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Messages - Level5Pidgey

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 32
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Really big suggestion
« on: July 26, 2011, 09:04:24 AM »
Ok lets scrap the game the Pu team have been working on for a few years now and go by this guys idea.

I get the feeling you don't want to be here, Wire.

Development / Re: -better graphics
« on: July 25, 2011, 06:44:10 AM »
They're SUPPOSED to be pixellated. That's what sprites ARE. Pixel art.

Slight correction - Sprites are just static 2D images, not necessarily pixel art.
You can render out 3D animations, and use them as sprites in games to give the illusion of 3D, for example.

Either way this is a stupid topic that looks like it'll turn into a flame war. Locked.

Development / Re: -better graphics
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:55:38 AM »
Pokemon graphics are vectors, dw.
I think the person means environments and chars.

Anime & Movies / Re: Our hero Ash Ketchum
« on: July 24, 2011, 03:39:07 PM »
Ash is a bad trainer. Total nubcaek.
Every new region... "Oh... a fire pokemon?! GO BULBASAUR LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOL"
The anime is the worst thing about Pokemon...

Other Roleplay / Re: ['RP'] Digital Alchemy
« on: July 24, 2011, 02:32:22 AM »

"Okay," you say "How about that boat, spring and ball?"
"I'll give them a shot, sure." Leah replies.

She gathers up the items, and one by one analyses them with a handheld device, noting their IDs.
Finally, she pushes a few buttons on the device, and the items begin to glow.

There is a brilliant flash of light, and...

"Hmm... was this what you had in mind?" Leah asks.
"Not... really... no..." you reply.
"Okay, well... this was the best arrangement I could come up with."
"So you can control how they merge?"
"Well, if you have ideas on how to merge them yes."
"Well I sort of had an id-"
"Not so much like that... you need a strong idea - so much that it can be used as a resource. Like, sometimes after a fight, or after carrying out some difficult task, you'll get a wave of inspiration that you'll want to use when you craft."
"That's kind of what the definition of an idea is isn't it?"
"Yes. Yes it is... well, enough metagaming, eh?"

"At any rate, I don't think this will knock down the door for us. It's way too soft... I'll give it a go this time" Leah says, as she grabs a few more items.
"May I have your handcuffs?" she asks.
"Sure." you say, as you hand them over.
She puts them down, presses buttons on her device, and the flash of light occurs again.

"Okay, this should do it!" Leah beams.
She slips the cog over the door handle, and begins to pry at the door with the other end of the crowbar.
The combined force of the prying and pulling rips the handle free and breaks the door open.

"Excellent." Leah looks at her watch. "And with a minute to spare too! Let's go!"
She carries the flail into the next room.

  • 1x Plastic ID.
  • 2x 10-Sided Die

You gained 1x Idea! Ideas can be used to tell us how you want us to put items together.

News & Announcements / Re: Help a Dev! Get PU freebies!
« on: July 24, 2011, 12:43:37 AM »
Also, a warning suffices to notify us of the spambot.
Responding to it won't do anything as it is likely a bot, it's unlikely that even a person spamming will stop, and you're derailing the thread a touch.

Development / Re: -better graphics
« on: July 23, 2011, 08:28:29 AM »
My finger is hovering over the ban button.
If it slips we're both in trouble.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hi
« on: July 18, 2011, 04:03:16 PM »
14 and 6'1?
Holy cow!
Welcome to the site, mate.

Roleplay Corner / Re: [OOCC] Dimensional Disasers
« on: July 17, 2011, 12:15:53 AM »
Well looks like it should be locked.
I'll leave that to the RP staff.

Other Roleplay / Re: ['RP'] Digital Alchemy
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:33:30 PM »

You resist Leah's pull.
"Wait a second..." you start.
You grab the handcuffs, adding them to your Inventory.
"Okay, let's go"

Leah walks through the door, and you follow.

"Okay, the exit should be right through he-" Leah stops mid-sentence, surprised.
"We weren't supposed to end up here..."
"Well if we went through that door and it leads to this room how is that unex-"
"Look, we'll save this for another time. Just give me a second!" Leah snaps.
You fall silent in an instant.

Leah frantically reaches into her pocket and pulls out a map.
"Okay, it's okay" she sighs. "A slight detour, but, we're on the other side of the complex - so, it will take the guards at least 5 minutes to find us and get here. So we have some time to sort ourselves out, and re-evaluate our escape."

"Uhh... look... I'm sorry I snapped at you. This must be a headache for you. Especially combined with that concussion."
"No worries, I'm feeling fine." you lie.
You don't feel okay. Physically - hurt, mentally - dazed and confused. But, both falter in comparison to simply how pathetic you feel. You don't know anything about what is happening, who 'Leah' is, or even who you are. You feel like a sitting duck.

"Okay. You said we have a little time right?"
"Could I please have some more information as to what is going on?" you plead.
"Of course, you're going to need it for the path ahead anyway, it looks like. Shoot away."

"Okay, so, who are you, and how do you know me?"
"Can I start off by saying, it is a little hilarious seeing you in such a state..." Leah starts, "You're usually the most informed person I know. It's a little surreal, as if you've just woken up."
"Not helping." you moan.
"Okay, I'm Leah, a computing expert from DC - we met about 6 months ago when we were both hired to do a very important job. Capture a dangerous man who is altering reality to his own ends..."
"Altering reality?"
"In a way, yes. You know of the Digitisation Era, yes?"
"Of course - the world replacing its resources with nanotechnology that acts as other materials."
"Yes! There's hope for you yet! Anyway, the men that lead this revolution failed to overlook a number of flaws in the system - security flaws."
"Pretty much. By manipulating the nano-atoms that make up our world, you can do all kinds of things, like, throwing a Guard against a wall, and making doors disappear."
"Okay, well, the magic act was my next question. So, that's that."

"So, this mission. I'm assuming it didn't go as planned, seeing I ended up in... jail?"
"Not jail, you are being held in a facility owned by the man that we have been trying to stop."
"Are more people from... our group I guess, in this facility too?"
"Not this one no, I know of a few other members that we'll need to save ... but... most of us died."

You didn't want to leave the conversation as a downer-ending like that, but you couldn't think of much more to say.

"Well, we should really consider leaving. We have about 3 minutes before confrontation. We need to get through this door ahead." Leah says, reading her map.
"Okay." you say, as you go to check the door.
It won't budge. It must be locked.
"It's locked..."
"That makes sense. It leads to the server room."
"What now?"
"Well, it looks like it's time for your first lesson in the consequences of Digitisation!" Leah beams. "Well, 'first'."

"Every Digital item is assigned an ID that tells its nano-atoms how to compose themselves and function.  And, to ensure that small damages don't completely upset the system, nano-atoms are build to adapt to damage to a certain threshold, after which they deactivate completely."
"So, there are certain ways you can manipulate the systems within the items, and use the damage adaption to merge them - creating a stable, completely new, item!"
"Ah. So we need to make an item to break the door down?"
"For lack of a better plan, yes. You tell me which items in this room to merge, and we'll give them a shot!"

  • 1x Plastic ID.
  • 2x 10-Sided Die
  • 1x Steel Handcuffs

Other Roleplay / Re: ['RP'] Digital Alchemy
« on: July 15, 2011, 12:27:50 PM »

You think for a moment, and then ask with a raised eyebrow... "Garnet til Alexandros XVII and Zazzerpants McGroodle?"
"Haha, very funny..." the woman says sarcastically, "This is serious... I'm Leah... and your name is Joseph..."
Just hearing your name jump-starts your memory a little - you clearly remember an ID you always carried around...
Pulling it out of your pocket, you sigh.
"Ugh, and I've been carrying this around the whole time!"

You examine your ID.
"Joseph Corwen... aged 26..." you repeat.
You put the ID back into your inventory.

"Leah Curciona, right?" you ask.
"Yes! That's right! You're making progress. But, it's time for us to get out of here... Let's go!"

Leah grabs your hand, and pulls you through the next door.

  • 1x Plastic ID.
  • 2x 10-Sided Die

Other Roleplay / Re: ['RP'] Digital Alchemy
« on: July 15, 2011, 12:08:35 PM »
keep the names short and simple.

Uhhh... just wondering... whose 'RP' is this?
Leave the demands to us buddy boy :)
If there are any issues with name length, we'll sort them out.

Best way to learn programming is to have a school or university teacher - however there are basic programming books that will help you.

Try learning python, it's very simple.
A good bridge to the harder stuff

Other Roleplay / Re: ['RP'] Digital Alchemy
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:41:55 PM »
Say.. "Thing is.. I don't even remember my name"

"Thing is.. I don't even remember my name..." you say.
The woman stops laughing... "Really?"
"My God... that guard must have hit you harder than I thought-"
"No, I remember the guard hitting me... and a little before that - I just remember waking up in my cell..."

The woman pauses for a moment.
"Okay, not to worry... that just means we have to be very quick out of here."

"Just quickly, try to remember both of our names. Let's see the extent of the damage. What do you think your name is, and what do you think my name is?"


Guys, this is the last chance you'll get to name these characters, so, if you would like to affect this aspect of the game speak now or forever hold your peace XP

Completed Reports / #055 - Golduck
« on: July 14, 2011, 06:37:23 AM »
Name: Golduck
Number: 55
Type: Water

Abilities: Cloud Nine, Damp, Swift Swim

Base Stats:
85 / 85 / 83 / 100 / 85 / 100

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
+ Work Up
+ Taunt
+ Snatch

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Weather-Counter @ Life Orb / Leftovers
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Cloud Nine, Timid
- Protect / Encore
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- HP Grass

Explanation of Set
This guy is your one-stop weather counter. He stops Rain, Hail, Sand or Shine.
Protect scouts for Solarbeam / Thunder - or you can try Encoring the enemy's previous moves if they're not very effective.
Surf beats Fire, Ground, Rock found in Sun and Sand teams.
Ice Beam beats Ground, Grass found in Sand and Sun. It also is useful for simply countering those Dragons.
HP Grass beats down Waters, Grounds, Rocks found in Rain, and Sand.

This guy is so effective because he simply removes any advantage the enemy had. If they were a Swift Swimmer, now they're back to regular speed. This surprises most weather teams as they are centered around boosting slow Pokemon to great speeds. Now they're slow again.

Example Set
Work Up @ Life Orb
200 Atk / 252 Spe / 56 SpA
Cloud Nine, Naive / Hasty
- Work Up
- Ice Beam
- Cross Chop
- Aqua Jet

Explanation of Set
Manage to get a Work Up or two, then proceed to hurt everything in sight.
Ice Beam is for taking down any Grasses that try to switch in, as well as physically defensive Ground pokes.
Cross Chop is for basic wallbreaking. Steels, Normals, get them out of here.
Aqua Jet is your ace in the hole for Priority if you need to revenge or if something faster than you switches in.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3249.0.html

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