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Messages - Level5Pidgey

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16 17 ... 32
Completed Reports / #471 - Glaceon
« on: June 19, 2011, 04:12:57 AM »
Name: Glaceon
Number: 471
Type: Ice

Abilities: Snow Warning, Ice Body, Snow Cloak

Base Stats:
75 / 60 / 110 / 115 / 95 / 79

Level Up Move Edits:

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Heal Bell
Icy Wind
Signal Beam

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set
Hailsmash @ Choice Specs
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Snow Warning, Timid
- Blizzard
- Hidden Power Electric
- Shadow Ball
- Signal Beam

Explanation of Set
When Glaceon is in Hail, it is a beast, 100% accurate Blizzard with Specs will punch through most Pokes - especially if Glaceon is holding Specs.
Basic idea is that, you switch in, smack a poke down, and switch out again, letting your team profit from the hail. Tailwind support is recommended - along with pokes that can function in, or benefit from, hail.

Url of Discussion Topic: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3097.0.html

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
« on: June 18, 2011, 02:33:03 AM »
And so what about Pokemon with divergent evolutionary paths?
Such as Poliwhirl?

Even so, this isn't really a problem in Pokemon - in fact, being able to evolve your Pokemon when you want is great with these Pokes.
I never thought I'd hear a complaint about something this =/

General Chat / Re: best water and electric type
« on: June 14, 2011, 11:28:14 PM »
Offensive: I like Feraligatr tbh, Gyara is also scary.
Defensive: Slowbro (Amazing counter to Machamp and Conkeldurr).
Supportive: Alomomola is an absolute beast. Vaporeon is awesome too.

Offensive: Jolteon or Electivire
Defensive: Wash, Heat or Fan Rotom.
Supportive: Magnezone for Steel Trapping, Lanturn for Heal Bell (Gen IV), Electrode for leading, Raichu for just about anything.

Other Games / Re: Pokemon Tower Defense
« on: June 14, 2011, 11:13:39 PM »
Trade update (all are shiny):

- 3 Spearow -> for trade
- 1 Fearow
- 1 Graveler
- 1 Butterfree -> for trade
- 2 mew -> 1 for trade
- 1 shiny growlithe

contact me if you wanna trade.

Could I grab a Mew and a Growlithe? I can offer
2 Shiny Mankeys
2 Shiny Nidoran F
2 Shiny Geodudes
3 Shiny Spearows
2 Shiny Zubats

Other Games / Re: Pokemon Tower Defense
« on: June 14, 2011, 03:50:55 PM »
Pretty much what Trainer Black said - 2 self destructs take a Golem to Red HP.
Make sure you have space in your party for the Charmanders. You need all 3.

Other Games / Re: Pokemon Tower Defense
« on: June 13, 2011, 02:55:05 PM »
Trade Update:

I have
2 Shiny Mankeys
1 Shiny Nidoran F
2 Shiny Geodudes
3 Shiny Spearows
2 Shiny Zubats

Up for grabs.

Looking for any shiny aside from the above + Ratatta, Jigglypuff
Preferably first stage pokes, but, we'll see.

Other Games / Re: Super Smash Bros. the Fourth, Esq.
« on: June 13, 2011, 02:20:33 AM »
I agree on nerfing Pikachu's Down+B. Its hitbox is silly

Other Games / Re: Pokemon Tower Defense
« on: June 12, 2011, 05:51:23 PM »
It certainly does, thanks :D

Now I have 3 Shiny Spearows and a Shiny Geodude spare if anyone needs one.

Other Games / Re: Pokemon Tower Defense
« on: June 12, 2011, 05:15:21 PM »
I have 3 Shiny Spearows and a Shiny Mankey to give away.
Would like Shiney pokes in return.

Would like a shiny Mankey. I can give you:


May I have your Zubat? :3 I will PM you the code

Other Games / Re: Pokemon Tower Defense
« on: June 12, 2011, 12:00:49 PM »
I have 3 Shiny Spearows and a Shiny Mankey to give away.
Would like Shiney pokes in return.

Other Games / Re: E3 2011 annoucements
« on: June 12, 2011, 09:50:53 AM »

Anyone else notice this?

Also, the Sony hack was not necessarily done by the Anonymous community, nor are Anonymous really a "hacking group".
They are a group, that occasionally hacks things, but they aren't a "hacking group".
The focus isn't on hacking. Might just be me being picky.

Other Games / Re: Super Smash Bros. the Fourth, Esq.
« on: June 11, 2011, 02:01:31 PM »
Bidoof for top tier.

Other Games / Re: Terraria
« on: June 06, 2011, 10:38:54 AM »

I prefer the real world where the graphics are the best that any game will ever make and the multiplayer can be up to 6 billion people and counting.

And yet, you're here on a pokemon MMO forum.

Kind of hyocritical don't you think?
If someone wants to make a thread about a game they like, honestly kid, screw off. Let them.

This was a complete overreaction to his post. He just compared life to a video game.

He's been banned because I'm sick of him arguing with everyone, but anyone who ever argued with him also needs to grow up.
I have told you all to ignore him, and you all fail me over and over again.
If someone posts something you don't like, ignore it. Please. If it's offensive, report it.

Even Wire understands how silly you can all be:
plus people get so mad on this server that it is fun to annoy them sometimes.

See? He knows you're all easy to rile up, and yet you all still chase him from thread to thread arguing with him.

Anyway, Wire, to answer your question:
Why am i always blamed for something that i didn't start
It's because you never fail to continue the fight - and for some reason, it's always you participating in them.
Understand that I don't care who starts a fight, I warn everyone involved.

News & Announcements / Re: Help a Dev! Get PU freebies!
« on: June 02, 2011, 09:58:09 PM »
I had trouble voting - any Australians had their browser fail to open the page after you vote?

News & Announcements / Re: Balance Tester Competition Results!
« on: June 02, 2011, 12:00:11 PM »
We'll probably be asking for more people in a month or so. Keep active and keep your heads up.

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