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Messages - Raikt

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 45
Jobs / Re: Nidoking - Attempt
« on: August 27, 2010, 05:24:30 AM »
I will bring up the same thing I brought up the previous time. You really need to provide evidence for your changes. Damage calculations, theorymon playtesting, etc. Just saying, "This is what I changed, I think it's ok." really won't cut it in the final product.

Taking your last post for example. If you did drop his Attack from 110 to 100, and increased his HP to 85, what would that do? What would he OHKO at 110 that he wouldn't at 100? How would that extra 8 points of HP increase his survivability at all?

Try working on things like that. Posting damage calculations would be a huge plus.

Trainers Lounge / Re: pokemon show couples
« on: August 27, 2010, 02:13:07 AM »
Zubat x Zubat all the way for me.

Art Work / Re: pokemon sprites post pics here
« on: August 27, 2010, 12:28:30 AM »
Is there a point to this thread? Are you trying to promote discussion between new and old styles of sprites, or are you simply asking people to post random pictures of sprites? If it is the latter, I will just lock the thread. Elaborate in your original post.

General Chat / Re: Best Steel Pokemon
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:15:21 AM »
I find that Bronzong would be a much more effective Physical and Special wall if it just had one thing Skarmory did: a reliable healing move. It does have Rest, and Sleep Talk for what that is worth. Still, playing the advocate, Resttalk does have a few advantages.

Roost: Instant healing move. Consistent. It only requires one turn to use. It actually sheds Skarmory's secondary typing. It also only takes up one move slot and leaves a lot of flexibility for move set options.

Resttalk: Instant healing for a full 100% health. Removes all permanent status effects and grants immunity to them. Makes Bronzong extremely durable against a slower team or a team that has been heavily paralyzed. Doesn't need Sleep Talk to work viably.

Moving on past that, however, I still believe Bronzong to be the better wall. Overall, I think it's higher dual tanking ability, amazingly diverse movepool, and sheer unpredictability make him the better candidate. It's also extremely resilient if you have a Wish user on your team.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Where did you hear about PU?
« on: August 25, 2010, 07:30:38 AM »
I received information on PU via ninja scroll delivered in the night by Spirit.

Long story short. (Mainly to piss off anyone that wanted to hear a story.)

I now work here.

Jobs / Re: Garukors Map
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:38:18 AM »
The map itself looks cluttered because it was designed with a small scale in mind. Something from the games, most likely. Going off that, as spirit said, it would be far too cluttered for PU. If it would interest you, I'd say make a larger map. (Try 75 x 75.) It's adjustable.

Also, I only see a few errors. Such as the roof of the house to the right of the Pokemon Center. Just a few like that. Otherwise, it's a solid map. I'll leave Kamaran for his opinion, but it shows promise, methinks.

Art Work / Re: my maps for PU
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:33:14 AM »
I have teh humor. Spirit has teh lulz. Together, we form! Eh, I have no clue. But damn is it ugly.

Seriously, though. As spirit said, we actually (well, in mine and Kamaran's case) gave advice and ways to fix it as well. It's not a horrible map, trust me. I could show you some. But, it's passable at best. So, what's the best way to improve? Have others judge your work.

If it came off as insulting, that wasn't the intent. At least for me. I can't speak for everyone else.

But yeah. I'm not nice most of the time. I think we've been over this in IRC.

Art Work / Re: Mrmopsy's Poke-art
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:30:25 AM »
For your resizing question: no. You can just post a link, if you want.

And that's really well done. The grass fits the picture, so I see no issue with it. If you want to shrink it down, you could just cut out some of the grass. Regardless, I'd like to see more from you. (Possibly a Dusknoir. -Hint hint, wink wink.-)

Art Work / Re: I was drawing some pokemon...
« on: August 25, 2010, 12:15:58 AM »
Drifloon looks wonderful. I was right about them being in color. Keep up the great work, Sora.

Art Work / Re: I was drawing some pokemon...
« on: August 24, 2010, 08:08:59 PM »
I think those drawing's are excellent. They really have a unique feel to them similar to the style of Ken Sugimori, the concept artist for Pokemon. In fact, I'd love to see you try and color them.

As for the actual images themselves, I think you flawlessly simplified the Pokemon into a few simple shapes and line types. They came out great.

In-Forum Games / Re: [Game] Rate That Signature!!
« on: August 23, 2010, 05:11:56 AM »
(Pssstttt... Coolest revolver ever. Too bad about that arm though, right?)


For obvious fandom reasons. If no one understands, then they don't deserve the knowledge.

That's what I asked myself about Pokabu, the fire type pig. Though for some reason I didn't think that when I first saw Torchic. I actually enjoy chicken more than ham or sausage. Oh well.

Pokabu - Bacon that cooks itself. Man's best breakfast.

News & Announcements / Re: New GUI in the making
« on: August 22, 2010, 01:32:00 AM »

I remember when Baka showed me the design for the new GUI as well, weird. It was thoroughly awesome. I only had a few suggestions to offer. It's nice to see that it's up and ready for action now.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hello there, I'm Fergal
« on: August 21, 2010, 06:48:11 PM »
Welcome to PU Fergal. Most of us spend a lot of time working. (Hence why the game is kind of dragging during the summer months.) Still, we're working hard for you guys.

Check out the rest of the forums, welcome again, and hope you enjoy it around here.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hey, I'm New! ;D
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:46:56 AM »
Yo, Inngy. If you want to make a lot of friends, I suggest hitting up the RP boards or coming onto the public IRC. You'll meet most of the site there.

Other than that, welcome, follow the rules (or I steal your soul), and have a good time.

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