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2023 Check in by Gawerty
[March 28, 2023, 12:41:12 AM]

Holy crap my login worked. by Ez
[December 03, 2020, 08:56:26 AM]

Been a while. by Bing
[July 13, 2019, 04:47:06 AM]

Was Feeling Nostalgic (Pokemon Knights) by Monzta
[October 24, 2018, 07:37:00 AM]

Old Habits Die Hard by Miss Wednesday
[January 23, 2018, 12:35:35 AM]

[September 16, 2017, 08:20:25 PM]

Been a long time. by Monzta
[August 27, 2017, 03:18:58 PM]

Pokemon Universe Tribute Thread by Jerry
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Messages - Bing

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 88
Well, sir.  As you are about to lock this thread, I had to post something.


As you like music, you might enjoy this.  It make me lql.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« on: January 11, 2012, 06:46:24 AM »
The rebel seemed to have some sort of power as well.  A disc was now flying towards me.  Luckily, I was light on my feel from years of training.  I froze the ground in front of me and slid.  The disc went soaring overhead.

I jumped up and stopped, throwing my sword at the rebel.  I clapped my hands together focusing a large amount of power into them and then slapped them on the ground.  I sent the power through the walls and up to the ceiling forming a stalactite above the rebels head. 

I disconnected it from the ceiling and it started to fall.  I hoped the sword would be enough to distract him.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Poisoned Utopia
« on: January 11, 2012, 06:29:36 AM »
It doesn't matter, meowth you decide where we are.

Oh and I'm guessing we don't have a map for the utopia yet?

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« on: January 11, 2012, 06:28:09 AM »
Something lodged itself into the floor, and I saw a figure run towards a room.

"So the rebels are here."

I flung an ice spike at the figures head.  I made a quick judgement about my opponent.  This opponent seemed more prone to run than fight.

I hoped the spike would do the job but, you can never be to sure.  So, I formed and Ice sword as I charged. 

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« on: January 11, 2012, 05:50:55 AM »
After an hour or so of walking, the hospital loomed in the distance.  Another ten minutes passed and I reached the entrance to the hospital.  It seemed empty from looking at the outside.  But, I had my orders.

I opened the door and walked in, keeping my hands cold.  Just in case.  Looking at the wall I noticed a map.  Popping open my scanner, I made a digital copy for future use.

I decided to sweep the south wing first.  Moving through the door,  I started down the hallway.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Poisoned Utopia
« on: January 11, 2012, 05:26:10 AM »
I am not bored at all. I'm a little impressed that ayaras character is paranoid about a simple ring. I mean, there is no magic. It interests me how that played out. And about areas, since there is no formal map, I will find something, and label landmarks for you guys to use. This may take a while to find however. I will give you an event though. A coin flip decides which one takes place though.  8)

EDIT: looks like I don't need to give meowth an event. Bing seems to be handling that.  ;D

It's all good.

I talked to him on PO.  I asked if I could send my character at him.  Figured it'd be fun.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Poisoned Utopia| Time: Night| Weather: Clear
« on: January 11, 2012, 05:06:46 AM »
Looking down, I saw the shriveled wreck of a man.  He was begging for his life, pleading for me to let him go.  He cried that he had information about the rebels.  After a few minutes, I grew bored.  I impaled his head with an ice spike.  I had no need for false information, given by a pathetic man.

Stepping out of the broken building, I radioed my commander. 

"Mother, is this Cyrus reporting in.  I have encountered a small faction on my sweep.  They have been eliminated."

"Good, work.  Continue sweeping the area, remember you are searching for an old hospital.  We've received reports of movement there.  It could be the rebels."

"Yes, mam."

"And honey don't forget.  Kill anyone you encounter."

"Don't worry...  That's my favorite part.  Cyrus out."

Switching off the radio, I began walking towards the supposed location of an old hospital.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Poisoned Utopia
« on: January 10, 2012, 08:15:13 AM »
I just got home from work.  I'll post tomorrow.  Kinda to tired to think straight.

News & Announcements / Re: Weekly Story Updates!
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:02:06 PM »
Won't the tiles keeping track of their neighbors cause some minor glitching, or cause the wrong tiles to load from time to time?


News & Announcements / Re: Weekly Story Updates!
« on: January 09, 2012, 07:22:15 PM »
Congrats on making the team.

Also, this is a fantastic idea.  It'll hopefully keep people more interested, since the beta has been delayed.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] In the Dark
« on: January 09, 2012, 05:37:40 AM »
I like the idea of this RP.  Hopefully it'll get up and running soon.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Underground
« on: January 06, 2012, 07:54:05 PM »
I like it.  Because in the dark can reference the happenings.  And it can also be applied to the knowledge of the events.  I'll assume most characters are "In the dark" about them.

Trainers Lounge / Re: New evil team
« on: January 06, 2012, 06:29:06 PM »
 Ok, the search bar is in the top right of the screen. Right below the PU Logo.  You use it to search for topics, it's that simple.

Also you should read the story it would help.

Game Features / Re: Training area
« on: January 05, 2012, 07:51:02 PM »
will there be a place in every town where you can train like a battleground where trainers go and the game matches noobs with noobs and experts(like me) with experts :P

Come join us on the PO server.  I'd be glad to have an expert show me the ropes.

In-Forum Games / Re: [GAME] Life's Difficult Questions
« on: January 05, 2012, 06:50:40 PM »
Little did harry know that his entire life was spent inside an insane asylum.

Are strange women lying in ponds distributing swords a good basis for a system of government?

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