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Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 33
News & Announcements / Re: [NEWS] Private Pre-Beta 2.0
« on: April 01, 2010, 11:45:00 PM »
Isn't it time? It has been 5 hours since Kamaran said 5 hours.

Patience young one, and join us in chat

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: PU Web Comic [Announcement]
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:43:40 PM »
Hmmm, I'm guessing that I'll be the tall, dark and good looking trainer? But thanks a lot both of you!

heeheehee, oh, just you wait

News & Announcements / Re: [official]Quest contest winners!
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:09:19 PM »

Yeah, the second prizes have been announced, check the awards post to see what they are.

And to everyone that wrote a quest, I will be giving you feedback, just not yet....I'm kinda swamped when I'm working on stuff right now, however, if you catch me on IRC saying I'm bored, tell me to review some quests, and get off my ass.

The third prize is still a mystery however.

I can't remember what else I was going to say. :(

Fan Fiction & Writing / PU Web Comic [Announcement]
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:27:26 AM »
Ok, so it's been hinted at, (and I think a few people learned about it already), but Kuhns and myself have been in talks about doing a web comic for PU, and I am now officially announcing it.
If you want to take a look at Kuhn's artwork, click the link below.
Anyway, I wanted to have it ready for pre-beta, but with how busy everyone is, I don't think that is going to happen, so when we can get this started, we will.
You may be asking yourself why I would be giving you this little teaser when we have no real date in sight anymore, so I encourage you to click this next link before you keep reading.
. . .
. . .
Ok, so now that you have read that (or not), I would like to announce the second prizes for Jerry and Declan_23.
Congrats guys, you will both be featured in the comic when it finally debut's, but I won't tell you what you will look like, what you will say, what you will be doing, or how often you will appear.
I don't really care if you guys don't find it funny, this is mine (and Kuhn's) comic, and we are finding what we are doing absolutely hilarious.
Now, don't worry, I won't leave you completely empty handed, instead I would like to present you with a small teaser.
. . .
. . .

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. . .
First, I would also like to note that, that is not the name of the comic, in fact, we haven't thought of a name yet. If you want to give your suggestions for a name, you may do so, if we find one we like, perhaps we will use it, but no guarantees.
Second, I promise not to be the artist for the comic, I am aware how painful that was, instead, I shall stick to the writing since that's what I like to think i am best at.

Oh yeah, as for the story of the comic. It is about a small group of trainers who are on a cruise ship to get to the greatest pokemon region of all time, I assume you can figure out what region I speak of.

Now, feel free to go nuts, I know this is awesome news.
P.S. Before anyone asks, no, I haven't forgotten about Jerry's secret third prize, but you will have to wait a little longer (but not much) before that one is revealed.

Ok, so while Kuhns is still taking her sweet time in the lurking tree, I decided to give you yet another teaser. This time all the drawings were done by me while at work (I get pretty bored there when there are no customers). I tried to put them in chronological order so you can see how my sanity deteriorated over time.

Oh LoL

Yeah, I never did understand that

Inspiration for this one, from my work. Also, LoL at the terrible Victorybell

I was playing HG during my break, and yeah, there is a girl who actually says that

I was gonna draw an Exploud, but couldn't seem to be able to, even though that hasn't stopped me before

Yup, he can actually surf

This was the last one I drew on Easter Sunday, when I was working until 2:00am
There is actually another one that I drew on Easter Monday, when I was working until 2:00am again, but thank god it was lost, it was even more upsetting.
. . .

Oh, and this one isn't really a comic, but I made it anyway as a homage to the greatest series on Youtube

So yeah, there you have it. Hopefully this will encourage Kuhns to draw more, as a way to protect the world from ever seeing such abominations as my drawing skills ever again.

Hur, hur....

In-Forum Games / Re: Keep the story going!
« on: March 31, 2010, 04:36:50 PM »
Can we have no deaths here? >:(

I have to disagree good sir, if a death happens down the road and is tastefully done, it could work.....something so soon, and something like that is just wrong though.

lucas starts to choke and he dies.....its a cold morning at lucas's funeral
...to quote a boxing glove wearing friend of mine...

Having happily finished their breakfast, Lucas and Zoe, thanked their father, walked out their door into the bright cloudless day, and headed for the welcoming forest close by.

All posts made by Pika are actually me. I decided to change my name because, well, I didn't like it :P. Also Mr Pokemon is an awesome name!

It would be preferred if you only had one account.
Oh, and you could have just told us you wanted to change your name, instead of making a new account.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Pokemon Universe Time
« on: March 29, 2010, 09:15:54 AM »
I'm on far to much...I usually stay logged into IRC and the forums, even if I'm not actually there.

That stands for a good majority of the staff too, well, at least the IRC part

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Quest Idea.
« on: March 28, 2010, 09:18:23 PM »
Umm....not bad, there is no depth to it, and it is clear that it was hastily written (not much thought put into it), but I will acknowledge it.
I mean, it does what it was set out to do. As you said, this is a beginner quest, it isn't very complicated, and might fit as a small quest early on in the game.
I shall consider it, only because of it's simplicity, and the fact that you were obviously not trying too hard. Many a time, I read quests where people were clearly trying way too hard to be accepted, you avoided that nicely.

Oh and...

how cliche XD

Trainers Lounge / Re: So you wanna get on the Pre-Beta 2.0 List
« on: March 28, 2010, 08:33:00 PM »
Absolutely not! We are taking this game super seriously, and would never lower ourselves to the level of profane humor; that is just uncalled for!

In-Forum Games / Re: [Game] Pokemon Quiz
« on: March 28, 2010, 01:00:48 AM »
stupid participate only once rule, i think i figured out the answer to number 3, not to mention, i should have been able to get number 5 no problem

In-Forum Games / Re: [Game] Pokemon Quiz
« on: March 27, 2010, 11:53:25 PM »
Q2. Dialga
Q3. Torchic, it's the only one that doesn't have fire coming out of it

General Chat / Re: ONE WEEK OMFG!
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:14:43 PM »
yeahh one week!! but only the pre-beta tester can enjoy it :-(
i want too but i think there is no chance more i must wait till the public beta cames out.

There's nothing to be enjoyed in the Pre-Beta. The Testers are going to work and sweat and die until there is nothing else left of them besides a vegetable in front of a computer monitor. And then, after that, all their progress will be wiped clean so it's like they didn't even exist (their post count will be knocked down to exactly -4 as well) and when that is all done--*continues to rant*
so pretty much its like a job and the boss never promotes you or pay you

Slave labor ftw

General Chat / ONE WEEK OMFG!
« on: March 25, 2010, 08:44:09 PM »
I just wanted everyone to know that there is only one week left before pre-beta!

here`s some info on the matter

Trainers Lounge / Re: Lets Compose a Song!
« on: March 25, 2010, 08:35:12 AM »
While I am all for this (and may help out), I just want to stress that this is purely a forum project. Hiteryan makes the music for PU, so please don`t assume that just because you guys make something, doesn`t it will be used.

But please don`t let that stop you from having some fun!

Also, Coltrane, sweet avatar!

personally I'd say it wold be best to have basic modes of transportation, such as, bike(possible acro and mach), maybe a skateboard, roller blades(ice skates for icy areas), maybe a snow mobile for snow cover areas but anything more might just be over kill, but again just my two cents :)

I would define those as the primary modes of transportation.
There should also be secondary modes: planes, trains, and automobiles, large boats.

But you're right, much more, is too much more.

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