekyo Hitman Reborn! was absolutely incredible. It has to be one of my favorite anime/manga moments of all time.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] "End of the World" Pokemon RP
« on: August 07, 2012, 03:22:48 AM »
I don't think you can have Riolu as a starter if you are a trainer.... I think the ones in the section for Police are for if you play as police only.... But w/e. And Aqua, it can only know Growl aned Confusion, we are going by moves they learn at the levels in the actualy game. You will only be level six like the rest of us.

You can choose any pokemon as long as it is not legendary or OP, but its cool, I wasn't sure at first either.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 07, 2012, 03:20:08 AM »
Eh, Spiderman was pretty good, but it isn't my favorite. I do want to see the second one, though, as it was still a good movie. The fan inside me was disappointed to find out he needed those wrist bands to shoot webs. I did find the super strength to be pretty cool. Batman, on the other hand, blew me away. Best movie ever. You may know this already, but Christopher Nolan is producing Man of Steel. Oh, and off topic, it is possible to defeat a legendary using a level one Rattata:

1) Dude sends out Lugia you send out Rattata. You then select endeavor as an attack.

2) Since Lugia is faster he will attack which usually leads to instant faint, but since Rattata has a focus sash it leaves 1 HP.

3) Endeavor will then activate breaking Lugia down to 1 HP.

4) Select Quick Attack as your next move and since it allows Rattata to attack first it will instantly knock out Lugia. Congratulations you just beat a legendary using a level 1 Rattata.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] "End of the World" Pokemon RP
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:27:12 AM »
Hmm, managing three characters? Good Luck. I only chose one (with it being my first RP and all) and after much thought, chose to go with a trainer, my starter being Riolu.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] "End of the World" Pokemon RP
« on: August 06, 2012, 11:03:15 PM »
I sent mine yesterday as well. Looking forward to it.

Games / Re: Learning how to breed in the games. =w=
« on: August 06, 2012, 05:36:54 AM »
Well, the last time I battled with it was on Platinum, so, maybe now I'll be better with it.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 06, 2012, 04:08:14 AM »
Hunger Games was really good.  Avatar was also good, as well as The Blind Side. I was also surprised at how good Brave was, it certainly exceeded my expectations. My favorite movie is The Dark Knight Rises.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 06, 2012, 03:47:26 AM »
I've no idea, I don't really know much about Warcraft. Speaking of movies, has anyone seen anything cool? I know they have live action Death Note movies, as I've seen the first. While we're on the topic of movies, what's you guys' favorites?

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:20:39 AM »
Be thankful you've never seen it...you know what, here you go, watch it at your own risk. http://youtu.be/EkAoFrfJF2Q

Well, hopefully the other movies will be good. I think Assasin's Creed might, as Ubisoft is in charge of it instead of Hollywood.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:14:28 AM »
lol, have you ever seen he-man? You can't make that good!  ;D

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:48:12 AM »
I thought the same thing, Meowth, except three wasn't that good either, but it's because Michael Bay's a good director, right? Just kidding. They're also making movies for God of War, Assasin's Creed, possibly World of Warcraft, and He-Man.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: August 06, 2012, 12:34:56 AM »
Well, who knows?  Anyway, if you haven't heard, there's gonna be a Transformers 4.

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