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Messages - Mr. Fox

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I jump to the shoulder of a tall person and focus on the person the voice came from. It's Archie, he seems distressed, anxious. I lean in closer to the person's ear. "Uallgarg confused, what going on?" They sush me then turn back to Archie.

With out warning Scraggy uses Dragon Dance then charges head first into Zia. I stifle a laugh as he crashes to the ground having done no obvious damage. Not seeming to care Scraggy starts trying to hit Zia with Ice Punches.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 20, 2012, 08:23:30 PM »
I turn down a street, and shocker there are some zombies. From the way they are all bent over a single area I am pretty sure they are eating a fresh kill, maybe even that emo kid. I limp as quietly as I can past them, but even when I kick a bottle they don't move from their meal. A few yards ahead I can see an open area that is just welcoming me to walk to my death, lord know how many zombies are waiting for me in there. Regardless of the danger I walk towards it, I need to get my barrings.

As I get closer I realize that there is a barricade of cars leading to the left. Foolishly I decide to climb it, what the hell I figure, at least I will know where I am; and I might be able to find some shelter. As I get to the very top I look around, and not surpirzingly I see nothing but darkness. I look around and feel an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, "Guess this is the end for me. Never thought I would die like this, hopeless." I start to climb down and a single glimmer of light catches my eye. I look in it's direction and nothing, damn mind playing tricks on me. I get back to the ground, I turn away from the light I saw, but then decide to walk towards it; what harm can come from curisoty? I'm dead already.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Throne of time
« on: May 20, 2012, 08:19:03 PM »
Bad news guys, I've gotten really busy with school, so I have to drop out or I will get left terribly behind. Feel free to mod my chars.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Random Zombie RP
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:43:32 AM »
do you want to be eaten alive? Didn't think so.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Throne of time
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:42:17 AM »
Everyone's posted, and caught up?

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:35:52 AM »
I watch in amazement as a kid just starts cutting himself drawing all the zombies to him. I dropped the brick and something else in my pants. I was going to need some new underwear soon. Is this how the city people survived the zombies, killing a person every night? I hope I don't run into any of these brutes any time soon, they might view old age as weakness.

Shrugging the events of a few moments before I resumed my walk, there had to be some shelter somewhere, and I was going to find it; even if it was the last thing I did.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Random Zombie RP
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:30:51 AM »
very strange...

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:18:34 AM »
It seemed that no matter what I did I couldn't avoid the glass bottles scattered everywhere, it was a wonder I hadn't woken up a mob already. I stumbled another step this time kicking a tin can. I guess it was tin that woke up the zombies, because I heard a low growl come out of an ally way a few hundred yards to the left. I quickly moved to the shadows as a zombie missing half of it's lower face stumbled out of the ally. It sniffed it's way to the can that I had kicked then dropped to his knees. It grabbed the can and took a deep and prolonged smell of it, then it tried to eat it. Once it found out that tin can's couldn't be eaten it got very angry. It threw the can then let out a loud roar and started to sniff around. I sent up a prayer to the man up stairs, more then likely I was going to be a zombie's snack by morning.

I finished my prayer then picked up the closest weapon I could find, a large brick and charged the lone zombie with it raised above my head. It heard me, turned towards me, roared, then charged as well...

efialtes Got up an dwalked over to the weapons guy.H-Hello mr weapon dealer guy. um, do we know how far along the weapons are?
Weapon Holder.

"Your weapon almost done, patience!" He went back to carefully hammering the daggers in front of him.

When a parent walks in on you doing the nasty.  8)

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:44:47 AM »
"Thank you young man. I hope I see you soon..." I smiled as nicely as I could muster then walked into Oak's Lab. "Hey old fart! I need a pokedex, what's the deal? How do I get one?" He was a bit taken back by my attitude and my age.

"Aren't you a bit old to be starting an adventure?"
"I'm a scientist, one's never too old to start an adventure. Fork it over and I'll be gone."

He handed me one of the Dexes on a table and I quickly headed for the door. "Hey, wait! Don't you want a starter?!"

"No thanks, I have my own Pokemon." As I left the door I pushed past a kid that wasn't there before, who cared, I had what my boss wanted.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:35:02 AM »
"HAHAHA! Of course I'm not from this world! I am a humble researcher in the other world. When I learned that possibly thousands of new species had been discovered in this world I found my way in as quickly as I could, perhaps a bit too quickly... And I hold no alligence to this Authority you speak of." The kid was poking me, I almost snapped and broke his hand, but I held my composure. I gently grabbed his and and pushed it away from me, then I playfully ran my hand through his hair. "So, where might I find a Pokedex?"

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:23:27 AM »
"What's the Authority? If you don't mind my asking." the kid shook my hand, not the best one I had ever gotten, but at least he had some manners.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Throne of time
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:02:14 AM »
Pretty is debatable, but damn was she good! Went well with the turkey and everything! ;D

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