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Messages - WhistfulSoul

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Soul appeared on one side of the stage, and coughed while waving his hand in front of his mouth, then covering it with his jacket hoodie.

I can hardly hear myself think, let alone find my opponent.

He looked around for a vantage point, finding a small barrier. He hid behind it, but was still covered in the smoke of the arena.

Oh, the use that spell Leon has would provide. Where could Sone be...


Soul nodded, hoping he was fully prepared for this fight. He stepped onto the stage, next to Sone.

Best of luck to both of us. Remember: Don't hold back. But, we are still teammates.

Soul felt a little weird being in this tournament. He knew it was imperative that he win, not just for himself, but also for the soldiers lives. And yet, some back-scene scheme seemed to be brewing.


Soul saw Leon blast this Nexalas through the air, and when the Nocturne fell unconscious, Soul dissipated Loneliness, stood up, and saw Hades appear to call his and Sone's name. Hades went off again, with Leon and the unconscious Nocturne taking his place. Soul walked past Leon, lightly patting him on the back, saying Nice match. Teach me the new spell sometime.

He neared Sone, and held out his hand to shake. Teammates turned temporary enemies. Don't hold back on me, alright? I won't on you.

Soul thought that he was another person for the moment, but then he remembered his school days, and the Struggle tournaments he participated in, and won. I remember, this preparation of sorts. Shutdown of emotion, complete erasing of everything but the match.


Having heard the others, Soul momentarily opened his eyes to see what was happening in both matches. He saw that Tylan had gone crazy again, stuffing his face with rocks, and that Leon had gotten some form of a new spell. I'm not sure what that kind of spell is, but when this is all over, I'll have to ask Leon about it. Looks very useful. He seems to sense everything going on around him.


After he watched the first four contestants be moved off to their battlefields, Soul summoned Loneliness, stuck it in the ground, sat cross-legged around it, and began to meditate. All we can do is wait for our own matches, and pray that our friends come back from theirs. Although Soul wanted to meditate, he had to open his eyes to check on the matches every few minutes, but also to make sure he didn't fall asleep again. He didn't want another dream like the one he just had.

Then he started to think more about said dream. Where could that have come from? I know I heard a voice when I first got Loneliness, but is there really an opposite to it? A Ying to this Yang? And even if there is, how did it get itself into my mind, and take the form of my father? Soul shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be wondering about this. He needed to focus for his match.


Soul jolted awake just as Pain and Panic began to explain the rules, but was greatly disturbed by his dream. Let's focus on that later. When he rushed over, Tylan, Leon, Protan, and the other Nocturne were getting onto the stage. All Soul could do was nod and hope for the best for each of them. I wonder who'll come ba-... Who'll win.

Tylan! Leon! We'll be rooting for you!

Just... D-don't underestimate your opponents!

As they always say, let the best man win.

Soul could see that Protan was a little nervous, so he told him, Hey, Protan. Keep your head high. Stay in this so we can finish what we started later on. Then he gave them all a thumbs up.


Soul walked to the farthest corner of the room he could find, and began to try and calm himself and focus on the tournament at the same time. In the process of doing so, he falls asleep.

Lost in the deepest chambers of his own mind, Soul opens his eyelids to find himself laying on top of sand, under a full moon. He can't see much, but he can still see. He gets up and brushes himself off before looking back up to face his father.

My, haven't you grown?

Soul falls back into the sand, terrified. No, this can't be real, there's no way. My father is... Are you really... Are you Kelvin? Soul is completely baffled. He scurries back a bit in the sand until his hand touches water. He stands up and walks a bit further out, finding a small rock to perch himself on.

Ah, such is the image that your own subconsciousness votes to present me as. What you see is simply a representation of me, the negativity that resides within you. When you obtained this, the image summons Loneliness, again scaring Soul. That's, MY Keyblade! How is he... you were contacted by a voice, yes? Soul can only nod slowly.

His fa- the image walks over to another spot on this now apparent beach, facing outwards, staring into the far distance. He moves Loneliness to behind his back. Well. When you were contacted by this, voice, I was also informed of his actions. For you see, I am his complete opposite. He turned to face Soul once again. When I had seen what was transpiring, I knew it was my time to test you. Test you for what, you may ask? The image again faces the distant skyline. Well, for your faith, of course. To test if you really are worthy of, such a gift. There are so many others which could have received this, and yet you were the one who did. But for what reason? Why was a whelp such as you given a Keyblade? A gift which most can only pray to obtain themselves, which you did for quite some time, my boy. The image moves Loneliness in front of his face, examining it.

Those two words got to Soul. He sneered while saying, You're not my actual father. You even said you were only a figment of my mind! The image turned back to Soul. Am I?

He stepped back a few paces before shifting into a completely different person: A man wearing a collared navy shirt, denim jeans, steel toed boots, and hair that was deeper than any shade of green you could image. Again the man said, Am I really just a figment?

The image began to hover slightly above the ground. He sported an evil grin while saying, If I was simply a piece of your mind, could I do this? He waved his arm behind him, revealing the two to be in a town. He waved the other hand, summoning Heartless everywhere. Then, gripping the Keyblade, he shatters it, tossing it into the wind over the town.

Prove to me that you deserve to fight!

{This is only for story purposes}

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Kingdom Hearts: War of Worlds
« on: April 25, 2013, 11:09:28 PM »
So, to get this straight, our characters die, but come back shortly? So, it's just for the tournament?


He stood dumbfounded. All of these people, gone, stolen from right in front of him. He knew that people would be lost in this war, and knew it would happen in front of him, but... He still couldn't help but grimace. There was nothing we could do... They just, vanished. There wasn't even any warning. Soul ground his teeth together. All those innocent people, they had lives, families, a wife and... Kids, like us.

That's when it hit Soul, and probably a few of the others too. They weren't soldiers like the others; they were still young, with so much of their life to live. None of them were older than twenty, and none of them were fully emotionally ready for this, even the Nocturnes. And yet, here they are, saving all the others in the worlds, because they were chosen to do so. Soul knew he wouldn't give up. He would fight until his body gave out, and even then he would push until his existence was erased, all for these people who he could still save.

After a moment of silence for those lost, Soul turned to Leon. He wanted to say something, but couldn't think of what, so he asked, Could I go exploring, try to calm myself before this tournament?


Soul spun around, trying to catch everything that was happening. When he again faced Hades, he said, What kind of tournament is this? You're Lord of the Dead, King of the Underworld. For all we know,you're just lying to us to compete, only the winner makes it out alive, and you don't keep your word. Soul clenched a fist. What brought us here? Was it Hades? Or was there something else?

Then Soul thought of something. Do we get any time to prepare?


Soul's mind was pulled back to when he first learned of this war, to the time when he was actually in Olympus. Hades... I've heard of you, but never expected to meet you face to face. Soul thought for a moment.

You're Lord of the Dead, so I doubt saying anything about the dozens of people you just killed would do anything. Why are you here?

General Chat / Re: If you could have one Pokemon move
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:13:15 PM »
I agree with Meowth: Agility.


He thought the Nocturne's name was sort of in conflict with his clothing choice, but he put it aside. The name's Soul, and if anything, I would say that you're at an equal status among the Nocturnes, considering you're out and about in the field. Soul looked Protan over again. I wouldn't be opposed to saying we're equals.

Soul looked over at the two demons, who were smaller than he originally thought. Lets see if these guys can help us. He approached them, thinking to himself, I've seen stuff about gargoyles waking up and moving about; lets hope these two are the same, or they're actually alive. Soul waved his hand in front of them and said, Hey, could you give me the time and place? And maybe the what this is and who you are?


Soul was a little wary at first, but his interest was piqued as well. It's not every day that I can't summon my Keyblade... Especially on the world that I got it on. He trailed Rainbow, walking in the direction of these midget demons near the edge of this spirit lake looking thing.

So, may I have the courtesy of knowing your name? Or would you rather be known as Rainbow?


Soul saw Sone try to summon his Keyblade, and followed his line of sight to find out why. At the end of such trail was two Nocturnes, both ones they had seen at Port Royal, one of them being the walking Rainbow. Soul realized what Sone was feeling, and he too tried to summon his Keyblade. When he did though, all he got was a few sparks of light that turned black before fading away.

Why didn't it work? I know Sone has trouble, but this is where I got Loneliness... It should've...

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