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Messages - Roko

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Very interesting! Keep on writing!

Thanks. :)


Nobody cares.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Whats up peeps
« on: December 05, 2010, 05:23:10 PM »
He didn't mean Internet Explorer...

I looked up from the rough dirt floor to face my opponent on the far side of the stadium.
This was it.
I looked to my right, the referee raised his arms and opened his mouth, although I couldn't hear a word he was saying over the crowd's roars.
He dropped his arms in a rapid motion. I grabbed the first Pokéball on my belt and threw it out onto the field, a blue light was released and it formed into Skarmory.
Alec, my opponent almost mimicked my moves and released his Charizard.

"poop," I said under my breath, knowing a Charizard would have no trouble in taking out a Skarmory.
But my Skarmory wasn't just a Skarmory, she was the Skarmory.
"Charizard," commanded Alec, raising his arm, "Flare Blitz!"
"Skarmory," I said, worried, "dodge it and use Drill Peck!"

Skarmory's awesome Speed had no problem in dodging the red-hot Charizard's Flare Blitz attack, which caused the Charizard to crash into the ground. Skarmory flew up high and began to twist her body around; suddenly, she swooped down in a perfect 90 degree angle straight towards Charizard. A direct hit! The steel beak of Skarmory slammed into Charizard's head. I was sure that would have been enough to knock it out. I was wrong.

"Grab it, Charizard!" said Alec. The Charizard grabbed hold of Skarmory before she had a chance to fly away.
"Blast Burn." he commanded calmly. I could hear hundreds of people in the crowd gasping. Charizard opened its mouth and a flaming beam engulfed Skarmory. She was done for, I knew it. The Charizard threw Skarmory to the ground.

"Good work, Skarmory," I said, returning her to her Pokéball, "rest now."

I grabbed the second of the three Pokéballs on my belt and smiled.
"Let's fight fire with fire, huh?" I joked to myself. "Magmortar!"
The large red beast readied himself up. I noticed Charizard was recharging after the Blast Burn attack. It was now or never.
"Magmortar, Thunderbolt!" Magmortar lifted it's arm and shot a bolt of lightning right towards Charizard. Charizard roared and fell to the ground.
"Charizard?" said Alec, "you defeated Charizard. Hmmph!" he returned it and lifted another Pokéball from his belt.

"Gliscor, go!" The blue flash from his Pokéball faded and the large, purple Pokémon took to the skies.
"Slash, go!" Gliscor flew at Magmortar at top speed and scratched right across his torso.
"Damn," I said, "Magmortar, Thunderbolt!" I smiled, thinking the Electric attack would take down the flying type. The lightning hit Gliscor, but nothing happened.
"Haha!" laughed Alec, "Gliscor's a Ground type, too, ya'know!"
"Fine," I shrugged, "Sunny Day!" Magmortar raised his arm to the sky and shot a sphere of light. The sphere exploded in the upper atmosphere and sunlight shone over the arena. I heard a few gasps of excitement in the crowd.
"Flamethrower," I commanded. Magmortar pointed its arm-cannon at Gliscor and flames burst out, engulfing half of the air. Gliscor's attempts at dodging were useless and it was inflamed.
"Earthquake!" shouted Alec. The flaming Gliscor swooped down into the ground, causing rubble and debris to hit Magmortar from all sides. Magmortar fell to the ground.
"Hahaha!" laughed Alec, "it's super effect- huh?" Gliscor fell to the ground also.
"Heh," I smiled, "feel the burn?"

We readied our last Pokéballs. We threw them onto the field simultaneously. The blue faded to reveal my Dragonite, my partner, my best friend, my strongest Pokémon. The blue light on the far side of the arena also faded to reveal a Weavile. I was under a great disadvantage against an Ice type like Weavile.
"Dragon Rush!" I ordered immidietly.
"Ice Punch!"
Dragonite's dark blue fist and Weavile's light blue fist hit each other with amazing force, but both were still standing.
"Again!" both I and Alec shouted.
The fists kept hitting, but the Pokémon kept standing.
"Dragonite," I shouted, "Get up in the air!" Dragonite swooped up. "Alright, Stone Edge!"
Dragonite swooped it's arm and dozens of sharp rocks rained down on the field.
"Ice Shard!" commanded Alec. Weavile swooped its arm and dozens of sharp icicles flew up towards Dragonite. The stones and icicles both his the respective Pokémon. Dragonite swooped down to land. Both Pokémon were having trouble staying up. Then - Dragonite fell to the ground. Weavile was still standing.

"Domino's Dragonite is unable to battle! Alec's Weavile wins! Which means... Alec is the new Pokémon League Champion!" announced the referee in excitement. The crowd cheered. I returned Dragonite and walked back through the tunnel I had entered the arena in.

All of the blood, all of the sweat, all of the tears I had put into my Pokémon's training had been for nothing. I had lost.
As I walked away with my head down, I stopped and looked up at one of the TVs in the lobby. There was Alec, celebrating his victory.

"Heh," I smiled, "next year... next year I'm gonna wipe that smug smile off of your stupid face."

General Chat / Re: It doesn't even make sense now...
« on: December 05, 2010, 01:01:05 PM »
I don't see much of a problem with the meerkat guy, sure his eyes are weird... but nobody will use him.

As for the karate dude, Pokémon wear clothes in Generation 1, Machoke, Machamp, Jynx, Hitmonchan. Jynx and Hitmonchan were basic Pokémon back then, so they were born with clothes...

The mushroom thing's 'story' is that it was a basic mushroom thing to begin with, but since humans and Pokémon became more and more friends, wild Pokémon wanted trainers to catch them, so the mushrooms adapted the way they looked to catch pray.
Again, Generation I had Voltorb and Electrode which practically are Pokéballs.

I don't see much of a problem with how they look, I only focus on how strong they are at battling.

Development / Re: Pokémon Universe Music
« on: December 05, 2010, 12:50:25 PM »
You're a pretty damn talented musician. Will we be expecting more of the rock type stuff you have on your channel in the game?

(Please say 'yes'.)

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Whuddup all! Call me Cody, Or Alfette!
« on: December 04, 2010, 12:01:50 PM »
I shall name you Squishy and you shall be mine and you shall be my Squishy.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Slots
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:34:44 PM »
If you do use the coin idea, don't just use slots. There needs to be more than one game, so you don't have to play one boring game over and over just to get your item. Then you realize you want another item..

True, I know there's a thread with a bunch of ideas for minigames somewhere. I haven't read it all, but maybe this could be a part of the ideas there.

I like the ideas I heard yet. Any ideas for the rare items?

I'm not so good with these kinds of things... maybe something similar to the Leftovers, but it adds  more HP? Even though that would be way overpowering...

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Slots
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:41:08 AM »
That's true. I scored a bunch of coins easily in Pearl Version, but in that the top prizes are TMs whilst in FireRed etc. the top prizes are rare Pokémon like Scyther and Porygon.

I was thinking of the same kind of slots game as FireRed (no bonus rounds or anything), but the top prizes wouldn't be Pokémon, but exclusive items you could only get by using coins.

Ideas & Suggestions / Slots
« on: December 02, 2010, 08:11:57 PM »
I know that there's a thread discussing 8-bit minigames, but nothing in there discussed this idea. :)

My idea is to have the slots minigame found in the Gameboy/DS games in PU.
I was thinking of the same concept as the original games with the coins and then they could be used to buy special items.

So, what do you guys think?

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Whats up peeps
« on: December 02, 2010, 08:05:58 PM »
A user named Frenchfry decided all new people would be called fluffy in the new trainer's forums. It's getting kind of stale as a joke now, though.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: I am therew
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:55:53 PM »

<what Viper said>


New Trainers / Welcome / Re: wots up :D
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:55:03 PM »
A) Welcome!

B) The 'fluffy' thing is getting ridiculous now...   :D

C) Avoid double-posting in the future, if you have anything to add, you can just edit your post. :)

Trainers Lounge / Re: Your Starter Pokemon
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:51:37 PM »
I'm gonna catch every single starter because I won't be part of a dictator's guild, so I can do what I want. ;)

Other Chat / Re: Chuck norris
« on: December 01, 2010, 08:50:24 PM »
Haha. I know what you meant. I was being sarcastic, I should explain.. I'm an arse.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Yoh! This am where it's at.
« on: November 30, 2010, 06:35:01 PM »
I'm gonna tell you what the admins would tell you:
WHEN IT'S DONE!!!111!!!!

Yeah, so, hi. Welcome to the forums. No release date, but open beta will be out next.
Stay tuned for that. :)

Anywho, remember to read the FAQ and read everything in 'The Game' section on the top of the website, just in case you post anything unnecessary.

Enjoy. :)

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