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Messages - spirit

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 33
Trainers Lounge / Re: PU prebeta video clips
« on: April 10, 2010, 11:23:49 PM »

Thanks ghostman50 for uploading a battle video.
Link is in the OP.

Trainers Lounge / Re: pokemon show couples
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:54:02 PM »
Ash x Misty 4eva

Seriously people, can't compete with the classics, that's why we are all here. We fell in love with the classic pokemon games, and want to revisit them.

Trainers Lounge / Re: PU prebeta video clips
« on: April 10, 2010, 05:27:59 PM »
Day 1 (or 2 cant remember) of pre-beta. *sigh*

I remember it like it was 7 days ago.  :'(

Keep up the vids spirit. The server/client is tons more stable now

I do hope people keep that in mind.
I will try to take more video for you guys, but I have to be careful....can't spoil too much

Trainers Lounge / Re: So you wanna get on the Pre-Beta 2.0 List
« on: April 10, 2010, 05:17:15 PM »
Kuhns is everyone on the PU team as rude as you? i know your trying to explain things but you seem to have said it(typed it :P) in a way that shows your a......(sorry for using a bad word) a woman.
Be a little nicer when explaining things.

Ok dude, I know I'm not Kuhns, but that was just down right wrong!
Please, do not talk like that in our forums (if you want to be a little less restrained in your speech, irc is more acceptable....but maybe still not for that comment.)

Also, the rest of the PU team agree's with her post; it is a little comedic, and does a good job of getting the point across. Believe me, the team can be pretty hard on each other at times, and we talk about just about everything that happens on this site. If we didn't like that post because it was too rude, we wouldn't approve of it so much.

Trainers Lounge / PU prebeta video clips
« on: April 10, 2010, 11:38:02 AM »
So prebeta has been going on for a while, and I feel bad for those who have not been able to play the exclusive content.

So if you fall in to that category, I hope this makes up for your loss.

*UPDATE: May 6 2010 1:50am*
EPISODE 3 (1/4)
EPISODE 3 (2/4)
EPISODE 3 (3/4)
EPISODE 3 (4/4)
*UPDATE: AUGUST 26 2010 2:47am*

Also, I would like to point out that patches have been released since these video's were taken, so things (such as my npc's) are working a little better.

Please enjoy, and let me know if there is anything else you would like me to record from the prebeta.
Please remember, this game is just in pre-beta, and is currently in-development. In other words, many things can and probably will change before the games release, and indeed before open beta. If something looks graphically wrong, or buggy, remember what I just said: P-R-E-B-E-T-A, <---there is a reason for it!

EDIT: Thanks to ghostman50 for supplying us with a battle video, even if it was originally meant to show a bug to Mr_Dark and Urmel.
But you don't have to watch it, it doesn't have me talking, so I'm sure it isn't very good.

Games / Re: New Game (pokemon)/VGC's Dual Topic!
« on: April 10, 2010, 09:45:15 AM »
will this be gen 5 pokemon?
yes its the 5th Generation..i think its the last game of pokemon...in my opinion it should be the last game...FINAL END

I agree with this, it's definitely starting to get out of hand. It's too difficult to keep up with all the generations, you just can't get to know that many pokemon as deeply as people learn their first 150 or so

Obviously you have never heard my story. Believe me, the story I so desperately wish to tell to Nintendo should be the end of the series (or so, I, and those I have told it to believe); it would span about 3 seasons, and 3 movies, as well as being one game (or two or three, if you include versions). Fortunately, as story writer for PU, I am able to incorporate some of my idea's from that series. That doesn't mean that you will get the same story as I came up with years ago, but my rendition of PU has some inspiration from there.

I should probably add, that the story I am referring to (the one I want to tell Nintendo, not the one I am using for PU), is a little more mature than the rest of the series (so that it appeals more to the fans of the original, in other words, it's target market age, is for those who were young when the series was), but not so mature that new children couldn't enjoy it, and it still would have the original feel that we so dearly miss.

General Chat / Re: 1,2,3,4,5,6 POKEMON!
« on: April 08, 2010, 08:07:11 PM »
I just started my morning.....I'm not sure that was the best way to do it.
I'm pretty sure there is a better way, but, I don't know what to think of this one.
Also, I'm going back to sleep now.

Trainers Lounge / Re: A Troubling Concern...
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:33:53 AM »
I heard a guy (I don't think it was on this site), who thinks nintendo just wanted the rights to the domain name, and used this as an excuse. It would be weird if they just asked them to change their site name, but allowed them to keep the game.

Interesting theory, and with the 5th gen games just around the corner (there is supposed to be a shocking announcement regarding them coming this sunday), who know's if it is true, and what might happen.

And as Kuhns said, if Nintendo asked us to shut down, we would have to bow to their wishes, it's not like we could fight it, but I doubt that will happen, we have quite a lot that is not copied material, make no profit, and aren't claiming any rights to already copyrighted material; don't believe me? check the fine print at the bottom of the website.

Quests & Plots / Re: my quests by:tex(also known as cloud92)
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:33:01 PM »
Low level quest remake:
Hi new trainer.My name is Tad. I had a pidgey and we were playing in the middle of the forest. when we were outnumbered by bug pokemon i droped him in a pokeball in the middle of the forest. Can u go and help him please. He should be near the end of the woods behind a tree (so players can look for it a bit longer  ;) ).Then when u find the pokeball u sudenly get attacked by caterpie and weedle(because this is a low lvl quest).Later u bring the ball back and u get an empty poke ball some money and 5 potions.

As Jerry noted, I already commented on this one (albeit on a different thread), so here is a copy of what I said:

It's not a bad start, and is definitely possible, and I could probably come up with how it would be done, but I don't want to. When people make their own quest submissions, I don't like reading a concept, and then coming up with the whole thing myself. Please understand, this is nothing against you, I'm just trying to get some more out of you.

I agree that something like this would be very simple, and early in the game, but is it possible for you to expand a little? Where is the pokeball? How do we find/acquire it? What potential problems could we run into? That sort of thing.

Also, I would suggest next time, you post your idea's in a new topic, that way, you don't interrupt someone else's ideas, and people can give you feedback in the most organized way possible.

Anyway, I hope this didn't sound like I'm shooting you down, cause I'm not trying to, I'm just trying to get as much information as I can, and give you as much feedback as possible so that I can get the best idea's out of you possible.

Now i high lvl quest:
Hi brave adventurer i see u are looking for the legendary pokemon. Then you say "yes".Then he says: first u must find a golden GS ball .It is located somewhere in the sea northwest from here in a pillar of sky, but beware it is guarded by 1 legendary pokemon .Now i know i said it is found in the heavens but how about we make a sky pillar that has 15 floors and on 15 u have to fight rayquaza for the ball (with GS ball u cacth Celeby or mew who is better). then when u get the ball u bring it to this old man and he says to you: So you have the spirit to carry out the golden GS ball now to find the legendary pokemon (if its celeby) u have to find the temple of time in the ruins of some town (because celeby is a time pokemon) but if its mew u have to go to a cave that is very deep with ultimate lvl pokemon i dont know where to put this cave because i dont have a map:P but i hope u manage to do something p.s. this quest is for 150 lvl+

I'm too lazy to write anything about this I thought you might benefit more from figuring out your own mistakes...
(lol, Kuhns joke)
...So I'm just going to link you to a topic I made a while back, hopefully you can learn from it, and fix some things; do that, and I might comment more.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Quest Idea.
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:29:01 AM »
how about this for a quest:

hi my name is Tad. i was playing in the forest with my pidgey. we were atacked by bug pokemon(caterpie,weedle..) and i droped my pokeball with pidgey inside. Can u go to the forest and find hi please? this quest would be for beginners i assume lvl 3 (if starting lvl would be 1)

It's not a bad start, and is definitely possible, and I could probably come up with how it would be done, but I don't want to. When people make their own quest submissions, I don't like reading a concept, and then coming up with the whole thing myself. Please understand, this is nothing against you, I'm just trying to get some more out of you.

I agree that something like this would be very simple, and early in the game, but is it possible for you to expand a little? Where is the pokeball? How do we find/acquire it? What potential problems could we run into? That sort of thing.

Also, I would suggest next time, you post your idea's in a new topic, that way, you don't interrupt someone else's ideas, and people can give you feedback in the most organized way possible.

Anyway, I hope this didn't sound like I'm shooting you down, cause I'm not trying to, I'm just trying to get as much information as I can, and give you as much feedback as possible so that I can get the best idea's out of you possible.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: PU Web Comic [Announcement]
« on: April 07, 2010, 01:32:20 AM »

Yeah, I added some more teasers that I drew at work, on till paper, while I was bored and working till 2:00 in the morning.

unless you make them...teehee....invisible

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Poke' school?
« on: April 05, 2010, 10:27:45 PM »
* spirit takes a peak
* spirit begins to talk in an unknown language

General Chat / Re: Let us cry. Nevar Forget.
« on: April 04, 2010, 10:37:30 PM »
The song: "Like a Virgin" comes to mind

thanks for that man

Games / Re: Pokemon Snap 2 - Wii
« on: April 04, 2010, 09:30:00 AM »
Along with a new TCG, I too have long wanted another pokemon snap game....Unfortunately (especially at this point), the game would probably suck, primarily due to too many unnecessary features that would be implemented.

However, if they were to make a pokemon snap 2, and made it very similar to the first in terms of controls and game play, but just added new locations, more pokemon, a more refined grading system, it could be alright.

The only major thing I could see them adding that wouldn't ruin the game is some sort of photo editing function. If they tried to make a bunch of different features, it would end up like super mario strikers: charged was to the original......just a huge let down.

Something like this must be carefully handled, when dealing with both new fans, and us retro guys. There is a reason HG and SS are my favorite pokemon games to date, and it's because G/S were my favorites, and they are just improved versions.

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