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Messages - WhistfulSoul

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Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] The Outcasts
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:29:52 AM »
I'll be in it. You already have mine.

Other Chat / Re: Veteran PU members
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:30:03 AM »
I had an older account, but I forgot the password so I made this one. I've been here since like 2010 I believe. Does that count?

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds
« on: May 11, 2013, 03:10:50 AM »
I vote for revival and then sequel if we're up to it

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:51:47 AM »
I for one would really be upset if you did. I mean, I do realize if something gets in the way and you need to focus on that, then by all means go ahead, this isn't nearly as important. But I do like checking every day to see if anything new happened, and even if it takes two weeks between every post, I'd stay.


Soul realized that they had appeared back in the waiting area when some harpies took Sone away. He got up and tried walking to where the others were, but ended up letting his knees buckle beneath him, taking him to the ground, so Soul sat against the stage.

What... Just happened?


Soul got into a defensive stance after slicing at Sone, but when he saw Sone fall, he wasn't as wary; when Sone didn't get up, that's when he got worried.

Soul recalled Loneliness, and rushed over to Sone. He knelt down next to him, and waved his hand in front of his mouth to check for breathing, but due to the smoke, he couldn't feel anything. He picked Sone's head up to look at his eyes, which were closed. That's when he felt the wound on his chest.

Oh no, oh no no no.... This is... what have I...

Soul was terrified of himself, of his own actions, of what had just happened. He wanted to put Sone down, to leave him, to repent for his monstrosity of an attack. But Sone was an ally, a teammate, he couldn't leave him. Soul couldn't do anything but let a single tear roll down his face, which landed in Sone's wound. For a second, Soul thought he felt spasm of pain, a bit of movement...

Quick! Pull us out! Match over! Get him some medical attention!


Halfway through his run, Soul realizes it wouldn't be the smartest idea to run his ally through with his Keyblade.

I'd probably be excommunicated from the Cavalry if I killed one of our own, accident or not.

He rotates Loneliness so the flat of the blade is facing either him of in front of him, shortly after which he slams into Sone. Not giving up on his attack, Soul puts his shoulder down to ram into Sone's lungs. Once Soul thinks that they've gone far enough, he removes his shoulder and slashes Loneliness across Sone's torso in an attempt to push him away.


Soul noticed a drop in temperature, and watched as the smoke in front of him started to turn back into water and form puddles.

Oh crap, a Blizzara attack!

Soul jumps back several feet, and launches another Thunder towards the Blizzara chunk. The two spells collide, creating a giant explosion, and a great burst of light. Soul, seeing an opportunity, dashes straight through the explosion and light towards the direction he believes Sone is in, holding Loneliness out in front of him.


Although he had hoped to evade Sone, Soul sees the smoke moving around, nearing him. He twisted around, preparing to face Sone, even with his sight being hindered. Soul noticed a bit of smoke moving in front of the rest, and held up Loneliness to block Sone's attack. Instead what happened was a separate sword lashed out in Soul's direction, but missed his Keyblade by several inches.

What the... This smoke must be thicker than we thought.

Accounting for such, Soul takes a step, then swings Loneliness in the direction Sone's sword came from.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds
« on: May 01, 2013, 05:32:19 AM »
Boy, that escalated quickly.


Soul watched the direction of the thrown speaker for a minute, and surprisingly sees Sone walk up to it. Wanting to gain an advantage, Soul launches another Thunder at him, but hits Loneliness on the edge of the barrier, causing a small sound. poop, might've notified him! Soul starts to run around the outside of the arena again, not caring about making too much of a disturbance, simply hoping to find a new hiding spot before Sone recovers from the shot of Thunder.


Soul hears the music die off, but not entirely, and realizes that there's still one last speaker. Looks like it's up to me. He eventually finds it, but rather than flat out smashing it, he searches it for cords, (and since it's a gods' speaker, there were none), then heaves it above his head and throws it as far as he can manage considering it's weight.

Using the sound of the crash as a cover, Soul runs to another barrier, and finds some pebbles. Once the crash subsided, he tossed the pebble near the broken speaker and said quite loudly, (as the music had hurt his eardrums), Looks like that's the last one. Now, come and fight for this match.


He hears a crash, signaling him that Sone had indeed heard his idea, and was willing to comply. Good. But it's not only an advantage for me, it is for him as well. Once we take them out, I'll have to be extra careful.

Soul begins to run along the edges of the stage, hopping from one disc-like platform to the next when needed, the first few catching him off guard, causing him to stumble a little bit. While doing so, he finds two more speakers and takes them out as well, substantially decreasing the volume of the music infesting the room.

I respect each and every one of you Greek gods, but you have some really annoying qualities that show at the worst times.


Soul anticipates Sone's next move, and dashes to another barrier, keeping low as to not move much smoke.

He probably saw where my Thunder came from and is tracing it. It's probably best if I keep moving after every action I take.

As he looks around for another barrier, Soul sees a speaker, and tears through it with Loneliness. Suddenly getting an idea, Soul shouts to Sone while running to another barrier:

Hey, what do you say to taking these speakers out first?!


Soul barely hears a crash somewhere nearby, turning in the direction. The sound dies down a bit, but he can hear better nonetheless. He looks towards where he heard the crash, and comes up with an idea.
Well, lets try it. Suppose it's better than nothing.

Going out on a whim, Soul lets loose a Thunder on the smoke, hoping the water particles will allow it to travel as far as he hopes. If it does, it could possibly hit Sone, immobilizing him.

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