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Messages - spirit

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 33
Trainers Lounge / Re: PU prebeta video clips
« on: May 04, 2010, 12:59:47 AM »
As bad as it is, I'm hoping you get sidetracked and disconnected in the new video. It led to some amusing sides. :B

I'm looking forward to the new video, though. It's a nice look into what's happening for all the non Pre-beta testers.

Thanks for reminding me that I need to edit the clips I have for episode three....I think it's currently almost two hours long an hour long, and consists primarily of either nonsensical talking (not the good kind), or tedious walking about.
I don't work tomorrow, I will make that my project for the day (tomorrow), so....hopefully episode three within 48 hours....hopefully

Trainers Lounge / Re: Get to know the team - Spirit42 Edition
« on: May 03, 2010, 09:36:11 AM »
that was hilarious!
Did ou put the camera there or did someone else film it?

I just slept with my laptop on my....er.....chest? lap? chest I think.....hmmm...anyway.....yeah, my laptop has a built in webcam.

News & Announcements / Re: Happy Birthday ChaoticXsinZ
« on: April 30, 2010, 08:10:10 AM »
Great, I become virtually inactive for a few days and you decide to have a birthday without me? Some friend you are! I will remember this on my birthday.

lol, happy birthday dude....oh, and
Happy Birthday to u!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkej_38QwFI watch it!!!!!!!! ;)
Damn it, I was saving that one for another birthday, now my plans are all ruined. Thanks a lot fewty

News & Announcements / Re: Happy Birthday Urmel
« on: April 21, 2010, 11:26:04 PM »
I would like to congratulate you Urmel on having successfully survived for an entire year without dying. This means you are now one year older, and are celebrating a fact that you might as well be celebrating everyday, since every day you have once again survived a three hundred sixty-five day rotation around a giant ball of gas. It's no real accomplishment anyway, it's not like seven trillion people aren't doing the same thing, on the same little insignificant planet, and three hundred sixty-five days? that's nothing, the average human lives about twenty-four thousand four hundred fifty-five days. So enjoy your cake and your presents, and remember that you might as well choose when your "birthday" is next year, since it's all a celebration of the same period of time, that slowly grows.

But would you rather have a level cap? Pokemon continue to get stronger until they reach level 100, and then they stay that way, would you rather stay there after your age cap?

hmmm....this downer birthday wish brought to you by spirit

I owe you one Urmel, this was kinda....I dunno

Trainers Lounge / Re: Get to know the team - Spirit42 Edition
« on: April 19, 2010, 10:43:52 PM »
haha, awesome

If you go to about an hour and twenty-six minute in, I wake up to go to the bathroom; when I come back, my expressions are priceless (please keep in mind, I had been drinking).

Quests & Plots / Re: Quest Idea: Lost Shaymin
« on: April 19, 2010, 01:29:28 PM »
Ok, I will read this later, I'm just posting here so I can get notified in case someone comments on it, therefore reminding me that I need to read it.......Yeah....drinking....it's definitely a good idea....at least I am coherent enough to know I am too drunk to attempt this, give me some credit at least.

I read up to page 5; so, if this has been mentioned, forgive me.

However, the idea I had for transportation borrows from a few other games. I'm not saying that it should be a direct replica, but if it works, it works, you know? For flying, I do agree that it would detract from the overall game experience. Being able to fly between towns on the fly would make the game short, even with an abundance of content. So, instead, why not move along the lines of World of Warcraft and make it so that flying can happen between preset points. You would have to meet up with whoever was stationed at both of those points and pay to fly between them. That way, you would still have to travel everywhere on foot. It would just be more convenient for players who have already explored the land. The price would keep it from being abused, as well.

That's the idea, "something" like that.

We will have planes, trains, and automobiles
....and boats
Okay, I can't confirm any of those, but you get the idea.

Basically, as far as game play goes, they are very different, but when it comes to game code, transporting your character from one location to another, is all the same.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Naming Pokemon?
« on: April 17, 2010, 08:40:03 PM »
Hey, I'm all for customization of names, but it will probably have to go hand in hand with some sort of profanity blocker.

Oh my god I can totally sense a funny moment using this feature. Jeremy101 sent out YOUR MOM! (snorlax) What will you do?
Really dude? Come on, you can do better, I know you can. This one is just way too cliche, everyone uses it.

In-Forum Games / Re: [GAME] Corrupt a Wish!
« on: April 14, 2010, 09:33:31 AM »
You get a nice big unibrow, but it is compiled of several people's pubic hair.

I wish I was making ramen right now....oh wait, I am!

General Chat / Re: What is the most underrated pokemon?
« on: April 14, 2010, 08:17:03 AM »
Spirit, wouldn't Phione be called the least used legendary? it only has base 80 stats for everything, compared to manaphy which is literally the EXACT same thing, except for the fact that manaphy has 100 base stats for everything, and that manphy learns two more moves, Tail Glow and Heart Swap, and can learn more TM moves than Phione.

I never really accepted them as legendaries, just needlessly supper rare, pointless pokemon.

Jobs / Re: Storyteller free for HIRE
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:55:40 AM »
alright, you have my attention.
show me what you got, and i will consider it.

General Chat / Re: What is the most underrated pokemon?
« on: April 14, 2010, 01:12:11 AM »
Spirit i think you mean Shedinja
Yeah, thanks. I was actually thinking that, while laying in bed, but was too comfy and tired to care.

Oh yeah, and I fixed my post.....so now yours doesn't make sense! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Your source must be a good one.....
I have a source of my own. HERE IT IS

Oh Kamaran, you so crazy

General Chat / Re: What is the most underrated pokemon?
« on: April 13, 2010, 08:00:23 PM »
It's an awesome concept, and I actually wanted one. I love his ability making him immune to any attack that isn't super effective against him, unfortunately, there are way too many attacks that are super effective against him, so he didn't end up on my team.

Let me throw out another

That's right, Ditto. Another one I wanted on my team at first. Unfortunately, Ditto have very low stats, most importantly, their health and speed. Ditto must first be sent out, and waste a turn using transform. Remember that Ditto has poor speed however, so by the time he actually gets to attack his opponent he has probably already been hit twice, which is upsetting considering his poor health (the rest of his stats, rely on his opponent). It get's worse, Ditto must also deal with having to return his opponent's attacks back at him, while keeping in mind that he won't usually get a type advantage then, and that his health bar is already lower than the other pokemon's, and to top it all off, ditto only get's 5pp for every move, not that  the fight will always last long enough for him to run out off pp, but if it does (maybe the match up is too even, or Ditto somehow manages to win and has to fight the rest of the line up), Ditto will run out of attack's way too soon, and be forced to use struggle.


ok, one more just for fun.

Least used, cared about, thought of, or mentioned legendary. Shaymin always seems to be forgotten, and he's the star of one of the movies.....I admit, I don't care for him either, what a wasted potential (when you look at his description), and oh god, his sky form is just lame....not that his normal appearance isn't that spectacular either.

Trainers Lounge / Re: PU prebeta video clips
« on: April 12, 2010, 12:50:25 AM »
Just a little heads up, I am working on an episode 3, in fact, I did the recording already, but my recording program didn't record the audio, so.....You will have to wait a little while for that.

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