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Messages - Mr. Fox

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 333
Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day
« on: May 25, 2012, 04:00:28 AM »
"Well it's nice to meet you Tanu," I turned my hand from the man with the gun to Tanu. "I'm sorry about these fellows, you see I'm new to the city and all; I have no idea how city zombies behave. Out in the forest you can be nearly as loud as you want, that was until a few days ago. Been a few more zombies then usual way out there by the mountains. Burned my place up there to the ground and busted my leg up pretty bad, not to mention almost getting me twice."

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day
« on: May 25, 2012, 03:14:51 AM »
A man with a large gun emerges from the top of the building and directs me to a ladder I can use to climb to the roof with him. A second latter he is shooting cellphones at some zombies who's attention I had gotten. Just who was this guy? I get on the roof with him, this is indeed a very well built structure, the only entrance is on the roof, and the only way to the roof was a single ladder, which from experience zombies can't seem to climb. I turn to the man holding out my hand with out the ax in it. "Thanks for the assist...what can I call you? I'm Will."

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:31:12 AM »
Wow the sun rose fast in this area, twenty minutes later and the sky was like some expensive painting I had seen before. I stared for a brief moment then turned back to the building in front of me. It was obvious who ever built this knew what they were doing, no way in or out on the ground level, why hadn't I done that with my shelter? I walked up to it's wall and started banging on it, that was sure to get someone's attention. "Hey! Anyone in there?!"

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:49:33 AM »
I find an unopened pack of gum, it looks expensive so I put it in my bag then stand up. On the horizon I see the faint glimmer of sunlight, my first night in the city and I'm still alive; I might like it here. I pick my ax back up then head off in the direction I believe will take me to the forest the most quickly. After a little bit of walking I see a building that is very well kept with a large banner on the front, I'm too far away to read it, but I can tell that there are survivors inside. As much as I want to go I can't get the idea that this might be a trap out of my head; then again this could be a safe place to get some much needed sleep... Against my better judgment I decide to check it out, I'm getting pretty tired anyways.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Random Zombie RP
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:42:57 AM »
I'm good for a time change.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:04:00 AM »
I swung the the makeshift bag I had made over my shoulder, then I reached down for the ax I had found hidden in a hollowed out wall. the pain in my leg had all but vanished thanks to the Ibuprofen pills I had found in the med kit, and I was ready to start walking again. There was still a small limp but it was far smaller then before, before I had packed up and left I had made the decision to head to the forest on the far side of the city, there I might be able to find some shelter and food.

A few hundred yards from the fire house I found a body missing half of it's head, it had a huge piece of flesh missing from it's left arm, a mercy killing, or perhaps it was a punishment for a crime he had committed. Using the ax as a third leg I got down next to his body, perhaps he had something of value on his person I could use to trade... *searches body*

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Random Zombie RP
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:41:41 PM »
Hey fox, the firehouse counts as a safe haven. No zombies will ever be able to break in.
Will doesn't know that, he has a weird paranoia about being in buildings.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:36:35 PM »
I look at the card thing on the ground I am surprised I didn't think of that sooner. I get back up, nursing my leg as I do, I walk over to the card and pick it up. (play awesome zelda music!) Slowly walking back to the door I find the card reader and swipe it, nothing. I swipe it again and still nothing. I look at the card then the card reader realizing I was doing it backwards; I turn the card around then run it through the reader one more time. There is a beep then a quite hissing sound as the lock disengages. As I walk in the door slams behind me sending me running for cover, thirty seconds later I peek my head up above the stand I was behind, of course there was nothing.

As I'm searching for anything of use I find a med kit, a life saver. I sit down and open it up, everything but the kitchen sink is in here. I take my makeshift bandage off of my leg, it swollen quite badly and looks like it's infected. I quickly look through the med kit and find what I am looking for Hydrogen Peroxide. I find some guas pads, and drench them with the Peroxide. Running the wet pad over the cut on my leg I almost scream out in agony. Only the threat of zombies kept my quite. A few minutes later I had cleaned it up quite nicely, no more infection at least.

I get back up, the limp a little more pronounced now, and start looking around. There's plenty of food and water, not to mention a few tools that could be used as weapons, I grab a water bottle and drain it as quick as I take the lid off. A second later I'm tearing into an energy bar with the same vigor. I eat three in this manner before I stop myself. I might be safe now, but a mob will tear this place apart, I need to pack as much as I can carry then get the hell out of here...

When your trapped in a room of babies in diapers.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 22, 2012, 12:40:56 AM »
After a moment of constant pressure the rod snapped into two clean pieces. I looked at the on in my hand, then to the on on the ground, I tossed mine to the ground then tried to kick them as hard as I could, I missed instead twisting my bad leg a little bit. There wasn't much pain, but the pain that did come was nearly unbearable, I fell to the ground grasping my leg. A few seconds later when the pain was gone I got back up and started walking around the building looking for any way in. If these people were half as smart as Will wasn't they would have build the entrance on the roof, which meant a ladder. I found a broken up one in a pile of scrap wood "This might work. Unless I break my other leg." I leaned it against the wall of the building and began to climb it.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 21, 2012, 11:12:50 PM »
A few minutes of walking later I came to what I decided was the source of what ever light I had seen. There were sure to be some weapons or something of the sort in a fire station for sure. As I got closer I realized that the windows had been boreded up quite well. I slowed my pace, didn't want to be made into some sort of sacrifice by crazy people. With my back to the wall I peeked through the spaces between two boards, nothing. It looked mostly empty, but who knows what could be hidden out of sight. I found a nearby iron rod then walked back to the window I was just at. I pushed it between the two boards then started to apply downward pressure. *insert action?*

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Random Zombie RP
« on: May 21, 2012, 11:06:29 PM »
lol, forgot to go and post.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« on: May 21, 2012, 04:57:36 AM »
It was this morning, for me at least.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Random Zombie RP
« on: May 21, 2012, 03:37:30 AM »
I won't, unless the event works in my favor. 8)

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« on: May 21, 2012, 03:34:56 AM »
And no congrats for me?! I'm going to go kill myself! :'(

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